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.His cheeks felt strangely elastic as his jaw dropped lower than humanly possible.He kept staring into the woman’s eyes, expecting to see terror bloom there any moment.But she seemed numb to the reality of what was happening to her.She looked drugged.Perhaps the effect of some vampiric pheromone.He had no way of knowing.He slapped her.Hard.“Look at me.”Her pupils remained dilated.Her smile was beatific.She moaned.“Yes.Yes.I see you.”He slapped her again, much harder than before.Her eyes began to focus more sharply on him.Good.That was what he wanted.“I’m going to kill you.”There it was.The terror.It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.He ejaculated deep inside her as he snarled again and ripped out her throat.A jet of hot blood hit his face.The feel of it against his flesh was wonderfully warm.The bone-deep cold began to leach from his body.He clamped his mouth around the ragged wound, perfectly sealing it, and drank deeply from her.She moaned and writhed slowly against him, still aroused despite what was happening to her.He drank greedily, his throat bulging as he quickly suctioned every drop of blood from her body.He rolled away from the corpse and sat up, grinning at Narcisa, who stood nearby with her arms folded beneath her breasts.She wasn’t smiling now.The coldly appraising expression he remembered from the shopping mall was back.“Enjoy yourself?”The grin wouldn’t leave his face.“Yes.God, yes.”“Feel any guilt for the life you’ve taken?”“None.”She nodded.“Good.It’s finished, then.There’s nothing human left in you.”“Good fucking riddance.”Another nod.“Do you feel satisfied, as if you couldn’t possibly drink another drop?”He shook his head again.“Not even close.”Now she allowed herself a smile, a small one that slightly dimpled the corners of her mouth.“Care to join me in a hunting expedition?”He surged to his feet and approached to within inches of her.He felt her cool breath on his cheeks, an indicator that she hadn’t imbibed since partaking of the gray-skinned woman.And that had only been a taste.She was ravenous.He could smell the need on her.Sniffing it reignited his own thirst.“I’ll follow you anywhere.”Her smile broadened.“Good.”She clasped hands with him.A white radiance began to fill the cavern as the tactile world started to fade.This he remembered from those last moments on the bench at the shopping mall.He felt a little twinge of nervous anticipation as he realized what would happen next.The moments of fading consciousness, that strange sensation of ceasing to exist.He experienced a moment of the starkest terror as the process began, then relaxed as it continued, a numbness overtaking him as the world and consciousness itself faded…7: INITIATIONHe came out of the light and into the dark.There was a jarring sense of displacement, followed by a wave of disorientation.For a long, heart-pounding moment, he wasn’t sure who he was or what he was.He was just a thing in the darkness, possessed of a rudimentary consciousness but no deeper sense of self.There was something oddly comforting in that.Then it came to him.His name was David Rucker.He was a man.Or formerly a man.He was something else now.Something stronger.Something better.Something hungry.Always fucking hungry.The darkness puzzled him.It was dark and someone was screaming.There was an obvious conclusion.She had been toying with him.There would be no hunt.No rampaging exercise in wanton, unrestrained slaughter.He was still in Narcisa’s secret place.He’d wind up chained to that cold cavern wall again, where he’d spend the rest of his miserable existence, gasping and starving from lack of—The paranoia deserted him as his newly sharpened senses began to detect distinct differences between this place and that filthy cavern.They were in a house.A bedroom.Two figures writhed atop a dimly visible bed, covered by a single silk sheet.One of the figures, a woman, was screaming, but it was a sound of intense pleasure rather than pain.The air in the room was rich with an array of pungent odors, chiefly sweat and the musky scent of sex.He listened for a while as the couple on the bed fucked with admirable enthusiasm, both of them perfectly oblivious to his presence, at least for the moment.He felt something touch his elbow.Narcisa.She smiled.“Kill them.”The woman on the bed made another high-pitched sound, but this time there was a note of surprise mingled with the passion.The man atop her grunted and chuckled softly, the smugly satisfied sound of a man who believes he has just taken his woman to previously unattained erotic heights.David took a step toward the bed.He could see better in the dark now.There was no artificial light in the room and only the dimmest diffused moonlight filtered through the closed window shades.Seeing anything should have been next to impossible.Yet the shape of the bed was now crisply defined within the gloom, as were the shapes writhing on the bed.The man and woman were both young and athletic.The man’s upper torso was heavily muscled, yet lean, likely the result of a balanced mix of cardio and strength training.The knowledge should have given him pause, but he felt no fear.Not the slightest flicker.This man would be a formidable opponent for any human assailant.But because David was no longer human, all he felt was a sense of heightened anticipation.In life, he would have been no match at all for this man.Now, though…now he would revel in tearing the smug son of a bitch to pieces.The woman made a sharper, even higher-pitched sound of surprise.She was staring straight at him now, straining to make out the shape moving toward her in the darkness.David kept coming closer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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