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.He had been legitimized among the sailors.In time he felt safe enough to insert questions about the Devil's Eyes.Many a man had known Emerald, and none had become his friend.But no one recalled seeing him around lately.The hunt widened as westerners with their own grievances began taking more active roles.Rider noted a growing uneasiness among eastern sailors, many of whom must have known who Emerald was and now feared being lumped together with him.Rider suspected his imposture was getting out of hand.It might have been the thirtieth tavern.He kept no count.But he was as alert as ever.He noted, amidst the rowdiness, one eastern face which remained quietly thoughtful.After a few minutes its owner began edging toward the door.Before the man was halfway there Rider excused himself from his companions and headed for the rear of the tavern.He ducked out the back and loped through the nearest breezeway to the street, arriving moments before the easterner marched past, oblivious to watching ayes.Rider shed most of his disguise.He tore his sailor's clothing, making himself look less prosperous.He slipped a pebble into a shoe, donned a stoop, and set out after the easterner.Rider's precautions were wasted.The sailor was not concerned about his backtrail.He merely meant to report news probably of minimal interest.The trail, inevitably, led toward water.Toward the river again.It seemed Shai Khe had to have water at his back.As he hurried through the gathering shadows, Rider pondered the significance of that.He reached through the web and touched his men.Without exception he found them bored.Then he reached for Su-Cha.He found the imp perched among the gargoyles surrounding the statue of an old king atop a commemorative pillar facing the sea the king had conquered.Su-Cha had assumed the shape of a gargoyle.He was sleeping.Rider nudged him.The imp squawked and launched himself from the pillar, to the astonishment of witnesses below.He filled the web with conflicting excuses for his having taken a nap.Rider ignored them all.Come help me follow a man, he sent.Disguise or no, his continued presence behind the man he stalked meant ever-increasing risk of discovery, especially as the gathering night made it necessary to remain close.Su-Cha arrived quickly.His night vision was superb.Rider drifted back.The stalk led up the bank of the river, beyond the water gate and wall, and then past suburbs into marches where country folk hunted waterfowl and gathered wild rice.The easterner seemed well acquainted with the path he followed through the boggy land.Su-Cha dropped down to confer with Rider, who followed a safe quarter mile behind."He's probably heading for an old hulk that's on the river's edge over yonder," the imp said."The trail is hard to spot from up there.But I did notice two places where men like that Emerald are hanging around.Good ambush places."Rider gave the imp two green eggs."Drop these on them after the man goes past.Wait for me outside the hulk." Su-Cha grunted and flapped away.An hour later Rider met the imp a hundred yards from the hulk, which loomed like the corpse of a beached whale against the night.Su-Cha said, "I think we and our friend have had a long walk for nothing." "How's that?""Right after I egged the first ambush I noticed a boat leaving the hulk.Headed downriver.I'm pretty sure Shai Khe was in it.""Uhm." Rider stared at the hulk."Do we hit it anyway? Take it away, too?" "Did those men seem suspicious before they fell asleep?" He had slipped past both sets of guards without bothering either."I don't think so.""Then we'll leave things be.For now.Except to add a few flourishes." In his pockets Rider carried several stones, cousins to that through which he had tracked Soup and Spud.He showed them to Su-Cha, who grinned as much as he could with a beak.Then the imp began changing shape.He became one of the huge semi-aquatic rodents that inhabited the marshes, a beast variously called a waterbear, a waterdog, or a waterrat.The creatures were known for their curiosity, stupidity, and a fearlessness based primarily on the fact that their flesh was so tough and illflavored even a crocodile avoided eating them.The men aboard the hulk would be accustomed to occasional inspections by itinerant waterbears.Su-Cha filled his rat mouth with Rider's stones.Ten minutes later the hulk reverberated to shouts of exasperation.Five minutes more and Su- Cha had returned, grinning.He changed again."I marked most of them."Rider sensed the stones through the web."Their movements should tell us a lot.Let's get back to the City.Shai Khe will be up to some deviltry."XXIVChaz had been told to guard Lord Priscus Procopio.Procopio was a retired general who had won distinction in the far east.He had won many new provinces, and the hearts of the people who dwelt in them.He had shown no mercy to the old cults and tyrants that had oppressed and tortured those lands.Now Procopio was a leading royal adviser.And Rider assumed he was a man familiar with the threat posed by the sinister Shai Khe.Indeed he was."We crossed swords twice, out in Nuna," he told Chaz, as they looked out over Shasesserre from behind heavy glass."He was old and cunning even then.Lucky for me he hadn't the reputation he's got now.The people out there exposed his plots both times.The second time I caught and executed his son.Or a man purported to be his son.""Then you really believe he's trouble, eh?""Of course."'"Bout time we ran into somebody who does." Chaz knew Soup and Preacher had been refused access to the men they were supposed to guard, and that the others had gotten only slightly more cooperation from their charges."I'll believe anything I hear about Shai Khe.The man is a devil.I've seen the wretches who have escaped his rule.I've talked to them.And I know I'm near the top of his hate list, because of his son.Shasesserre itself must bear that hatred, so long as he lives.No, I don't doubt anything.And I'm terrified."Chaz said, "You don't look it.""You learn to tame fear, and mask it, when you're a proconsul trying to rule twenty millions and you're backed only by five thousand swords and a few airships.You learn to appear as indifferent as stone.If the dogs sense so much as an apprehension in you, you're lost."Chaz scanned the lights of the great city.Even after years he was not comfortable here."And is there a point to it? To the army being in Nuna, I mean.Is there a mutual benefit?"Procopio's expression soured."Until the magnates and tax farmers feel it's tamed enough to move in.Even then, I suppose [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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