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.Not only had Linden been forced to sit squished between two burly bikers all the way to the border of the dadgummed city, now she had a legitimate black canvas sack over her head like the victim of a mob hit.She tamped down another ripple of cold fear.She was dying anyway, right?Oh God, who was she kidding? She didn’t want to go at the hands of a biker gang!The air smelled of alcohol, moisture and the fibers of the sack over her face.She sat in a chair in the middle of what sounded like a crowd of murmuring men.She was feeling awesome about where this was going.If they were after boobs, hers were miniature, so the joke would be on them.Crap, crap, crap! What was she doing there?Someone tugged the bag from her with a very ungentle hand, and she blinked against the contrasting light.She was in a bar, and the bar top was surrounded by a row of creaking chairs.Round tables littered the space around a make-shift dance floor.Two pool tables stood near the wall to the left, and an old jukebox blared a Neil Young song.A stuffed beaver backside decorated a hallway with a sign that said Bathrooms.Classy.A shorter man with an American flag bandana stood on the table nearest the stage her chair was perched upon.“Shut it.”He didn’t say it loudly or forcefully, but the reaction to his words was like the wind had died to nothing after a tornado.Some kind of leader.He gestured lazily in her direction.“You all know what she is, so who done it?”She raised her hand and he leveled a dark look at her.“What?”“Who done what?”“Who bit you.You could save us the trouble and just tell us.”Who bit her? Fear coiled in her gut like some cold serpent.Why did she get the feeling this wasn’t all some hallucination brought on by the sickness? She raised her hand again.“Whaaat?” he growled.She squinted at the name patch on his leather biker vest.“Ned, is it? Just curious.What happens to the person who, um, bit me?”“We flog him.Turning a wolf is a punishable offense.”“Oh.” They were going to flog Graham? Like, whip him? Freakin’ barbarians.“Uh, carry on.I don’t remember who done it.” She gave him what she hoped was a charming smile and swallowed down the lump in her throat.No one raised their hand, which wasn’t surprising because A, the whipping, and two, Graham-the-rat-fink-culprit was nowhere to be seen.Her stool on the stage was becoming a very lonely place.“That’s what I thought, you cowards,” Ned said.“So if no one is admitting it, fine.I will find out and your punishment will match my frustration for you not stepping forward like a man.Until then, she needs to be claimed so you jackwagons don’t kill each other over her carcass.”She raised her hand again.“For Chrissakes, what now?” Ned asked.“This, boys, this is why we don’t turn women.They asked too many questions.”Ignoring the rumbling chuckles from the thirty or so dangerously grinning and unsettlingly handsome men, she asked, “and what is ‘claiming’ again?” She used air quotes.“One of these fine wolves is going to get to be your man, the lucky devil.”She grimaced at his sarcasm.“No thanks.I choose none of you.Politely decline.”Ned shrugged.“Suit yourself.You die then.”“Mmm, excuse me? Die, you said?”“Yeah, you either take a mate so they can make sure you don’t go blabberin’ your mouth to every newspaper around about us, or you die.”Awesome.“I piiick,” she said, pointing to each tough looking man like she played eeny, meeny, miney, moe.“Stop it.You don’t pick.They pick you.Multiple bids for you means they fight for you.Strongest Lycan wins.Who wants her?”A slew of meaty hands shot into the air.Her thundering heart was going to explode through her rib cage at any moment.Her fear smelled bitter and acrid against the newly sensitive lining of her nose.Okay, so they thought she was a freaking werewolf.She’d seen enough movies to be terrified of the slobbering mangy animal she would turn into if what the legends said were true.She clenched her clammy hands in her lap and pursed her lips against the urge to flee screaming from their midst.They’d catch her before she exited the stage.She was utterly and unerringly screwed and was about to become the sexpot love slave to one of these strangers.Sure, most of them were actually pretty awesome looking, in that chiseled he may kill me, he may spare me type of way, but still… Strangers!Damn Graham, for whatever he’d done, and damn him twice for not being there to fix this colossal misunderstanding.The door flew open, letting in a current of streaming light.And there he stood, trouble himself, wide-eyed and slack jawed, and completely and utterly delicious.Chapter 6“What the hell is going on here?” Graham breathed.The cool part about his whisper, Linden could actually hear it over the murmur of the crowd.She raised her hand once again.Ned dropped his head into his hands and groaned.“I believe I’m about to be claimed by one of these fine gentlemen,” she offered.“You’re alive,” Graham said.Well, that was an unexpected reaction.“Obviously.”“Graham,” Ned warned.“No one’s claiming her.This was a mistake,” he said, weaving through the bodies toward her.“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell them.Finally,” she said to the crowd, “sense has entered the building.”He hopped onto the stage in a move so graceful, it couldn’t be human.His nostrils flared, and he jerked back [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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