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.“You think you’re so great, don’t you?” Celeste bristled as she finally turned around, her blue eyes narrowed.“First, you convince Nash not to be in the play, and then you go and ruin everything with Travis as well.Do you even care that I wanted to put this performance on my reel?”Cassidy wrinkled her nose in confusion.“What do you mean? Travis is in the play.He’s going to be Romeo.You can’t be pissed at me about that?”“He was going to be Romeo,” Celeste corrected in a dark voice.“But yesterday afternoon when I tried to convince him to start practicing lines with me, he just totally ignored me.Like I wasn’t even there.”“P-perhaps he had other things on his mind?” Cassidy stammered, secretly wondering if the reason he had ignored Celeste was because he was too busy thinking about their rooftop kiss.“It doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be Romeo.”“Actually, it does,” Celeste said.“Because he went to see Mrs.Davis this morning, and he’s now going to be Tybalt, while I’m stuck with Benjie Western as Romeo.Who, in case you hadn’t realized it, is two inches shorter than me.Seriously?”“What?” For a moment Cassidy thought that Celeste was joking, but then she realized, despite her boasting, she just wasn’t a good enough actor to fake it.Which meant it was true.“I don’t understand.”“Yes, well, that makes two of us.I mean, Tybalt dies at the beginning of the third act.” Celeste shuddered.“And did you not see Travis at the auditions? He was born to play Romeo.My Romeo.But for some reason he’s changed his mind, and I think it’s because of you.”“I swear, it’s got nothing to do with me.I saw him audition, and he was—”“Sublime? Indescribable? Heartbreaking?” Celeste cut in.“Yes.” Cassidy nodded dumbly.“He was all of those things.He was amazing.”“So you really didn’t have anything to do with it?” Celeste asked, letting some of her animosity dissolve.“No.” Cassidy shook her head and gave Celeste a hopeful smile.“Though honestly, you’re such a great actress, it doesn’t matter who plays Romeo—you’ll still shine.”“I am pretty amazing, aren’t I?” Celeste agreed.“You are.” Cassidy took a deep breath.Here was her chance.“And as your understudy, I’m sure I could learn loads if I was able to study what you did.You know, follow you around and stuff?”“Well, I suppose for the sake of the play that I should let you.And between you, me, and the wall, Rachel has the tendency to squint when she’s onstage.Not that I plan on missing a performance, you understand, so don’t get your hopes up,” Celeste warned before nodding her head.“However, if I were to miss a performance, it would be much better if you had all of my mannerisms.It could be like a tribute to me.”“Uh, exactly,” Cass hesitantly agreed.“And while I doubt I will even get onstage, it would be great for my future roles if you would let me follow you around.”“I guess that’s okay,” Celeste conceded.“But don’t expect me to talk to you or anything.”“Definitely not.” Cassidy let out a small sigh of relief, since she had thought this was going to be a lot more difficult.Then she waited until Celeste had touched up her mascara before following her back out to the auditorium.Celeste immediately made a beeline over to Reuben to discuss her lighting requirements, and Cassidy sat down and tried to figure out why Travis had decided to not play Romeo.Was it really because of her? She fished the carnelian necklace out from under the floral-print dress she was wearing and began to toy with it, as she—Amber swirling eyes.Pain.A single feather split into two pieces, falling to the ground, and her being forced to watch, helpless to stop them both from landing like an explosion, forever staining the scorched earth with their crimson blood, which flowed like teardrops—“Hey.” Travis suddenly appeared next to her, his dark eyes intense.Today he was wearing jeans and a pale blue T-shirt that showed off his tan.“Are you okay? Has something happened?”“N-no.” She managed to shake her head, as much to push away the last threads of the vision as anything.How did Thomas deal with such horrific sights and stay sane? she wondered, before she realized that Travis was still next to her, concern written all over his gorgeous face.She took a deep breath, grateful that his presence was there to center her.“Everything’s fine.”“Well, good.” He nodded as he leaned forward and began to play with the carnelian that had fallen out of her fingers during the vision.He gave her a dazzling smile that spread across his whole face like liquid sunshine.“You had me worried there.”“Don’t be,” Cassidy said, touched by his concern, but also eager not to have to explain what had just happened.Not because she wanted to keep secrets from him, but because she had no idea how to explain it or even what it meant.“So I’ve just been talking to Celeste.She said that you’re not playing Romeo anymore.Is that true?”For a moment Travis was silent as he leaned back in his chair and raised his hands in the air.Then he turned back to her and slowly nodded.“Yeah, it’s true.”“But why would you ask to change? I mean, Travis, you were seriously amazing as Romeo.My heart was aching for you.”“Well, right there’s a good enough reason not to do it, since I never want to make your heart ache, Cass,” he said in a light voice before taking a deep breath [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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