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.The morning went by with neither a phone call from Heathrow telling her what time he expected to land so that she could be at the airport, nor any sign of Julian’s car.The day passed, she fetched Millie from school then hurried to take up position by the window again, her ears attuned for the sound of the phone.It had been dark for ages and Millie was eating her supper ready for bed when Tessa saw the beam of headlights from a car approaching the house.In seconds she was outside ready for the moment he stepped out.Yes, it was Julian’s car – but when she threw open the door expecting to live those seconds she dreamed of, it was Naomi who got out.‘You’ve come to welcome Giles! But he hasn’t come yet – no message – nothing.’‘We came as soon as we realized.’ Realized? Realized what? ‘It wasn’t until Julian opened his briefcase that he remembered he had bought a copy of the early edition of the evening paper.’‘Evening paper?’ Tessa felt the first cold hand of fear.But that was ridiculous; what could the evening paper have to do with Giles’ reason for being late?‘You haven’t been listening to the wireless,’ Julian said while fear tightened its grip on her.‘A plane crash-landed.The morning flight from Heathrow was coming in to land and the wheels wouldn’t go down, so the pilot alerted the services he was going to crash-land.Poor chap was killed—’‘Perhaps that’s made other planes late, perhaps Giles has been diverted,’ she heard herself say.But knew there was neither logic nor hope in what she said.‘The Stop Press of the early edition says the plane burst into flames – only two people were pulled free.One isn’t named, the other is the international author Giles Lampton.They were both taken to the local hospital, which is only a couple of miles from the airport.My dear, I am so sorry.But thank God they pulled him free before the machine burst into flames.Get your coat; I’ll drive you while Naomi sees to Millie.’‘I know the way.I’ll take myself.’ How could she speak so calmly when she felt as though she were made of cotton wool and her mouth full of sawdust? ‘I’ve seen the hospital lots of times; I know the way, Julian.’ She mustn’t panic, she must sound calm.‘He was bound to have been taken in the ambulance; they’d have to check him over.But you said he was pulled free.If he rings, tell him I’m coming to collect him.I’ll get my coat.’ She forgot to thank Naomi for looking after Millie, just as she even forgot to say goodnight to the child.Although she knew the road well, that night the journey seemed interminably long.But finally she arrived and was directed to the second floor.There she found a nurse and was taken straight to the doctor in charge.Listening to what he told her, she seemed to feel all life and hope drain from her.No, Giles hadn’t been burnt, but his injuries were extensive.That much she could understand.But although she could converse in Spanish naturally and easily in her everyday life, she had never encountered the words he used when he described Giles’ injuries.The elderly doctor was a kindly man; he hated to see that look of hope die in this pretty young girl’s eyes.For even though she couldn’t understand the detail, she knew lesiones internas could mean only one thing: Giles was injured internally.The gravity of the doctor’s voice and the way he shook his head told her what she was frightened to consider.‘May I see him? He’ll want me with him.’‘He may not be aware enough to recognize you.He has been in the operating theatre and, although he has come round from the anaesthetic, he is barely awake.’‘Please.’ She could trust her voice to say no more.The doctor took her along the corridor to a room that was no more than a cubicle where Giles was propped on pillows, his eyes half closed.His arm was plastered, his shoulder strapped and his chest bare except for bandages.A cradle held the bed covers away from his body.The doctor looked at him sorrowfully.Such a lovely young wife to leave behind.There were times when he would have preferred any calling but his own.Turning, he left them, closing the door behind him.‘Giles, darling Giles.Can you hear me?’ She leant forward and laid her mouth gently on his.Still he gazed unseeingly into space.‘We’ll soon be home again, Finca el Almendros.home.Hold my hand, oh, but you feel so cold.Darling Giles, please hear me, please God make him hear me.Make him know I’m here [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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