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.Thenhis hands found Tony’s shoulders, pushing him down.Tony knelt willingly, eagerly, sliding his palms over the hardmuscle of Mac’s thighs.He looked up, blue eyes so dark theywere almost black, water beading his long eyelashes.“I’m jealous of every man who ever knelt down in front ofyou,” he said hoarsely.“Don’t be,” Mac told him, threading his fingers through thewet dark hair.“Yeah, there were a bunch of strangers I fucked,or let suck me, but not one other man that made love to me likeyou do.Not one that I wanted to make love with.”Tony closed his eyes and kissed Mac in the groove of hisgroin, fingers trailing up his thighs.He scraped his fingernailsacross Mac’s ass as his mouth found the base of Mac’s rigidcock.Then Mac had to groan when that hot mouth took himin, and Tony’s fingertip penetrated him from behind.Mac leanedforward, spreading his legs, as Tony sucked and stroked, teasingsensitive flesh with mouth and tongue and fingers.Mac fought tohold back, not to plunge into that willing wetness.It was so hard,so hard, when searing heat was spreading from ass to thighs andcock and Tony’s sweet mouth took him deeper.Mac reached down and hauled Tony’s lean body up againsthim.“Jesus, Tony,” he groaned.“I want to come inside you.Iwant to put my cum deep in your ass so you’re walking around allday tomorrow with me in there.God, I want you!”202 Kaje Harper“Oh, yes,” Tony breathed, turning in his arms and bracing onthe safety rail.“Please.”Mac pressed against him, running the steel of his dick upthe slick hairless groove of Tony’s ass.So smooth, so hot.Hereached for the lube, and fumbled, panting.“Lube, Tony, where?”“Fuck, I pitched it for the home visit,” Tony said, shovinghard back against him.“Use the aloe gel, babe.” He twisted tograb the bottle off the shelf and poured a generous handfulof liquid out.He took hold of Mac, gliding slick gel over Mac’slength, twisting his hand around Mac’s throbbing head.Theclench and twist of Tony’s fingers ratcheted up the heat in Mac’sgroin, wound him too tight for rational thought.He pushed Tonyaround and spread him.Tony was slick and clean, and Mac’s gel-coated fingers slid in easily.He made himself wait, working hisfingertips, making Tony open and groan and push back into hishand.Then he bent his knees a little, guided himself into placeand pressed in.The tight ring of Tony’s ass resisted, the gel less slippery thantheir favorites.When Mac would have gone slow, Tony shovedback against him hard, whimpering in frustration.Mac tookthose lean hips between his hands and pushed.Tony opened tohim with a gasp, shaking, as Mac sank into tight silky softness.Mac froze for a moment, letting Tony feel his size.“More, baby.” Tony began moving again rhythmically.“Godeep.”Mac let his lover drive them, loving the taut eagerness ofTony’s body under him, slowly sinking deeper.Each thrust wasa little more, and a little more, and then his balls were slappingagainst Tony’s ass, and he was riding fast thrusts, from tip tohilt.Tony groaned and babbled.“So good, so good, so hot, yeahbaby, Mac, Mac, Jesus, Mac!”Mac felt Tony shaking, his whole body clenching under andaround Mac.Tony stroked himself frantically with one hand andthe hot jets of cum splashed the wall of the shower.Mac hauledBReAking CoveR 203him in closer, bent him over, and drove forward.This, this waswhat he had needed for so long.Himself and Tony, one body, one rhythm,one flesh.All of his need and heat and wanting poured out of him,deep inside Tony’s body.He groaned between clenched teeththen bit down on Tony’s shoulder as the shudders hit him again,and again, and he filled Tony’s ass.As the intensity eased, they slid toward the floor of theshower, managing just barely enough control that Mac landedsitting with Tony in his lap.His legs shook uncontrollably.Tonywas laughing, as he sometimes did, in wonder and pleasure.“Oh,baby.Oh, man.” Tony leaned back in Mac’s arms, his head tiltedonto Mac’s shoulder.They shuddered in unison as aftershockshit them with the contact of skin on skin.Mac wrapped his arms around his man, hugging him tight,blinking through the streams of water down his face.Tony leanedhis head back to look up at Mac, eyes alight.Mac rubbed his cheek against Tony’s soft dark hair and thenpulled back to meet those blue eyes.And suddenly it was easy.“Ilove you, Tony Hart,” he said.Tony’s smile was everything Mac wanted in the world.“Oh,yes,” Tony breathed.“You’re mine.”They sat unmoving, just rocking slightly, until water up Tony’snose made him cough.Mac unwound himself and pulled Tony tohis feet.He shut off the water, hauled the man out, and wrappedhim in a towel.He felt a vast tenderness, almost like with Anna,only different.He rubbed his hands up and down Tony’s backand arms through the towel, drying him.“Get your own towel on, babe,” Tony told him softly.“I’mgood.”Mac wrapped the terrycloth around himself and squinted atthe little white plastic monitor on the counter, one indicator lightglowing steady red.“Baby monitor, huh?”“Yeah.Just be glad he didn’t wake up at the wrong moment,‘cause I promised to come if he called.”204 Kaje Harper“You came for me instead,” Mac teased.“Definitely.”Mac took a closer look at the receiver, suddenly worried.“You’re sure this isn’t set to transmit too?”Tony laughed.“I bought the kind that doesn’t transmit bothways.I’m not taking any chances.Plus it was cheaper.”“Good.” Mac kissed him.“So we had fun, and didn’t wake thebaby.That’s good, right?”“If all the rating I get for that is good, I’m leaving.”“It was great, it was amazing, you know what you do to me.Do I get to do it again some time?”“I can’t say no to you babe.I tried.But you know what Iwant.”“In this house, I’m your boyfriend,” Mac told him.“In frontof Ben too, if that makes it all okay.Outside this place…I stilldon’t know how that will work.”“And in front of Anna?” Tony asked softly.“Jesus.” He loved Tony, he really did, knew it, had even finally said it,but Jesus.“Please don’t push me, babe.Please.”“Okay.” Tony leaned over and kissed Mac softly.“But thinkfast, because anything Ben knows, Anna is gonna know soon.”Mac shuddered.That was the truth.He was burning bridgesfaster than he realized they were there [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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