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.‘How long are in for?’‘Seven years, but only five if I’m a good boy.’ ‘Well be a good boy with me and I’ll see that you don’t come to any harm,’ I said as the cell light went out.‘Okay, it’s time to show those other buggers that you are with me to stay.Let’s get up and have this mattress on the floor.’I rolled off the bunk and let him, slowly again, get off the bunk and drag the mattress to the floor.‘On your knees and facing the bunk.They’ve got to see me fucking you.’ So down onto his knees he went, facing the bunk.‘This….this is my first time John, so please, please be gentle with me,’ he said, and it sounded as if he had a sob in his voice.‘I will Brian,’ I said as I had put myself down between his legs, moving them further apart so that the cheeks of his bum parted for me to see what to aim at, and gave them a stroke before spitting into my palm and rubbing the saliva over the head of my erection.‘Now the secret is to relax Brian.Just relax,’ I said and looked out of our cell to see the watchers on the other side looking across at us.I smiled to myself that this boy was going to be nice to fuck, mine, not theirs.‘Relax Brian,’ I said in a low and soft voice as I had one hand on his hip, using the other to guide the head of my erect cock to the entrance to his treasure trove.His body gave a start as he felt the head touch him and I used my body weight to hold it there as I let go to raise my hand and gave a cheek of his bum a slap.This was the same thing that Bruno had done to me with it being my first time and seemed to have worked then and it did now, for with the slap, I pushed forward and had no trouble in entering him.His body had given a little jump at the slap but there was no cry of any pain as the head entered him and he let out a whoosh of air as he felt me sliding right up inside him till my thighs met the cheeks of his bum.‘Wow!’ he gasped as I held his hips firmly, making my cock twitch inside him and having the response of his muscle flexing itself round my shaft.Then I began to move in giving him the first experience of being fucked by another man and start him on the road towards becoming a homosexual.He was tight and I got real pleasure in moving my cock back and forth inside that orifice.I was that thrilled that I was soon holding his hips tight as I really rammed my body up hard to his as I began to shoot my semen up into his backside.He had been giving out little grunts every time my body had touched his in my fucking of him but now it sounded like an eek as he felt the first of my sperm hitting his insides.It took several thrusts before I knew that I had finished and found myself breathing heavily as I came to a stop.I felt his muscle start flexing like mad as I pulled out of him and I stood up and waved my cock at the watchers before turning to the basin to wash myself.‘Okay Brian,’ I began, prodding him with a toe.‘Get up and put your mattress back on the bunk.The others have seen that you are now untouchable to them and you’ll be safe with me, though they will expect to see me doing this often.’‘How…how often?’ he asked in a tremulous voice.‘As often as I want it, but the consolation is that I’ll also let you fuck me,’ I said, pulling him close to me.‘Now give me a kiss and let them see that we really are one,’ pulling his body close to mine and held him as our lips met.Though from him it was just a mere touching of the lips and not what you would call a proper kiss.With our bodies touching as they were, I could feel that he had gotten another erection and so I pushed him back to sit down on his bunk and I went down and took the head of his cock into my mouth and sucked at him till he gave forth his seed for me to swallow.Well it was only fair that he should be given head as seeing I’d just had my cock up his backside.He tasted quite nice.We queued with the others now for breakfast and after we’d eaten, I took him off to work.He was amazed at the number of locked doors that we to go through before we were outside and amazed again at how large the garden was where he would be working with me.I didn’t make him work too hard that first day and couldn’t wait for the night that seemed to take ages before it came round to us being back in our cell after dinner.We sat talking on his bunk and heard the tap, tap of the warders stick as he did his count and knew that the light would be going out very shortly as the door to our cell closed with its usual clang.‘Right,’ I said when the ceiling light had gone out.‘Get undressed and the mattress on the floor as I stood up and began taking my clothes off.He wasn’t as slow as the night before and was soon naked and down on his knees before me.It was lovely seeing that perfectly shaped bum there with the entrance to him partly hidden by his nice firm yet soft cheeks.I spat on my hand and rubbed myself before getting between his legs and once again have the thrill of putting my erect cock back up inside him.He had gasped at the entry but didn’t cry out so it couldn’t have been so bad and he gave out his little grunts every time our bodies met in my fucking of him and came with some gusto as I relieved the pressure from my balls.He gave out a little cry as I pulled out for me to wash myself and he hadn’t needed to be told to put the mattress back on the bunk and was sitting down when I’d finished washing myself.‘Can…can I fuck you?’ he asked, him sitting there with an erection sticking up, and as nice that it looked and as much as I wanted him to fuck me, said no.‘Not tonight,’ I said, seeing the look of chagrin on his face, for I had to make him see that it was me in charge of the cell and would only let him fuck me as a treat.But this went by the board later in our relationship for that night I was really cutting off my nose to spite my face as they say, for I did want him fucking me, but I would the next night [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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