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.“Hello? Miss Howard? This is Sallie.I don’t know if you remember me, but I am the technician who helped with Miracle the other day.”“Of course, Sallie.” Alice did indeed recall the dark-haired young woman.“Miracle liked you.”Sallie laughed.“I guess that might make me memorable since you say she’s not fond of many people.Miss Howard, I wondered if…well, I would like to offer Miracle a foster home until her family can find her.And if they never do appear, I would be interested in adopting her.”Alice was stunned.She had been praying for such an event, and this exceeded her greatest hopes.Sallie had medical knowledge and a close relationship with the dog’s vet.“Oh, Sallie, this is wonderful news.I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have care for Miracle.”“I’m glad you feel that way, Miss Howard.Is there a foster care form to fill out?”“Yes,” Alice told her.“I do have an application for you.When it’s complete, I’ll send it down to Florida to the director of Camp Compassion, and once he approves it, Miracle can go to live with you.”“Wonderful! May I visit her in the meantime? I thought it might be best if I saw her in her own familiar surroundings initially.Then you could bring her to visit me a few times before she comes here for good.That would be the least stressful way to introduce her to a new home, don’t you think?”“I certainly do.” Alice’s pulse was pounding with excitement.Oh, she could not wait to tell Jane and Louise.In addition, she would have to call Mark, of course, and Ellen and the twins.She would enclose a note to Joe with the foster care application.“Thank you so much.How would Sunday be for a first visit? I would do it sooner, but my family is deeply involved in a crafts fair this weekend and we all are a bit overwhelmed right now.”At long last, the Saturday of the first Grace Chapel Crafts Fair arrived.All day long, people streamed in and out, examining everything and buying, buying, buying.Louise, dressed in practical khaki slacks and a checked blouse that was her idea of casual wear, met Alice in the middle of the Assembly Room shortly before three.Alice’s nose was a bit pink, and she rubbed her gloved hands together.She wore a long-sleeved blue sweater over her favorite jeans and she carried a heavy coat.Ethel had recruited her to work outdoors selling hot chocolate and cider, so Alice had been outside much of the day.“It is really chilly out there.At first I didn’t think it was too bad, but that wind cuts right through me.”“That is a shame,” Louise said.“I know Aunt Ethel had hoped that her outdoor ideas would be a popular draw.”“Oh, they have been,” Alice assured her.“We sold out of hot chocolate about an hour ago, and the last of the cider just went, which is why I am free.My duties are officially completed.” She gestured toward the doors.“So many people attended the carding and spinning demonstrations that next year I think we should offer more than one of each.How has it gone in here?”Louise shrugged.“About as I expected.A few small squabbles over square inches, but generally everyone has been polite and helpful.They are happy because they sold a great deal of their wares.” She rocked a little, trying to give her aching feet a break.“Attendance was astounding.”Alice looked around.“It looks like a flock of crows picked this field clean.”Louise laughed.“That might be more accurate than you think!”Tables covered in white cloths were set up all over the room, creating small niches into which different vendors had shown their craft offerings.Tall racks bore baskets, ornaments, scarves and more, but there was plenty of white space atop the tables and on the racks where vendors had run out of items to be sold.The entire space had hummed with bustling people all day long, and only now was it beginning to empty out.Along one wall were two long tables.One displayed the raffle items Jane and Sylvia had solicited.Sylvia still sat there, animatedly chatting with people purchasing tickets.The other table had been covered in tasty-looking baked goods.There was a mad rush to purchase those, and the very last brownie had been sold more than an hour ago.Jane, looking positively exhausted, joined them a moment later.“I’m glad this crafts fair is going to be over today,” Louise remarked.“I’m not sure you could take another week of this pace.”“Oh, it’s my own fault,” Jane told her.She was wearing baggy brown corduroy overalls with an ivory turtle-necked blouse.“I stayed up until almost three in the morning baking.”“Oh, Jane, whatever for? You already did so much that I’m sure baked goods were not necessary.”“I wanted to do it.” Jane grinned.“I’m bleary-eyed and weaving on my feet, but I’ve performed a true labor of love.”“You’re a saint [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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