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.An ambulance was needed at the Cardwell Ranch.* * *"HOW'S DAD?" Dana asked when she found Jordan and Clay in the waiting room at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital.She hadn't been able to get any information at the desk on her way in and the roads down the canyon had been icy, traffic slow.Clay shrugged, looking miserable and nervous in a corner chair."The doctor's in with him," Jordan said, pacing the small room, clearly agitated."Where's Stacy?" she asked.Earlier Dana had glanced through the open living room doorway and seen her father on the floor, Jordan leaning over him.She'd let out a cry and run into the living room.Behind her she'd heard Clay on the phone calling for an ambulance on the kitchen phone.It wasn't until later, after the ambulance had rushed Angus to the hospital and Dana began looking for her keys to follow in her pickup, that she'd realized Stacy was gone."When did Stacy leave?" Dana asked, glancing around.Both brothers shrugged."After I called 9-1-1 I turned around and I noticed your back door was open and when I went out to follow the ambulance, I saw that her car was already gone.""Stacy just left?" Dana asked in disbelief.Why would her sister do that without a word? Especially with their father in the next room on the floor unconscious?Stacy's words echoed in Dana's ears."No matter what happens to me now." Was it possible her sister was in danger because she'd told Dana the truth?Dana couldn't worry about that now."What were you and Dad fighting about?" she asked Jordan."This is not my fault," Jordan snapped."I'll get us some coffee," Clay said, and practically bolted from the room.Jordan and Angus couldn't have been arguing about the sale of the ranch.Her father had said he wasn't going to take sides, but he did add that he felt the ranch was too much for Dana to handle on her own."Sell it, baby girl," he'd said to Dana."It's an albatross around your neck.Your mother would understand.""That's how you felt about the ranch, Dad, not me," she'd told him, but he'd only shook his head and said, "Sell it.Some day you'll be glad you did.And it will keep peace in the family." He'd always been big on keeping peace in the family.Except when it came to his wandering ways."I heard the two of you yelling at each other in the other room," Dana said."What was going on?"Jordan stopped pacing to look at her."The stupid fool thinks I killed Ginger."Ginger Adams, the woman whose wrist he'd broken in an argument.The woman who'd ended up in the Cardwell Ranch well.The floor under her seemed to give way."Why would Dad think that?""Who the hell knows? He's always been a crazy old fool."Dana bristled."Dad is a lot of things.Crazy isn't one of them."Jordan's look was lethal."Don't play games with me.Dad told me you knew about me and Ginger.What's crazy is that he thinks I took his gun."She stared at him."The missing.38?""Turns out it wasn't missing," Jordan said."It was under the seat of his pickup and now the cops have it.He thinks I took the gun and then when Ginger's body was found, I put it under the pickup seat to frame him for her murder."Dana felt her heart drop to her feet.Hadn't Hud told her that the gun was used in both Ginger's murder and Judge Randolph's? What motive could Jordan have to kill the judge though? "Jordan, you didn't—"Jordan let out a curse."You think I'm a murderer, too?" His angry gaze bore into her."Not only a murderer, but I framed my own father, as well?" He let out a scornful laugh and shook his head at her."I guess I didn't realize how little you and Dad thought of me until now." He turned and stormed out of the waiting room, almost colliding with Clay who was carrying a cardboard tray with three cups of coffee on it.What bothered Dana was the guilty look in Jordan's eyes before he left."Thanks," she said as she took one of the foam cups of hot coffee Clay offered her and stepped out in the hallway, fighting the terrible fear that had settled in the pit of her stomach.At the sound of footfalls, she turned to see her father's doctor coming toward her.She froze.All she could think about was the day of her mother's accident and the doctor coming down the hall to give her the news.She couldn't lose another parent.* * *HUD SPOTTED DANA the moment he walked into the Bozeman hospital emergency room waiting area.Relief washed through him, making his legs feel boneless.She was all right.She was talking to the doctor and he could see the concern in her face.He waited, studying her body language, fear closing his throat.Her shoulders seemed to slump and he saw her hand go to her mouth, then brush at her tears.She was smiling and nodding, and Hud knew that whatever had happened, there had been good news.She saw him then.He tried not to read anything into her expression.For a moment there she'd actually looked glad to see him.She said something to the doctor then walked toward him.He caught his breath.Sometimes he forgot how beautiful she was.Her eyes were bright, cheeks flushed from crying, her face glowing with the good news the doctor had given her."Dana?" he said as she closed the distance."What's happened?""Dad.He had a heart attack." Her voice broke."But the doctor says he's stable now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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