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.On the other side he stopped in the shelter of a support pillar.It was late afternoon, and thesun was bright.A shadow rippled over the weeds growing along the side of the service drive,about thirty yards away and getting closer.Eben crept toward the service drive, keeping in theshelter of the wall on the south side of the underpass.At the last possible minute, he put on aburst of speed and body tackled Jack, hurtling them both down onto the cracked and pittedasphalt.Jack’s yell cut off on impact, his breath leaving him in a great whoosh.Eben reared up and punched Jack in the neck.While he choked and gagged, Eben flippedhim onto his belly and pinned him to the ground, holding his arms bent behind him with onehand.Eben took the gun from Jack’s waistband—a Saturday night special—and pressed his kneeinto the small of Jack’s back.96Jessica Freely“Please,” said Jack around labored gasps.He struggled, but when Eben cocked the revolverand held it to the base of his skull, he went still.Eben could only see his left eye, open so widethe white was visible all the way around the blue iris.“No.No, please.I’ll give you everythingI’ve got.More.I’ll pay you out of Mike’s take, Eben.Please don’t kill me.”“Why the fuck couldn’t you stay gone, Jack?”“I had to come back.Mike made me.Look at me.He made what you did to me feel like awarm bath.”For the first time, Eben really looked at Jack.He had little scars all over his arms, his neck,his face.It looked like someone had worked him over with a soldering iron.“Jesus Christ.”“Mike’s not fucking around.”“That’s not my problem, is it?” Was it? What would Father Gonzalez say?“I had to do what he said.He wants Andrew Square.It’s not my fault.”Eben hit Jack on the back of the head with the butt of the gun.“Fuck you.Nothing is everyour fault, is it, you fucking junkie? Look at you.Look at what your life has become.And lookat what you do to other people.You’re selling them poison.”“I know.I know.I’m sorry.”“You’re sorry now that there’s a gun to your head.Where was your sorry the last time yousold dope to a kid?”“I don’t sell to kids.I’d never do that.”“Fuck you, liar.”“No.No.It’s true.Honest.I got hooked when I was twelve.I’d never do that to someoneelse.”Eben thought of Shoe.What if instead of being turned out to whore, he’d been handed abag of dope and told to sell it? Would some Eben somewhere be pushing his face in the groundand pointing a gun at his head right now?“Who hooked you?”“My older brother.Fucking prick got me high and made me suck his cock.I was twelve.Twelve!”Broken97Eben wanted to call him a liar, except that he’d known Jerry Parker.“That’s a real sadstory, Jack, but your brother’s been dead for five years.What you been doing with your life sincethen?”Jack closed his eyes.“I know.You’re right.Nothing.I’ve wasted my life.I’ve thrown itaway on drugs, and I’ve helped other people do the same.But not kids, Eben, I swear.”“I gotta do this, Jack.You had to know it was going to happen to you sooner or later.”“I should have, but that don’t make it any easier.” Jack bit his lips.“It ain’t easy for youeither, I know that, and I’m sorry for putting you in this position.”“You should be.” Fucking shoot him already.What are you waiting for? “You ever thinkyour life could be different?”“Yeah.Sometimes.You?”“Not until recently, and still…I want it to be different, but I don’t know what that wouldlook like.I just know what I don’t want.I don’t want to be here in this rail yard about to kill you,for instance.”“You don’t have to be.”“Yeah, I do.” And he needed to get it over with already.This talking was getting himnowhere.“You really don’t, Eben.You always have a choice, right? Me too.We both have choices.”“Choices.”“You don’t want to kill me.And I don’t want to be a junkie dope peddler.What if you letme go, and I get out of town this time? Get on a bus and go out west.Start over, far away fromMike O’Malley.You can say you killed me and sank my body in the harbor.No one will know.”“You suggesting I lie to my brother?”“No.Just tell him you took care of it.You will have.”Jack was right.Eben didn’t want to kill him.He would have done it by now.But if Jackgot out of town and stayed gone, it would be just as good.Right? “How do I know you’ll staygone?”98Jessica Freely“You can put me on the bus yourself.One-way ticket [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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