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.”“He makes me happy.”“No, he appeases your guilt.”“What are you talking about?”“He reminds you a lot of yourself at that age.Dirt poor and hungry.”Takai stiffened.He did not appreciate Ronin dredging up old memories.“That has nothing to do with it.”“Do you love him?”“Yes.”“Then if you love him you should be willing to step aside so he can make a decision about whether he is gay or not.”Takai smiled.“Take my word, the kid is gay.”“But you aren’t, or at least you have not been until recently.”“I still like women.”“Yes, because you have had sex with them.Kin has not experienced that type of relationship yet.”“You’re one to talk.”“Do not make the same mistake that I did.That is why I am offering this advice.Let him go on this date.If he decides he likes Keiko, promise me that you’ll step back and let him date her.”“I do not know if I can resist him.His lips are so sweet.”Ronin smiled.“And I bet that asshole is real tight.”“You are so gross.Okay, one date.”* * * *Kin bowed to the audience as they applauded and called his name.Takai had booked them at a large arena and the place was sold out.The band struck up the music for the next song.It had a guitar solo, which Hoshi pulled off expertly.The crowd went wild as Karuo joined him on base.Daisuki added the drums and Emiko followed them on the keyboard.It was one of the band’s new songs, composed by Karuo and Hoshi.It sounded sweet.Kin grabbed the mic and began to sing.Chiyo waved at him from a seat in the front row.There was a blond male seated on his left, and Keiko on his right.He ignored them and completed the first verse.The song called for him to reach some pretty high notes so he had to dig deep inside and concentrate if he wanted to get it right.He did not have time for distractions, no matter how pretty she looked.The two of them had been dating for two months, and so far everything between them had been platonic.She allowed him to kiss her on their first date but that was as far as it went.Emiko did not like her but she had given up on him and was now chasing Hoshi again.He smiled.He hoped the two of them would be very happy.Later he and Keiko were going out to dinner to celebrate the concert.Kin finished the song, much to the delight of the crowd.They were on their feet begging for more.“Thank you.” The band performed once more before ending the concert and leaving the stage.Kin looked around.Everyone was there except Takai.He had been noticeably absent lately.Ronin explained that he was busy.Maybe that was true.Chiyo, Keiko and the blond man came backstage and joined him in the dressing room.They slapped hands.“Man, you were great and the band sounds sweet.”“Thanks, I am looking forward to hearing you next weekend.” Ronin had booked the Roaring Flames at another concert hall so they could spread the talent around.“I got this cute outfit.It has a fringed vest, like something from the sixties.Ronin picked it out.”“Just don’t let him put you in leather.Your thighs will never recover.”Chiyo laughed.“Been there with no plans of visiting that again.” The blond with him pulled him toward the door.“Got to split.I have a date.”Kin raised a curious eyebrow and waved them off.Keiko stood, transfixed, watching him remove his stage makeup.“Have a seat.I will be ready shortly.”She bowed and sat down.“Why do they put so much makeup on you?”“For the lights.”“It makes you look feminine.”Kin froze.Did she see him that way? “Ronin says my androgynous looks sell CDs.”“Ronin is flaming.He looks more like a girl than you do.”“Do you have a problem with my looks?”“No, just with the makeup.You do not need it.You are handsome without it.”Kin smiled.A woman had never called him handsome before.“I promise I will never wear it while we are out on a date.” He rose.“I am just going to change.”“Should I leave?”“No, you will not be able to see anything.” He ducked behind the partition and changed into his regular street clothes.He appeared a few minutes later dressed in a pair of dark brown slacks and a tan sweater.“Is this better?”Keiko nodded.“Let’s go.”He took her out of the back door and they hurried into the waiting limo before he could be discovered by any over-zealous fans.Lately they had been mobbing him and the band and it was a bit harrowing.Dark glasses and a hat made him almost unrecognizable, though.“Where to, Mr.Kin?” the driver asked.“Shibuya, Ebisu to be exact.” Ebisu had a certain quaintness about it with its bars and izakaya-styled restaurants.It was an area favored by an older crowed, and he did not feel like being around people their age for fear of being recognized.The driver stopped outside the Yebisu Garden Place Towers and Kin helped Keiko out.“This is nice.”Kin told the driver he would call him once they finished.“This place has an amazing restaurant.” He escorted her inside the building and into an elevator.He pushed the button.“The thirty-eighth floor?”“You aren’t afraid of heights are you?”“Not as long as I don’t look down.”Kin smiled.Keiko had a very good sense of humor for a young woman.Smart.She attended Tokyo University, majoring in electronics.He watched her as they rode.Pretty with an alluring smile.Maybe Ronin was right.Maybe he did need this type of distraction.The elevator stopped and they stepped out and walked into the restaurant.A maitre d’ checked their names off his list and called for the waiter to escort them to a table.He put them next to the window.It overlooked Tokyo.Keiko braved up enough to look.“It is breathtaking.”Kin nodded in agreement.She certainly was.She kissed him on the cheek and sat back down in her seat.His body reacted.Strange.This had never happened before.“What is it like where you live?”“Hiroo? A pretty nice area.Plenty of apartments and young families.”“I would like to see it.”The waiter returned with their meal.“That can be arranged.”* * * *Hoshi was missing.He left a note to say he would be out the rest of the night with Emiko.Panic overtook him as Keiko looked around the place.“This is nice.Just you and Hoshi live here?”“Yes.Would you like something to drink?”“Beer would be nice if you have it.”Kin got two beers from the refrigerator and handed her one.He sat down next to her on the sofa.He reached for the remote and turned on the television.“Do you have cable?”Kin nodded.He handed her the remote, too afraid of what he might turn on.Keiko found a movie.It was a martial arts film: “The Last Vampire.”“Like the anime?”She nodded.“Someone made it into a film.I love Saya.”He had read the manga but he hadn’t been allowed to watch it at the orphanage.They thought it was too violent.“I have the DVD of the cartoons.I am in love with Haji.”Haji was the leading man who was part vampire or something.He remembered that.He fought alongside Saya.“He’s not in this movie though.It is all about her.”Kin settle back to watch, finding himself engrossed until the end.Keiko looked at her watch.“It is getting late.”“I’ll call for the driver.”“You are so sweet.” She kissed him on the cheek.“You have been the perfect gentleman.”“Does that surprise you?”She nodded.“I am not used to such treatment.Men see me as a plaything just because they find me pretty.”“Have you ever been with a man before?”Keyko blushed.“No [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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