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.Okay?”Jelindra nodded and vaulted onto the back of her horse.“The west gate.I’ll wait for you.”They started out of the courtyard, riding slowly in the watery winter sunlight.Khallayne would have preferred the darkness of night to cover their movements.She magically muffled the sound of their horse’s hooves slightly, hoping nobody would hear them.The gates of the courtyard loomed overhead, casting a shadow over the cobblestones.She breathed a sigh of relief.They were going to make it.Suddenly, a cry of alarm went up from the castle.She glanced back and saw Jyrbian, standing at the top of the steps, pointing at her.“Stop them!” he shouted.“Don’t let them get away!”Khallayne slapped the rump of Jelindra’s horse.“Go!” she screamed.“Run!”The horse leapt forward and streaked through the gate, Jelindra bent low over its back.Khallayne wheeled to face Jyrbian.Guards poured from the castle and from the exercise yard behind the courtyard, running for the stables.If they reached their horses, they would catch Jelindra for sure!Power hummed along her nerves.She cast it out, slamming the doors to the stables, fusing the hinges.The guards beat against the doors, then turned and headed toward her.She spoke a word, a simple word, and a wall of fire sprang up to meet them.The guards fell back.An arrow whizzed past her, far off to the side.She heard Jyrbian scream, “Don’t hurt her! I want her alive!”She could see him, through a haze of heat, gesturing at the guards.His lips were moving in spell casting, and she felt the power of the fire waver.She breathed the wall of flame higher.She wheeled her horse again, turning toward the city.The animal, frightened by the fire, scrabbled for purchase on the cobblestones, almost fell, then righted himself.The gate flashed past as he leapt forward.She was clear! She was free!Something smote her, something like a giant hand.It jarred her teeth, jolted her muscles, then lifted her up off her horse and dropped her with skull-crushing force.She cried out, braced for the impact.At the last moment, something equally powerful cushioned the fall so that only her back was bruised, her breath knocked out of her.Dazed, she sat up.Clattering feet were right behind her, but it wasn’t too late to buy more time for Jelindra.She came to her feet, ready to fight.The two guards in front drew bows, nocked arrows, and dropped to their knees.“Gently,” Jyrbian called, striding down the hill toward her.“Gently,” he was smiling, waving the guards away as he moved forward.“Khallayne.” When he reached her, he motioned the guards away and walked right up to her.He clasped her shoulders in his big hands.“Thank you.”She jerked away from his grasp.“For what?”“I understand.” His smile grew even wider.“When you ran, I tried to stop you, but the words wouldn’t come.But then the spell did, from inside, just like you said it would.”He tilted his head back, face to the sky, and laughed.“Now there’s nothing I can’t do!”* * * * *Shadows moved.Stars as bright as gems burned holes in the black sky and twinkled so brightly that Bakrell thought he could hear them singing a song of fire and darkness that tinkled like chimes.The night seemed full of rustling movement.He rode easily, humming to himself for company.Two warriors had ridden with him, but as they had neared the mountains, he had sent them back.Tenaj would be angry.If he ever saw her again, he was sure she would have a few choice phrases, but he also felt he would be safer alone.The mountains loomed, a blot in the sky, casting a long, dark shadow out on the plains.In the next hour, he would be in the foothills.He kicked his horse to a canter.He watched for any sign of human or Ogre encampment, listened for warnings in the hooting and calling of the night-birds, of the rustling of animals in the grass.He chose the most direct route he knew, a trail almost straight up into the Khalkists, riding into rain as soon as he left the rolling foothills behind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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