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.'I have no wish to "get rid" of Derek,' she said stiffly.'But I wish you would go away.'Her reluctance had only seemed to make him more interested.'I'm not married now, Eve,' he breathed huskily against her earlobe.'So you don't need to worry about that any more.''I'm not worried, Carl,' she told him coldly, wondering what on earth had happened to Derek; he seemed to have been gone for hours, although she felt sure it was only minutes.'Although I'm glad your wife finally had the sense to divorce you.'His face darkened angrily.'Still a bitch, aren't you, Eve?' He sat away from her.'I couldn't give a damn about losing Helen and that interfering family of hers— but I miss my children,' he added fiercely.Eve looked at him calmly, seeing the pain etched beside his nose and mouth.It was reassuring to know that he cared for something else beside himself.'Maybe you should have thought of that earlier,' she said callously, her hatred towards this man as strong as ever.His fingers dug into her arms as he pulled her savagely towards him, his face only inches away from her own.'You cold little bitch!' he snarled.She looked at him steadily.'It's better than being the bastard you are.''You--------''Everything okay?' Derek miraculously appeared at the table.Carl had stood up and walked away without another word, pulling the protesting Barbara to her feet and leaving.'He looked as if he was being nasty.' Derek frowned at her pale face.Eve shrugged.'Nothing I couldn't handle.'Derek nodded.'Carl Prentiss is one of the men to avoid in this world.'Her eyes widened.'You know him?''Who doesn't?' he dismissed.'But I'm glad you didn't like him, he means trouble.'Derek had dismissed the whole incident as just another pick-up.He had no idea of the part Carl had played in her past, and she hadn't enlightened him, the painful episode with Carl was buried deep in her subconscious.She hadn't seen Carl from that day to this, although there was the occasional photograph of him in the newspapers, usually escorting one beautiful woman or another.As far as she knew he had never remarried, but if he had she could only pity his second wife, as she had pitied his first.It was after ten when she woke the next morning, just time enough for her to bath and dress before Bartholomew Jordan arrived.'Where do you think you're going?' Derek came into the bedroom just as she was getting out of bed.Eve felt no embarrassment, not with Derek.He was used to seeing her wandering about his flat in her nightclothes.Besides, the cotton nightgown hid a lot more than the clothes she wore on stage.'Bart Jordan 'isn't seeing me in bed again,' she informed him.It puts me at a disadvantage.'Derek grinned.'I'm sure he's aware of that.''So am I—which is why I'm getting up.'"The doctor will be here in a minute,' he told her.'So perhaps you should stay in bed until after he's been.'Her eyes became stormy.'I told you I didn't want to see a doctor!'He shrugged.'I didn't call him.Bart Jordan is sending his own doctor.He telephoned shortly after nine to tell me to expect the man at half past ten.'Eve scowled angrily.'He has no right----' she brokeoff as the doorbell rang.'If that's Bart Jordan tell him I left the country late last night and you have no idea where I've gone,' she said childishly.Derek smiled.'And if it's the doctor?''Tell him—tell him—-'The door opened and Judy stood there, a tall distinguished man of about fifty standing at her side.Eve felt daunted just looking at him, the haughty expression on his face telling her that he had never before made a house-call on such a lowly dwelling, and his eyes widening slightly as he took in her crumpled nightgown.No doubt his female clients usually wore the sheerest lingerie.'Miss Meredith?' he asked stiltedly.She held back her amusement with difficulty, something Derek wasn't able to do, muttering his excuses and hastily leaving the room.She could hear his muffled laughter coming from the other room, his and Judy's, which meant that if she could hear them so could this doctor.Her head went back in challenge.She hadn't asked this arrogant man here, so why should she care what he thought?'Yes, I'm Eve Meredith,' she confirmed coolly.His harsh features broke into a smile as he held out his hand to her.'Edgar Holliston.'That charming smile came as something of a surprise to her, and she accepted his hand almost dazedly.'Bart Jordan asked me to call.' His voice was warm now.'I—Yes.But I don't need a doctor,' she told himhurriedly.'I-----''Bart has already told me of your near collapse test night, Miss Meredith,' Edgar Holliston frowned.'And if you don't mind my saying so, you sound desperately in need of a doctor.'She did mind him saying so.Her weakness last night had been nothing, it had passed now, and she didn't appreciate this man making the incident seem more than it was.'I'm perfectly all right now,’ she insisted.'Then it won't hurt if I just give you a little checkup, will it?' He put his black bag down on the bed, looking at her expectantly as she still stood beside the bed.'I don't need a check-up,' she told him firmly.'Besides, you aren't my doctor.''As of this morning I am.''This morning.? Eve frowned.'But—How?'He shrugged.'Bart made the arrangements for you.Now could you please lie down, Miss Meredith? I had to cancel several other appointments to come here this morning, so your co-operation would be appreciated.'She lay down, fuming all the time he was examining her.Not that he wasn't good at his job, he was very thorough, she would just like to wring Bart Jordan's neck for him.And when he got here at eleven o'clock she just might do that!Edgar Holliston stood back.'Your blood pressure is slightly raised, but I would put that down to temper,' he smiled.'Bart is only thinking of your health by insisting on these precautions,' he added gently.Eve glared up at him.'I've managed so far withoutany interference from him!'He chuckled, and the last impression of haughtiness disappeared.'Bart said you were a little on the fiery side,' he continued to smile.Eve scowled.She wasn't in the least fiery, she didn't allow things to bother her enough to either enrage or anger her.And yet hadn't she been in one temper after another since her first meeting with Bart Jordan?'I'll thank Bartholomew Jordan to keep his opinions to himself,' she said crossly.'Back on form, I see,' he drawled from the doorway.She turned to glare at him.'Don't you ever knock before entering a room?' she snapped, pulling the sheet up over the open neckline of her nightgown, ever conscious that last night this man had seen her without any clothes at all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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