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.He watched as Romano walked into the main room of the theater, disappearing with the man who had just touched him as though he knew him well.Too well.“Tyler?”He snapped his attention back to Brianna.What had she just said? “I’m sorry,” he apologized.“I’m still recovering from the bright lights of the big city.”Brianna nodded.“I know what you mean.” She looked around for a moment, then leaned back in, whispering to Tyler.“Cameron is drinking like mad already.Who knows why, but it’s going to be one of those nights.”Tyler shook his head.Cameron had been on the production team of their last movie, and he had been genial enough as long as he wasn’t drinking.When he had some liquor in him, he was one of the most annoying bastards Tyler had ever met.“Is he in an ornery mood, or just a horny one?”“Both.I saw him slap an assistant on the ass earlier.Not his own, mind you.”“Good God.”“Then he got rather loud with a waiter and said the shrimp looked dead.”“Well, they are dead.”“See what I mean? One of those nights.”Tyler nodded.It was already one of those nights in more ways than one.“Where’s the bar?”Brianna grinned.“Follow me.”***Throughout that long night, Tyler watched as Romano flirted like mad with the handsome guy on the other side of the room.Romano had the good fortune of being out already, but Tyler obviously did not – and Tyler had done such a good job of pretending to be straight that everyone just assumed Romano was the assistant who happened to be gay, and nothing more.Tyler had done nothing to challenge that assumption, and that meant that tonight he had to sit in the uncomfortable chair and watch the auction efforts, talk to Brianna like they were old friends and watch Romano break his heart.Romano never once looked in his direction.It’s like Tyler no longer existed.Brianna, on the other hand, was entirely certain he did exist, and she was paying the utmost attention.He was accustomed to letting women get a little close, just close enough that the press would have a field day with it and not question anything else.But there was no press here, just movers and shakers in the industry, and Brianna was still moving closer, trying to engage him in conversation and starting to show some truly flirtatious advances.It was crystal clear to anyone, especially Tyler, that she was interested.It was the strangest thing, to be openly pursued by this beautiful young starlet yet not feel any sort of stirring beyond the most mild of curiosity.Instead, he was paying too much attention to his assistant, who was at that moment laughing at something his wanna-be paramour was whispering in his ear.“Tyler? Did you hear me?”Tyler snapped back to attention and gave Brianna that easy smile, the one that every actor perfects early on in his career.But she knew what that smile meant, and she crossed her arms, giving him a perfect little pout.“You are a million miles away,” she accused.No, just across the room , he thought, but bit his tongue before he said it out loud.The waiter chose that moment to refill his wine glass, and he downed almost half of it before answering her.“It’s been a long day,” he said.“I’m very tempted to call it a night, go home and go to sleep.”The pout grew deeper.“We could get out of here.Go somewhere quiet and talk.Maybe have some dessert.” She lifted her chin toward the plate, where some strange concoction of chocolate mousse awaited.They had each taken a bite of their servings and grimaced at the bitterness.“Really…I think I should go.” He gave her an apologetic smile, and this one really was sincere.He knew that she was developing a crush on him, and he had done nothing to deter her, really.She was probably mightily confused.“I will see you at the photocall on Friday?” he asked, and she nodded.She took a deep breath and smiled, as though she had decided it was okay for him to leave.“Get some rest,” she said.Tyler stood and gave her a kiss on the cheek.He lingered just a moment longer than he should have, and he felt her smile underneath his lips.Then he patted her shoulder, turned and walked away toward the back exit, where the cars would be waiting.He found the limousine and opened the door before the poor driver could scramble out of it to help him in.Tyler gave him a smile, asked him to drive him home, and then settled into the wide, comfortable seat.He didn’t know how Romano would get home – or even if he would come home at all.Tyler laid his head back against the seat and sighed.***Tyler was awake three hours later when the front door opened.Romano quietly stepped in to find the house dark and the hallway lamp on, the only sign that Tyler had been waiting for him.He climbed the stairs, taking off his jacket and tie as he went.He found Tyler sitting up in bed, looking at the door as he came through it.“Good fundraiser,” Romano said, and his voice was just a little slurred – as slurred as it ever got.He had been drinking more than his share.“Did you sleep with him?”Romano stopped for a moment.Then he carefully began unbuttoning his shirt.He seemed to contemplate the question for a moment too long, and Tyler’s heart began to pound with fear rather than anger.“No,” Romano finally said.“But I was tempted.”“Why?”Tyler watched as Romano walked into the dressing room.He listened as he hung up the clothes.He came back out wearing only his boxer shorts and his watch.“Because I wanted you to wonder, Tyler.I wanted you to wonder if I had.It’s the feeling I get whenever I see another compromising picture of you in the tabloids.” Romano paused by the bed.“How does it feel?” he asked.Tyler glared up at him, but it was no use.The hurt had set in, and so had the reality of the situation.Romano had only done to Tyler what Tyler seemed to always do to him.“How do we fix this?” Tyler asked, his voice breaking.Romano shrugged as if he had thought about this a lot, and the answer was easy.“You go on this trip.You do the promotions and get your job done.Then you come home, and we talk about things.”“You’re saying…” Tyler took a deep breath.“You’re saying we’re taking a break.”Romano was silent again.He slipped under the covers and finally turned to look at Tyler.“I’m saying…let’s make love to each other.Tomorrow is the start of a very long promotional tour, and this might be the last chance we have for a while.”Tyler started to protest again, but then Romano kissed him, and he was soon focusing on tonight.Tomorrow could wait.CHAPTER FIVEA few days later, Tyler did what he had both hoped and feared he would do: He broke box office records.The movie was a certified smash.The promotional push had been heavy, but audiences are fickle.No one had any idea what the numbers would truly look like until the tickets began rolling in, until the Sunday receipts were tallied at the end of a long weekend.But the numbers had risen, then risen some more, and now they were far beyond expectations [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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