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.There will be no jokes about sniffing butts or chasing tails or anything like that.Ever.Agreed?"More sober nods, this time with a few smiles."Okay, folks," I said."Just so you know, friends--I'm in your debt, and it's one I'll never be able to repay.Thank you.""Gush later," Murphy said, her tone wry."Rescue now.""Spoken like a true lady," I said, and put my hand out.Everyone piled hands.Mouse had to wedge in close to put his paw on the pile.All of us, every single one of us, except maybe my godmother, were visibly, obviously terrified, a circle of shivers and short, fast breaths."Good hunting, people," I said quietly."Go."Everyone had just gotten to their feet when the brush rattled, and a half-naked man came sprinting almost directly into us, his expression desperate, his eyes wide with mindless terror.He smashed into Thomas, rebounded off him, and crashed to the ground.Before anyone could react, there was a muted rustle, and a Red Court vampire in its black-skinned monstrous form came bounding out of the forest five yards away and, upon seeing us, went rigid with startled shock.An instant later, it tried to reverse its course, its claws gouging at the forest floor.I've heard it said that no plan survives first contact with the enemy.It's true.The vampire let out an earsplitting screech, and all hell broke loose.42A lot of things happened very quickly.Mouse rushed forward and caught the vampire by one calf just before it could vanish into the thick brush.He set his legs as the vampire struggled wildly, trying to scream again.Martin brought his pistol up in a one- handed grip, six inches of sound suppressor attached to its muzzle.Without hesitating for an instant, Martin took a step to one side for a clear shot and fired on the move.The gun made a sound no louder than a man clearing his throat, and blood spattered from the vampire's neck.Though it kept struggling, its screams suddenly ended, and it bounded and writhed wildly to maneuver Mouse between itself and Martin.That stopped abruptly when Thomas's falcata took the vampire's head from its shoulders.The half-naked man looked at us, and babbled something in Spanish.Susan answered him with a curt gesture and a harsh tone, and then the man blurted something, nodding emphatically, then turned to keep running into the darkness."Quiet," I breathed, and everyone dropped silent while I stood quite still, Listening for all I was worth.I have a knack, a skill that some people seem to be able to learn.I'm not sure if it's something biological or magical, but it allows me to hear things I wouldn't otherwise pick up, and I figured it was a good time for it.For a long breath, there was nothing but the continued rumble of the drums.Then a horn, something that sounded a bit like a conch, began to blow.A chorus of vampire screams arose and it didn't take any supergood hearing to know that they were headed our way."There.You see?" Sanya said, his tone gently reproving."Frontal assault.""Oh, Jesus," Murphy said, her tone more disgusted than afraid."He's right," I said, my voice hard."Our only chance is to hit them hard." We had only a moment, and my mind raced, trying to come up with a plan that resulted in something other than us drowning in a flood of vampires."Harry," Susan said."How are we going to do this?""I need Lea," I said, trying to keep my voice calm and steady."I need Molly."Molly made a squeaking noise.I turned to Susan and said, "We do it in two waves."We moved directly toward the enemy, entering the ancient gallery full of columns, and the vampires came boiling out of the shadows to meet us.I don't know how many of them there were.More than a hundred, less than a million.I stepped out in front of everyone and said, "Attack!"Sanya's battle roar was loudest.He leapt forward, drawing Esperacchius , and blazing light shone forth from the blade.Murphy ran forward upon his right, letting out a scream of her own and holding the shining length of Fidelacchius in her hands.An aura of soft blue light had surrounded her.On Sanya's left, Susan ran, Amoracchius held aloft and wreathed in white fire, and her scream was something primal and terrible.Thomas flanked Murphy.Martin ran next to Susan, and both of them charged forward with blade and pistol in hand.I saw the front ranks of vampires hesitate as they saw the pure, terrible light of the three Swords coming toward them, but it wasn't enough to stop the momentum of that horde.It swallowed all five valiant figures in a tidal wave of dark, flabby bodies, claws, fangs, and lashing tongues.Suckers.I still stood forward of everyone else, and the meeting of the two ranks of combatants brought the horde to a halt.A brief halt, true, something that lasted no more than a handful of seconds--but it was time enough for me to reach down to touch the slow, terrible power of the ley line flowing beneath my feet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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