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.She hasn’t been off the ranch much.She’s due for some fun.”Jake nodded.“Well, have a good time.”The car ambled down the road as Jake climbed back up the steps to the porch.John T.was waiting for him.“What was that all about?”“Lottie’s taking Cassie to Ted O’Hanley’s party.”John T.nodded and they both stared at Lottie’s car as it made its way down the road toward the gates of the property.“Isn’t Ted’s father newly widowed?” Jake asked.“Yep.About a year now.”“He was always sweet on Lottie, wasn’t he?”John T.frowned and rubbed his jaw.“Bet Cassie’ll stir up a lot of interest being new to the valley and all.Her dance card’s sure to be filled.”Jake peered out, straight across the road.“I wasn’t planning on going.”“Nah, me neither,” John T.agreed.A moment passed.Jake slanted his father a look.“How long before you can be ready?”“About twenty minutes.”Jake nodded.“Once we get there, it’s every man for himself.”EightCassie’s mind whirled in ten different directions.She’d been introduced around by Lottie to nearly every one of the guests in the Knights of Columbus Hall.Her head had clicked off the numbers, realizing she’d met exactly fifty-three people so far.She’d already danced three times, had been asked out on a date by Ted’s younger brother, Adam, and had been invited to an afternoon social by Mavis Brewer, an energetic woman who was running for city council.The way she’d been welcomed to Carson Valley by all of these friendly people warmed her heart and kept her mind off her troubles.“Oh, Lottie, this is fun.I’m glad you invited me.” They sat at a table off a ways from the festivities, sipping soda.“Uh-oh, maybe you won’t think so now,” Lottie said with a crooked smile.“Trouble at two o’clock.”It took a moment for that to register.Cassie glanced in the direction of Lottie’s concentration and realized exactly what she’d meant.Cassie’s good mood evaporated immediately upon seeing both Jake and John T.standing at the entrance of the hall.“Double trouble, Lottie.”“They came together, now that’s something.Those two don’t do a blasted thing together normally.” Lottie reached over to grab both of Cassie’s hands.“At least it’ll give you a chance to talk to him, honey.”“I’ll talk to John T.all night long.”Lottie’s eyes twinkled.“You know darn well, darlin’, I was talking about Jake.You’re gonna have to tell him.”Cassie knew that.She didn’t think she’d have to face Jake so soon though.She needed a little more time.Heavens, she was just getting used to the idea of having a baby.It no longer frightened her.In truth, Cassie had come full circle.This morning, after a fitful night, Cassie realized the baby for the miracle that it was.She’d always wanted children.She’d just thought that love and marriage would have come first.She had the “love” part down, but it couldn’t be one-sided.Cassie wanted more.She wasn’t going to settle for anything less.That much she knew already and she also knew that she wasn’t ready to tell Jake.“I know I have to tell him, but not tonight.”“Whenever you feel it’s right, honey.But you shouldn’t avoid him.”Cassie glanced at Jake.He was a hard man to avoid.Standing there in new jeans, a black Western shirt and shiny hat, looking absolutely breathtaking, he did just that.He stole all of her breath.“Oh, Lottie.”Lottie released her hands and gestured with a tilt of her head.“If you don’t talk to him, about a dozen women will, Cassie.They’ll pounce on him like hounds on a fox.”Hounds on a fox? How appropriate, she thought.“Okay, if he comes over here, I’ll talk to him.”But Jake didn’t come over.She felt his presence, his gaze on her as he stood in a group of young cowboys, chatting away, sipping drinks, at the opposite end of the hall.John T.had come over immediately.He’d talked with them awhile, had kicked up his heels with Lottie twice and had asked Cassie to dance, as well [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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