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.her nails and teeth on his body to havebeenmade by some other woman; keeping her love for him unexpressed by words, butshowing it by deeds, and signs, and hints; remaining silent when he is asleep,intoxicated,or sick; being very attentive when he describes his good actions, and recitingthemafterwards to his praise and benefit; giving witty replies to him if he besufficientlyattached to her; listening to all his stories, except those that relate to herrivals; expressingfeelings of dejection and sorrow if he sighs, yawns, or falls down; pronouncingthe words`live long' when he sneezes; pretending to be ill, or to have the desire ofpregnancy, whenshe feels dejected; abstaining from praising the good qualities of anybodyelse, and fromcensuring those who possess the same faults as her own man; wearing anythingthat mayhave been given to her by him; abstaining from putting on her ornaments, andfromtaking food when he is in pain, sick, low-spirited, or suffering frommisfortune, andcondoling and lamenting with him over the same; wishing to accompany him if hehappens to leave the country himself or if he be banished from it by the king;expressinga desire not to live after him; telling him that the whole object and desire ofher life wasto be united with him; offering previously promised sacrifices to the Deitywhen heacquires wealth, or has some desire fulfilled, or when he has recovered fromsome illnessor disease; putting on ornaments every day; not acting too freely with him;reciting hisname and the name of his family in her songs placing his hand on her loins,bosom andforehead, and falling asleep after feeling the pleasure of his touch; sittingon his lap andfalling asleep there; wishing to have a child by him; desiring not to livelonger than hedoes; abstaining from revealing his secrets to others; dissuading him from vowsand fastsKAMASUTRA106by saying `let the sin fall upon me'; keeping vows and fasts along with himwhen it isimpossible to change his mind on the subject; telling him that vows and fastsare difficultto be observed, even by herself, when she has any dispute with him about them;lookingon her own wealth and his without any distinction; abstaining from going topublicassemblies without him, and accompanying him when he desires her to do so;takingdelight in using things previously used by him, and in eating food that he hasleftuneaten; venerating his family, his disposition, his skill in the arts, hislearning, his caste,his complexion, his native country, his friends, his good qualifies, his age,and his sweettemper; asking him to sing, and to do other such like things, if able to dothem; going tohim without paying any regard to fear, to cold, to heat, or to rain; sayingwith regard tothe next world that he should be her lover even there; adapting her tastes,disposition andactions to his liking; abstaining from sorcery; disputing continually with hermother onthe subject of going to him, and, when forcibly taken by her mother to someother place,expressing her desire to die by taking poison, by starving herself to death, bystabbingherself with some weapon, or by hanging herself; and lastly assuring the man ofherconstancy and love by means of her agents, and receiving money herself, butabstainingfrom any dispute with her mother with regard to pecuniary matters.When the man sets out on a journey, she should make him swear that he willreturnquickly, and in his absence should put aside her vows of worshipping the Deity,andshould wear no ornaments except those that are lucky.If the time fixed for hisreturn haspassed, she should endeavour to ascertain the real time of his return fromomens, fromthe reports of the people, and from the positions of the planets, the moon andthe stars.On occasions of amusement, and of auspicious dreams, she should say `Let me besoonunited to him.' If, moreover, she feels melancholy, or sees any inauspiciousomen, sheshould perform some rite to appease the Deity.When the man does return home she should worship the God Kama', and offeroblationsto other Deities, and having caused a pot filled with water to be brought byher friends,she should perform the worship in honour of the crow who eats the offeringswhich wemake to the manes of deceased relations.After the first visit is over sheshould ask herlover also to perform certain rites, and this he will do if he is sufficientlyattached to her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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