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.That day I walk into my condo pumping sex is on fire through my earphones.After our little tryst in the bathroom I can’t wait for Liam to really unleash his dominance on me, he’s holding back and I’m not quite sure why.A hand taps my shoulder and I leap a few feet, raising a hand to my beating heart as I quickly turn around to find Lucas’ eyes glaring furiously at me.I really need to get my keys back“You scared the shit out of me!” I scream at him removing the headphones from my ears.“Where have you been?” he questions through gritted teeth.“Lucas this is not what I call space, you can’t just show up here anytime you want questioning me.You’re not my boyfriend anymore.” I say brusquely, avoiding his question.He takes a deep breath and begins to pace in front of me, “You don’t think I get that.You said you wanted a break from our relationship and we would remain friend but I’ve seen you less in the last couple weeks than ever before.” He rubs his closely shaven head and huffs, “if you’re seeing someone else let me know.”This is my chance to come clean.If I don’t tell him the truth now I never will but if I do he’ll hate me as much as he does Liam.“There no one else” I answer.I’m a coward and I know it.I pretend to be protecting Lucas but really I just selfishly don’t want to lose either man.“I’m sorry I’ve been so occupied lately, I promise we’ll have dinner soon.” I kiss him on his cheek then pull him into my arms.He rests his head on my shoulder and runs his nose up my neck smelling my hair.I silently pray the scent of the hot sex I just had with Liam isn’t still lingering.I pull away and look into his face, the tension lines have eased.“I’ll see you at work,” I say making my way to the shower leaving Lucas to let himself out.********Two weeks have past and I still haven’t been able to make time for that dinner I promised Lucas.Liam is so overbearing, and fiercely dominating.When I told him I would be meeting Lucas for dinner he threatened to follow us and reveal our relationship.This morning when I walked in the building Lucas marched past me without a sideways glance.He’s a total mess and it’s my doing.His usually closely shaved hair has grown out and eyes are dark and puffy from lack of sleep.I can’t stand to see him this way so I devise a plan as I walk to my office.At noon I have lunch from Lucas’ favorite sub shop delivered to reception and make my way to Lucas office with it.His secretary’s desk is empty so I stroll past and enter his office after a quick knock.“Hey babe,” I chirp as I juggle our lunch.“I brought you lun…ch.” I stutter as I realize Lucas isn’t alone.“Hey Izzy,” Lucas smiles, walking towards me.“This is Liam Maddox,” he continues on not noticing the daggers Liam is shooting towards me.“Liam, Isabella Moss my girlfriend.Liam was just leaving” he states pulling me into his arms for a hug.“I missed you” he says loud enough for Liam to hear and I realize he wants me to play along but I can’t, playing this game is too dangerous.I have no doubt I’ll be paying for this later tonight.My eyes beg Liam to keep quiet as I stand there-frozen, not able to return Lucas’ hug with my hands still full.“Nice to meet you” I mumble as Lucas lets go of me.I walk to the desk with my head hung low too afraid to make anymore eye contact with Liam.He leaves the room without a parting word, slamming the door behind him hard enough to rattle the frames on the wall.I flinch at the sound, my hands shaking frantically.Lucas sighs, “That dick is trying to buy me out of this company.My father worked as hard as his did to build this company.He can stay here as long as he wants trying to find leverage over me, he won’t find it.”“Relax Luc, he’s not going to take anything from you, I’ll make sure of it.”“How are you going to do that when I barely see you? Your off running around town all day, you don’t even sleep in your condo anymore.” He spits out bitterly.“I sleep at my condo,” I lie.“No You Don’t!” he screams.“I’ve been there at least three times in the middle of the night this week and you weren’t there.”I’m stunned silent.Luc is stalking me.We’ve been close for years and I really believed he would respect my space when I asked for it.“I need my keys back,” I hold out my hand, waiting for him to place them in my palm.“Is that all you have to say? You aren’t going to tell me who this new dickhead is?” his voice shaking in fury.I stare at him blankly not responding to his rant.When he realizes I’m really not going to respond he reaches into his pocket and removes his key ring.It takes seconds for him to remove the key and place it in my hand.I promptly turn and quietly walk towards the door.“Anna wants to see you,” he says calmly.I continue out the door without a backwards glance.I love Anna, I really do, but I don’t know how to be in the same room with Liam’s mother anymore.I feel like she’ll see right through me.Maybe smell her sons scent on me like a mother bear seeking her cub.I know I’m being ridiculous but I’ve never been able to lie to Anna [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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