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.He didn't push.When it was time for bed, she said goodnight and left him with the guest room.Monday morning was slow going.There were still several icy places on the roads and parking lots.Ann walked carefully, using only one crutch now, her book bag over her shoulder.Paul was going to wander around town until lunch when they would meet at a small café close to campus.It felt good to be back in class, much easier than studying on her own had been.She handed in assignments to her professors and got copies of lecture notes from classmates.As her last class of the morning ended, she began walking toward the café.The sidewalk she was on had not been scraped well and was still icy.As she placed her crutch down, the tip slipped out from under her, and she fell.She reached over to gather her books, which had flown out of her bag when she suddenly found Emily there helping."You know, this is the third accident of yours I've witnessed," Emily observed with a weak smile."Are you always this graceful?"Ann smiled, her eyes searching Emily's face.'She looks tired,' Ann thought."I guess I need someone around to keep picking me up."Emily held Ann's bag, and helped her to her feet."Are you all right?" Emily asked seriously."You didn't hurt your ankle, did you?"Ann gingerly moved her foot around and tried putting weight on it."It seems to be fine," she pronounced."Once again, the biggest bruise is to my ego.""Well," Emily handed Ann her bag, "I'd better be going.""Can you join us for lunch?" Ann asked."Paul is meeting me at the campus café." Before Emily could respond in the negative, Ann placed a hand on her arm."Please, Emily.It would mean a lot to me."Ann's eyes were a very deep blue.Emily was torn.She didn't want to hurt Ann, but she felt raw and exposed.Ann's pressure on her arm increased a little."All right," Emily acquiesced."At least let me carry your bag before you break something else."Ann laughed and handed Emily the bag.As they walked, Ann talked about her first morning back.When they entered the café, Paul was there reading.He stood to greet them, giving Ann a kiss on the cheek, and shaking Emily's hand with a firm grasp.Ann related her mishap on the ice while Emily said very little.After they had ordered, a difficult task for Emily, since she wasn't even sure she could eat, Paul told them about the shops he'd wandered into during his morning's exploration."And what do you do?" he asked Emily, leaning forward."I'm teaching while I work on my doctorate," she replied.He wanted to know more, and despite herself, Emily found him easy to talk to.Ann interjected where she felt Emily was being too modest.When Emily decided she had spoken enough, she asked Paul, "What about you? What are you going to do now?""Well," he said thoughtfully, "after all that I saw in Africa, I think I've decided to go to med school.I'd like to go back someday when I can do more to help.""Paul, that's wonderful!" Ann said, placing a hand on his arm.Emily unconsciously rubbed her own arm where Ann's hand had rested a short time ago.The conversation for the remainder of lunch wandered from topic to topic.Finally, Emily needed to leave for class, and Ann needed to study for an exam in her own French class.Paul planned to go for a swim at the natatorium, and said he'd see Ann at the apartment later.He shook Emily's hand again with a barely perceptible nod of his head.Emily took Ann's book bag for her again and carried it as they headed for Whitmore Hall.They walked in a strained silence.Emily just wanted to get away.She didn't want to hear how great Paul was, or how good it was to see him again.Ann felt Emily's distance, but wasn't sure how to bridge it.When they got to Whitmore Hall, Emily gave Ann her bag."I'll see you later," she mumbled and went upstairs to get her notes.Ann found an empty classroom where she could study, but found it difficult to concentrate.Her relationship with Emily felt different, something had shifted.She told herself she was imagining it, but she knew nothing had felt quite the same since lunch with her parents.'That's not true,' she realized when she thought about it, 'it hasn't been the same since my last night at the Gundlachs', since she said she loved me.'Emily left the classroom quickly at the end of class, so Ann didn't get to talk to her then.She had one more class that afternoon, a psychology class, which she didn't hear a word of.She found herself remembering the closeness of those evenings at the Gundlach house.She wondered why she hadn't wanted to be closer to Paul.He had made it clear that he was willing if she was, and it had been a long time.Eventually the class was over, and it was time to hobble back to her truck.She was filled with a restlessness she couldn't identify.When she got back to the apartment, Paul was packed."Why are you leaving tonight?" she asked, surprised."Annie," he smiled, "it's okay [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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