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.“I know, but this is important.I have to get back as soon as possible.”“It is urgent, Mrs.Webb,” Wade added.“Thank you for everything.I’ll keep in touch,” Sam said, as he swayed on his feet, his expression grim.“I’ve got to get him out to the carriage, ma’am.Thank you for taking such good care of him.” Wade supported more of Sam’s weight as they started quickly out the door.“Good-bye.”Sarah watched them go with a heavy heart.She had thought she’d have more time with him, but it was not to be.As the major helped Sam into the carriage, she turned away and closed the door.“Sit quietly, Wallace.We don’t want to draw any undue attention to ourselves.” Wade climbed in beside him.Sam glared at him, but wisely made no foolish moves.And Wade, instead of starting back toward town, headed off farther down the river road.The little house looked peaceful and quiet as Jim, Mark, and Marshall rode up in front.They had made the trip out from town in record time and were excited at the prospect of their meeting with Sam.“This is it.” Mark hurried on ahead of them and knocked on the door.Danny, who’d returned from town, answered it.“Who are you? What do you want?”“I’m Captain Mark Clayton, and I’m here to see Sam Wallace,” Mark informed him.“He’s gone already,” Danny said, as he started to close the door.“Wait a minute.What do you mean, he’s gone? You just brought a note to the Westlake house from him saying that he was staying here,” Mark argued as Jim and Marshall joined him.“Well, he isn’t anymore.”“Danny? Who are you talking to?” Sarah heard the sound of voices and came to see who was at her door.“I’m Mrs.Webb.Can I help you gentlemen with something?”“I’m Marshall Westlake, ma’am.I just received a note from Sam Wallace that said he was here.”“He was, but you just missed him.”Mark frowned.“Missed him? What do you mean?”“Who are you?”“I’m Captain Mark Clayton.”“But the other soldier said that you were out of town for the day and that was why he’d come for Sam…”“What other soldier?” Jim asked quickly.“The one from the quartermaster’s office where Danny delivered the note Sam had written to you.”“Sam wrote a note to me?” Mark questioned.“Yes, and one to Mr.Westlake, too.And then, just a short time ago, that major showed up and took Sam back into town to a hospital.”“Major? What was his name? Do you remember?”“MacIntosh,” she replied.“It was Wade…” Mark cursed under his breath.“Is there another road back to town besides this one?”“Why, no…why do you ask?”“Because we didn’t pass them on the way here.”“How long ago did they leave?”“No more than ten minutes…why? Is Sam in some kind of trouble?”“It looks that way,” Jim told her grimly as they prepared to leave.“Can I help?” She offered as they turned to rush back to their horses.“No, ma’am.This is likely to be dangerous,” Mark explained, mounting up.“You find him!” she called as Jim drove off at breakneck speed.“We will.” came his answer.Wade pulled his coach off onto a rutted side road and tied up in a heavily wooded area.Climbing down, he drew his pistol and waved Sam out of the carriage.“Let’s go.” He pointed a way through the underbrush.“Walk.”Sam staggered forward, barely able to stay upright.He knew he had to save himself…there would be no one coming to the rescue.Looking around, he nervously searched for something he could use to defend himself against Wade, but it was no use, for he had little strength left.Stumbling, he fell, landing on his hands and knees on top of a rotted tree trunk.Wade followed behind him, confident that he’d have no problems this time.He’d just take him a little deeper in the woods and shoot him.When Sam fell, Wade automatically stepped toward him to grab his arm and pull him upright.It was at that moment that Sam struck.With a piece of rotten wood from the tree trunk, he swung upward and sideways with all the force he could muster, catching Wade unawares and knocking him to the ground.Wade’s gun went off as it flew from his hand, and Sam scrambled away, trying to get back to the carriage.Wade was stunned but unhurt by the sudden unexpected attack.Getting to his feet, he searched for and found his pistol and then gave chase, running at top speed through the prickly underbrush after the faltering Sam.Mark and Marshall, who had galloped far ahead of Jim, heard the shot and hoped that they were not too late.“You take the road…I’ll cut through the brush,” Mark ordered, and Marshall quickly complied.Turning his horse off the road, Mark spurred it on through the dense undergrowth in the direction of the shot, as Marshall followed the rutted side road.Sam groped his way forward, his breathing labored, his strength about gone.Desperation was all that drove him, and he lurched ever onward, trying to escape certain death at Macintosh’s hands.He could hear Wade gaining on him, and he knew he had little time…Wade was chasing after him with relative ease.Sam was in no condition to camouflage his movements, and Wade could hear him moving through the bushes.Keeping his gun ready, he followed him, waiting for the first moment when he’d have a clear shot.Sam staggered out into a small open field and stood, swaying, as he looked around.He had lost all sense of direction since he’d fled from Wade, and now he wasn’t sure which way to go.Knowing that he had to get under some kind of cover, he skirted the clearing, staying near its edge in hopes of avoiding his pursuer.Wade smiled as he watched Sam’s pitiful attempt to escape him.He had him, now, of that there could be no doubt.With a cool hand, he raised the revolver and aimed, his finger slowly squeezing the trigger.Mark’s mount burst forth into the field, startling Wade just as he fired, and the shot went off target, missing Sam, who dove quickly into the woods to escape another shot.Mark glanced in Sam’s direction, “Are you all right?”“Yes…” Sam called, hiding behind some trees.“Good.Stay there.” Mark immediately raced toward Wade.Wade drew a bead on Mark and fired, but Mark slipped lower in the saddle and the bullet whizzed harmlessly past.Realizing that he had to get back to his carriage, Wade took off at a run, staying in the densest brush to keep Mark’s horse at bay.Crashing hurriedly through the weeds, the hunter became the hunted.Terror took him, and he knew the fear of being trapped.His only hope was to get away in the carriage…but even so, Mark would easily be able to overtake him on horse back.He had to shoot his way out.There was no alternative.“Hold it, Major,” Mark called.But Wade ran on, ignoring his warning.Hiding behind a tree, he shot hurriedly at Mark, not taking the time to aim, and again he missed.Turning, he ran on, dodging behind trees and what ever other cover he could find, until, at last, he made it back to the road.Jim was pulling up next to where Marshall waited, just as Wade emerged from the forest.In one last, wild attempt to get away, Wade fired off two rounds in their direction, as they dove for cover, before running for his carriage.He never made it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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