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.The fire put out the virgins will betrayThe greater part of the new band:Lightning in sword and lance the lone Kings will guardEtruria and Corsica, by night throat cut.XXXVI.Les ieux nouueaux en Gaule redressez,Apres victoire de l'Insubre champaigne:Monts d'Esperie, les grands liez, troussez:De peur trembler la Romaigne & l'Espaigne.The new sports set up again in Gaul,After victory in the Insubrian campaign:Mountains of Hesperia, the great ones tied and trussed up:"Romania" and Spain to tremble with fear.XXXVII.Gaulois par sauts, monts viendra penetrer:Occupera le grand lieu de l'Insubre:Au plus profond son ost fera entrer,Gennes, Monech pousseront classe rubre.The Gaul will come to penetrate the mountains by leaps:He will occupy the great place of Insubria:His army to enter to the greatest depth,Genoa and Monaco will drive back the red fleet.XXXVIII.Pendant que Duc, Roy, Royne occupera,Chef Bizant du captif en Samothrace:Auant l'assauit l'un l'autre mangera,Rebours ferr� suyura du sang la trace.While he will engross the Duke, King and QueenWith the captive Byzantine chief in Samothrace:Before the assault one will eath the order:Reverse side metaled will follow the trail of the blood.XXXIX.Les Rhodiens demanderont secours,Par le neglet de ses hoirs delaissee.L'empire Arabe reuelera son cours,Par Hesperies la cause redressee.The Rhodians will demand relief,Through the neglect of its heirs abandoned.The Arab empire will reveal its course,The cause set right again by Hesperia.XL.Les forteresses des assiegez serrez,Par poudre � feu profondez en abysmesLes proditeurs seront tous vifs serrez,Onc aux sacristes n'aduint si piteux scisme.The fortresses of the besieged shut up,Through gunpowder sunk into the abyss:The traitors will all be stowed away alive,Never did such a pitiful schism happen to the sextons.XLI.Gymnique sexe captiue par hostage,Viendra de nuit custodes deceuoir:Le chef du camp de&cced;eu par son langage,Lairra � la gente, fera piteux � voir.Female sex captive as a hostageWill come by night to deceive the guards:The chief of the army deceived by her languageWill abandon her to the people, it will be pitiful to see.XLII.Geneue & L�gres par ceux de Chartres & Dole,Et par Grenoble captif au Montlimard:Seysset, Lausanne, par fraudulente dole,Les trahiront par or soixante marc.Geneva and Langres through those of Chartres and D�leAnd through Grenoble captive at Mont�limarSeyssel, Lausanne, through fraudulent deceit,They will betray them for sixty marks of gold.XLIII.Seront ouye au ciel armes battre,Celuy au mesme les diuins ennemis:Voudront loix sainctes iniustement debatre:Par foudre & guerre bien croyans � mort mis.Arms will be heard clashing in the sky:That very same year the divine ones enemies:They will want unjustly to discuss the holy laws:Through lightning and war the complacent one put to death.XLIV.Deux gros de Mende, de Roud�s & Milhau.Cahours, Lymoges, Castres malo sepmanoDe nuech l'intrado, de Bourdeaux vn cailhau,Par Perigort au toc de la campano.Two large ones of Mende, of Rodez and MilhauCahors, Limoges, Castres bad weekBy night the entry, from Bordeaux an insultThrough P�rigord at the peal of the bell.XLV.Par conflict Roy, regne abandonnera,Le plus grand chef faillira au besoing,Mors profligez peu en reschapera,Tous destranch�s, vn en sera tesmoing.Through conflict a King will abandon his realm:The greatest chief will fail in time of need:Dead, ruined few will escape it,All cut up, one will be a witness to it.XLVI.Bien deffendu le faict par excellence,Garde toy Tours de ta proche ruine:Londres & Nantes par Reims fera deffenseNe passe outre au temps de la bruine.The fact well defended by excellence,Guard yourself Tours from your near ruin:London and Nantes will make a defense through ReimsNot passing further in the time of the drizzle.XLVII.Le noir farouche quand aura essay�Sa main sanguine par teu, fer arcs tendus,Trestous le peuple sera tant effray�,Voir les plus grans par col & pieds pendus.The savage black one when he will have triedHis bloody hand at fire, sword and drawn bows:All of his people will be terribly frightened,Seeing the greatest ones hung by neck and feet.XLVIII.Planure Ausonne fertile, spacieuse,Produira taons si tant de sauterelles:Clart� solaire deuiendra nubileuse,Ronger le tout, grand peste venir d'elles.The fertile, spacious Ausonian plainWill produce so many gadflies and locusts,The solar brightness will become clouded,All devoured, great plague to come from them.XLIX.Deuant le peuple sang sera respandu,Que du haut ciel viendra esloigner.Mais d'vn long temps ne sera entendu,L'esprit d'vn seul le viendra tesmoigner.Before the people blood will be shed,Only from the high heavens will it come far:But for a long time of one nothing will be heard,The spirit of a lone one will come to bear witness against it.L.Libra verra regner les Hesperies,De ciel & tenir la monarchie:D'Asie forces nul ne verra peries,Que sept ne tiennent par rang la hierarchie.Libra will see the Hesperias govern,Holding the monarchy of heaven and earth:No one will see the forces of Asia perished,Only seven hold the hierarchy in order.LI.Vn Duc cupide son ennemy ensuyure,Dans entrera empeschant la phalange,Hastez � pied si pres viendront poursuyure,Que la iournee conflite pres de Gange [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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