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."'' How do you know about him?''"I have my sources.I even know what wanted him.It still does.And of course he'd be very foolish to deal with it.You never deal with the one that wants you most.You deal with Something just a bit stronger—and you have to be very stubborn.You can smother a gift the way your young friend did; but it's very unusual for a child to do the right thing.Usually they don't.Horn in an ordinary situation, they can do very dangerous things—and very many fall right into the magical world and become—the god knows what.If a child is being attacked—" Her mother caught her hands in hers and held them so tightly the bones ground together, pain she opened her mouth to protest, but her mother said, "As you were attacked, dear.Kavi wanted you dead and you wouldn't die.You fought back as hard as a wizard could fight, you fought him by wanting your life so much.so much.you pulled at everything in sight, like someone drowning—""I did drown, mama!" The pain was nothing.The image scared her.It reminded her—"You can drown in magic or you can strike out and swim, clear, you don't have to draw on the natural world.There is a place to get everything your wizardry can use—the right way.It was your fathers damnable teaching that made you a killer.You wouldn't do what was reasonable, no, you followed your father and you ended up Kavi's creature—say what you will, Kavi was using you; Kavi's wishes have been, even while he was sleeping, and he'll go on using you, against everything you want for yourself, unless you listen to different advice.''Listening to anyone's advice frightened her.There had been so many lies."Kavi has your husband in his hands," Draga said, and squeezed hard, while cold panic swept over her."Don't wish! Listen! Sasha's run, he's had to, he's completely out of his element.He can't help your husband at all, he's in danger himself, and there's precious little he can appeal to, unless he does resort to magic—alone, untaught, and with your father's ideas to cripple him.I can't reach him.You're the one who has a chance, but you've got to listen to me now, daughter, you've got to believe for once in your life someone is telling you the truth."Something had happened, Pyetr had no idea what, except it meant they were ahorse again, riding in the dark—he had opened his eyes by firelight with the side of his face stinging and Chernevog holding him painfully by the arm, saying, "Get up, get up, pack up.Move, damn you!"He still had a wobbly, hollow feeling from that sudden waking, he still had no idea what had put fear on Chernevog's face or what hour of the night it was, but a dream kept coming back to him that Sasha had called his name in profound distress, just before that waking; and he doubted Chernevog would tell him anything but lies.But Chernevog said, as they rode, ”Your friend's found something, or something's found him."He wanted to know, dammit, he could not help wondering, and Chernevog said, holding to him,"He's upstream from us.He went back toward the house and doubled back east and north following the river—looking for Eveshka, I'm sure: it's what he hopes to do I can't figure—or how much he understands of anything he's doing."That was a question.Like ghosts, it came at him with fewer distractions in the dark.Pyetr bit the sore spot on his lip and tried to tell himself he had not felt Sasha wanting him, nothing was wrong, that Chernevog was worried was the best thing in the world, and if Chernevog wanted him to make guesses what another wizard would do, Chernevog had to be desperate."You felt it," Chernevog said."You know he's in trouble.""I don't know that," he retorted, "but if you are, that does me good, Snake."Chernevog made him think of shapeshifters then, and his thoughts jumped to Uulamets' likeness, the creature trying to lead him—"Where?"—east.To the river."My old servant," Chernevog said."But slippery.Damned slippery [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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