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.That makes me one of the pointmen.It’s gotta be monitored.It’s gotta be kept clean, no joke intended.That means these people’ve gotta be licensed, of legal age, and nobody’s forced to do something they don’t want to do.I spend a lot of days looking through this trash, looking for the stuff even the Supreme Court couldn’t take.Trouble is, community standards.L.A.doesn’t have any, Bosch.Hasn’t been a successful obscenity prosecution here in years.I’ve made some underage cases.But I’m still looking for my first obscenity jacket.”He stopped a moment before saying, “Most cops do a year in Ad-Vice and then transfer out.That’s all they can take.This is my seventh year, man.I can’t tell you why.I guess because there’s no shortage of surprises.”“Yeah, but year after year of this shit.How can you take it?”Mora’s eyes dropped to the statue on the desk.“I’m provided for.Don’t worry about me.” He waited another beat and said, “I’ve got no family.No wife anymore.Who’s going to complain about what I do, anyway?”Bosch knew from their work on the task force that Mora had volunteered for the B squad, to work nights, because his wife had just left him.He had told Bosch that he found it hardest to get through the nights.Bosch now wondered if Mora’s ex-wife was blonde and, if she was, what it would mean.“Look, Ray, I’ve been thinking the same things, about this follower.And she fits, you know? Gallery.The three vics and the survivor were all blondes.Church wasn’t choosey but the follower apparently is.”“Hey, you’re right,” Mora said, looking at the photo of Gallery.“I hadn’t thought about that.”“Anyway, this four-year-old tip is as good a place to start as any.There also might be other women, other victims.What’ve you got going?”Mora smiled and said, “Harry, doesn’t matter what I got going.It’s dogshit compared to this.I gotta vacation next week but I don’t leave till Monday.Till then, I’m on it.”“You mentioned the adult association.Is that-”“Adult Film Association, yeah.It’s run out of a lawyer’s office in Sherman Oaks.”“Yeah, you tight with anybody there?”“I know the chief counsel.He’s interested in keeping the biz clean, so he’s a cooperative individual.”“Can you talk to him, ask around, try to find out if anybody else dropped out like Gallery? They’d have to be blonde and built.”“You want to know how many other victims we might have.”“That’s right.”“I’ll get on it.”“What about the agents and the performers guild?”Bosch nodded at the calendar with Delta Bush on it.“I’ll hit them, too.Two agents handle ninety percent of the casting in this business.They’d be the place to start.”“What about outcall? Do all of the women do it?”“Not the top ranks of performers.But the ones below that, yeah, they pretty much go the outcall route.See, the top performers, they spend ten percent of the time making movies and the rest out on the road dancing.They go from strip club to strip club, make a lot of money.They can make a hundred grand a year dancing.Most people think they’re getting a bundle to do the nasty on video.That’s wrong.It’s the dancing.Then if you go below that level, to the performers either going up or coming down, they’re the ones you find doing outcall work in addition to the movies and the dancing.A lot of money there, too.These chicks will pull down a grand a night for outcall work.”“Do they work with pimps, what?”“Yeah, some got management but it’s not a requirement.It’s not like the street, where a girl needs her pimp to protect her from the bad johns and other whores.In outcall, all you need is an answering service.Chick puts her ad and her picture in the X press and the calls come in.Most have rules.They won’t go to anybody’s house, strictly hotel work.They can control the class of clientele they keep by the expense of the hotel.Good way to keep the riff-raff out.”Bosch thought about Rebecca Kaminski and how she had gone to the Hyatt on Sunset.A nice place, but the riff-raff got in.Apparently thinking the same thing, Mora said, “It doesn’t always work, though.”“Obviously.”“So, I’ll see what I can come up with, okay? But off the top of my head, I don’t think there will be many.If there was a bunch of women doing the sudden and permanent disappearing act like Gallery did, I think I would’ve gotten wind of it.”“You got my beeper number?”Mora wrote it down and Bosch headed out of the office.* * *He was heading across the lobby past the front desk when the pager on his belt sounded.He checked the number and saw it was a 485 exchange.He assumed Mora had forgotten to tell him something.He took the stairs back up to the second floor and ducked back into the Ad-Vice squad room.Mora was there, holding the photo of Gallery and staring at it in a contemplative manner.He looked up then and saw Bosch.“Did you just beep me?”“Me? No.”“Oh, I just thought you were trying to catch me before I left.I’m gonna use one of the phones.”“You’re welcome to ‘em, Harry.”Bosch walked to an empty desk and dialed the number from the pager.He saw Mora slide the photo into the file.He put the file into a briefcase that was on the floor next to his chair.A male voice answered the call after two rings [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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