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.“You are very perceptive.” She looked up then and smiled at the young woman.“I’m a psychologist, trained to watch body language and listen to voices.” She laughed.“I could even go so far as to say I think you are in love with this mummy, or maybe this king.But I would hate to embarrass you.”The crowd laughed.They knew Lana was already embarrassed.Her face grew hotter and suddenly she had to move away from Nefra.She led the group out of the exhibit.But she walked alongside the woman who had accused her of loving the young king.“Do you think a person can tap into leftover emotion, even from thousands of years ago?” Lana asked softly.“I’m open to most any idea about emotions, Miss Richardson, and to energy floating around us, how it might bounce off these artifacts, carrying ancient feelings to those who are open to feeling them.”“Would some people be more susceptible to receiving those feelings than others?” Lana dared ask.“Of course.Lots of people walk through life feeling as little as possible.Others seem to be living magnets for the emotions around us.”The fact that the woman used the word Lana had been using herself, magnetic, made Lana listen even more carefully.“But Lana,” the woman used Lana’s first name, printed on her badge, “at the risk of frightening you, if you can pick up positive emotions, you can also pick up negative — vibes — for lack of a better word.You said earlier that Egyptian royal life was full of jealousy, murder, and the fight for power.Those feelings may still surround these artifacts as well.Take this ring, for instance.” She stopped at the last case before they reached the entrance.The crowd had moved ahead of them into the hall.Lana was catching on.“If I wore it, I might be able to feel what the original owner felt?”“I believe it’s possible.Some people would say this is ridiculous, the result of my imagination, but I’m one of those people who can read off metals.I can hold any piece of jewelry and receive emotions that the owner felt.Some are stronger than others.Depends on the events in the wearer’s life.Negative emotions seem to hang onto metal longer and stronger.”“I wish I could let you hold the ring, but I don’t have a key to the case, nor the authority for that.What you experienced would be fascinating, though,” Lana said.“You can see I like antique jewelry.” The woman pointed to the pin and the ring she wore.“But I have to be very careful buying pieces.I held this ring for a long time before I bought it.And I have given back jewelry I knew I couldn’t wear.”“Do you have a card?” Lana asked.“I’d like to talk to you more.”“Of course.” The young woman fished in her huge denim bag and pulled out a slightly dog-eared business card.“Do call.I’d love to talk to you, to test you further.I think you’re the most sensitive person I’ve come across in a long time.”Lana’s collection of strange knowledge was growing by leaps and bounds.She stored the woman’s words for further thought, and further reading, if she could locate reference material.She muddled through guiding one more group, feeling nothing by now.Her own powers of receiving were dulled by exhaustion.Two nights with little sleep were taking effect.Marge had offered her a ride home and she accepted gratefully.She wished she was in the car now.Taking a flashlight from one of the wall cupboards so she’d have extra light, she checked every case, shining the beam onto each shelf, checking, double-checking, as she prepared to close.She didn’t even stop to say good night to Nefra the way she sometimes did.She hurried toward the first room.Just then the lights snapped off, plunging her into total darkness.Her knees turned to water.She wanted to crumple to the floor.Not again, please no, not again.Sure enough, the whispers echoed around her.But this time, near Nefra’s coffin, a candle flared to life.The tiny flame was enough to allow her to see the figure standing beside the sarcophagus.Raising both arms toward Lana, the mummy spoke.“Urbena, my princess.You must come back to me.”Come back, come back, come back.The words echoed around the corners of the hollow room.“I do not wish to live again without you.”Chapter 18One last surge of energy spurred Lana and sent her running for the door.It was closed.Locked.Turning her back on the apparition, she pounded frantically.“Marge — Antef — someone, please! Please open the door!”Pressing her back to the door, she pointed her flashlight and looked again in the direction of Nefra’s coffin.On stiff, bandaged legs the mummy stumbled stiffly toward her.Hands reached for her.Eyes, dark sockets in the gauze-wrapped face stared [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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