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.How about partner?’She shook her head.‘That implies that we live together.’‘As we would, if I had my way,’ he said, startling her.‘But how can you want that when we’ve never even—?’ she began, then stopped, colour flooding her face.‘Made love?’ He sent her a smouldering look, then returned his attention to the three lanes of motorway crowded as far as the eye could see by this time with London-bound traffic.‘The fact had not escaped my attention, Sarah.Though the foretaste I’ve been granted makes it obvious we’d be good together.More than good.Sensational.’ He drew in a deep breath.‘Now for pity’s sake let’s change the subject—it’s bad for me when I’m driving.’They stopped later at a motorway service restaurant for coffee and toast and a breather for Jake, who declined Sarah’s offer to help with the driving.‘Not,’ he assured her, ‘because I refuse to let a woman drive me.But I don’t want you to arrive at the hotel too tired to enjoy the wedding.’‘Thank you,’ she said, her smile so warm Jake reached a hand across the table to take hers.‘Are you aware of the effect of that smile of yours?’‘No,’ she said, surprised.‘I thought so.Be sparing with it today.With other men,’ he added.Sarah’s eyes flashed.‘Orders, Jake?’‘Advice, not orders.’ He wagged an admonishing finger.‘I’m your escort, Miss Tracy, so save that particular smile for me.’It had been cool with early-morning mist when they started out, but by this time the sun was so hot they discarded their sweaters before resuming their journey.“‘Happy the bride the sun shines on,’” said Sarah.‘It’s going to be a scorcher,’ agreed Jake, and donned dark glasses for the rest of the journey.Due to Jake’s powerful car, and his skill as a driver, plus the added bonus of Sarah’s navigating skills, they arrived at the Greenacres Hotel shortly after eleven.Sarah spotted the bridegroom in the bar with a trio of friends, and all four of them came rushing to greet her the moment she appeared in the doorway.Grinning broadly, Nick Morrell got there first, and gave her a crushing hug before passing her on to Frances and Grania, then to Paul, completing the circle of friends who had once shared a house with Sarah in student days.Once the hugging and kissing had abated, Sarah took Jake by the hand and drew him forward.‘This is Jake Hogan, everyone.’Jake was immediately pounced on by both women, but Nick interrupted, laughing, so he could introduce Paul Bailey, his best man.‘Present company came to provide moral support, to make sure I don’t get too nervous to remember my lines.Order more coffee, Paul, would you? The others will be back shortly,’ said Nick, putting an arm round Sarah.‘Ben—Grania’s husband,’ he told Jake, ‘is out searching the neighbourhood for a bed for the night.’‘With my Tom as guide, which is worrying, because he’s never been to this neck of the woods before,’ put in Frances.‘We tried wheedling at the little place we’re in, but no luck.Everything’s booked solid locally for the wedding.’‘It’s all my fault,’ said Grania penitently.‘I meant to book the minute I got the invitation, then it went clean out of my mind.By the time I got round to it there was no room at any inn at all.’ She pulled a face.‘Ben is not pleased with me.I’ve grovelled to the receptionist here for first refusal if a cancellation comes in, but that’s a pretty fond hope.Never mind.We can always sleep in the car.’‘The men can do that,’ said Frances instantly.‘You can bunk in with me.’Grania shook her head.‘That’s sweet of you, Fran, but I wouldn’t dream of putting Tom out just because I was an idiot.Anyway, Sarah, let’s get on to more important subjects.We want to hear all about your gorgeous Davy—’ She halted, casting an uncertain glance at Jake.‘Apart from getting stuck up a tree on Sunday,’ he said quickly, ‘Davy’s doing fine.’There were instant demands to see photographs, and exclamations over the child’s extraordinary likeness to Sarah now she was growing up.‘We all feel a bit proprietary about Davy, Jake,’ Nick explained.‘We’ve known her since she was in her buggy.’‘I envy you that,’ said Jake quietly.‘She’s a poppet,’ said Grania, and smiled proudly.‘Talking of which, guess what, folks?’ She paused dramatically.‘We’re hoping to achieve something similar ourselves by Christmas!’The stop-press news brought a flood of congratulations and kisses all round, then Nick looked at his watch and blenched, instantly transformed into panicking bridegroom mode.‘Sorry, must dash.Promised to collect my brother from the station.Coming, Paul? See you all in church.’ Looking harassed, he thrust a hand through his dark curly hair, thanked everyone for the gifts, then hurried off with Paul.‘Poor dear,’ said Frances, shaking her head.‘I thought women suffered bridal nerves, not laid-back people like Nick.’‘Ben was just the same,’ said Grania, and sighed deeply.‘Oh, dear.I hope he comes back with good news.’‘So do I,’ said Sarah, then turned to Jake.‘Perhaps we’d better check in.’‘Right.I’ll bring the luggage in.’ He smiled warmly at Frances and Grania.‘Good to meet you.I’ll see you later.’After he’d gone out to the car Sarah’s one-time housemates pounced on her.‘Does this mean you’re going to give Davy a daddy at last?’ asked Grania eagerly.Sarah shook her head, flushing.‘We’re just friends.’‘Pull the other one, ducky,’ said Frances, laughing.‘The man’s obviously nuts about you—and not at all happy to see Nick cuddling you, either.’‘Stop it, Fran,’ said Grania, who had always been the one to look out for Sarah most in the past.‘You’re making her blush.But Jake’s definitely a charmer.Have you known him long?’‘Not very long,’ said Sarah, smiling as she saw Jake beckon from the foyer.‘I must dash.’‘I’m famished, as always by this time of day,’ said Grania, patting her middle.‘So when you’re settled in come back down and have a snack lunch with us, Sarah.Ben and Tom should surely be back by then.’‘Love to.See you later.’Sarah hurried from the bar to take her hatbox from Jake.‘Could we talk somewhere before checking in?’ she muttered in his ear.‘Yes, of course.There’s a sofa over there.’ He gave her a searching look.‘Sit down.Tell me what’s wrong, and what I can do to help.’She smiled gratefully.‘Jake, what sort of room did you book?’To her astonishment he looked embarrassed.‘You’ll laugh.’‘Of course I won’t.Did they put you in the broom closet, or something?’‘Quite the reverse.They let me have the spanking new bridal suite.Not required by your friend and his bride, obviously.’ He shrugged [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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