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.“Time to measure Ness—er, Renesmee,” Carlisle explained.“Oh.You do this every day?”“Four times a day,” Carlisle corrected absently as he motioned the others toward the couch.I thought I saw Renesmee sigh.“Four times? Every day? Why?”“She’s still growing quickly,” Edward murmured to me, his voice quiet and strained.He squeezed my hand, and his other arm wrapped securely around my waist, almost as if he needed the support.I couldn’t take my eyes off Renesmee to check his expression.She looked perfect, absolutely healthy.Her skin glowed like backlit alabaster; the color in her cheeks was rose petals against it.There couldn’t be anything wrong with such radiant beauty.Surely there could be nothing more dangerous in her life than her mother.Could there?The difference between the child I’d given birth to and the one I’d met again an hour ago would have been obvious to anyone.The difference between Renesmee an hour ago and Renesmee now was subtler.Human eyes never would have detected it.But it was there.Her body was slightly longer.Just a little bit slimmer.Her face wasn’t quite as round; it was more oval by one minute degree.Her ringlets hung a sixteenth of an inch lower down her shoulders.She stretched out helpfully in Rosalie’s arms while Carlisle ran the tape measure down the length of her and then used it to circle her head.He took no notes; perfect recall.I was aware that Jacob’s arms were crossed as tightly over his chest as Edward’s arms were locked around me.His heavy brows were mashed together into one line over his deep-set eyes.She had matured from a single cell to a normal-sized baby in the course of a few weeks.She looked well on her way to being a toddler just days after her birth.If this rate of growth held…My vampire mind had no trouble with the math.“What do we do?” I whispered, horrified.Edward’s arms tightened.He understood exactly what I was asking.“I don’t know.”“It’s slowing,” Jacob muttered through his teeth.“We’ll need several more days of measurements to track the trend, Jacob.I can’t make any promises.”“Yesterday she grew two inches.Today it’s less.”“By a thirty-second of an inch, if my measurements are perfect,” Carlisle said quietly.“Be perfect, Doc,” Jacob said, making the words almost threatening.Rosalie stiffened.“You know I’ll do my best,” Carlisle assured him.Jacob sighed.“Guess that’s all I can ask.”I felt irritated again, like Jacob was stealing my lines—and delivering them all wrong.Renesmee seemed irritated, too.She started to squirm and then reached her hand imperiously toward Rosalie.Rosalie leaned forward so that Renesmee could touch her face.After a second, Rose sighed.“What does she want?” Jacob demanded, taking my line again.“Bella, of course,” Rosalie told him, and her words made my insides feel a little warmer.Then she looked at me.“How are you?”“Worried,” I admitted, and Edward squeezed me.“We all are.But that’s not what I meant.”“I’m in control,” I promised.Thirstiness was way down the list right now.Besides, Renesmee smelled good in a very non-food way.Jacob bit his lip but made no move to stop Rosalie as she offered Renesmee to me.Jasper and Edward hovered but allowed it.I could see how tense Rose was, and I wondered how the room felt to Jasper right now.Or was he focusing so hard on me that he couldn’t feel the others?Renesmee reached for me as I reached for her, a blinding smile lighting her face.She fit so easily in my arms, like they’d been shaped just for her.Immediately, she put her hot little hand against my cheek.Though I was prepared, it still made me gasp to see the memory like a vision in my head.So bright and colorful but also completely transparent.She was remembering me charging Jacob across the front lawn, remembering Seth leaping between us.She’d seen and heard it all with perfect clarity [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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