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.They were friends sharing a drive, nothing more.“Why didn’t you tell me you were uncomfortable?”“I was told by the driver that he chose the interior temperature.”So he had, right around the time she’d asked if she could switch the radio station.“No one touches the control panel but me,” he’d told her.Mint drifted past him again as Chloe shifted in her seat.Unfolding her legs, she stretched them out as much as she could and wiggled her toes.No woman should have such long legs.Between them and her enticingly-scented skin, how was a man supposed to concentrate on the road?Ian suddenly felt her eyes on him, making concentration worse.“Clearly, the media profiles told the truth,” she said.Out of the corner of his eye he saw her wave her phone.“Caught up on my internet research.”“I was going to ask what you were doing.So, what were the articles right about?”“You having control issues.”“You’re only coming to that conclusion now? Wow.”“I had my suspicions before I began reading,” she told him.“The article confirmed them.”Confirmed and elaborated, more likely.“I know the picture they painted.Hotheaded micromanager who wouldn’t relinquish control.”“Are the articles right?”“Yeah.” And no, too, but he didn’t want to get into the whole psychobabble about how he needed to stay on top—stay one step ahead—so he wouldn’t screw up and prove his father right.How, little by little, he’d morphed into the old man himself, until he couldn’t stand looking at himself in the mirror.Chloe was far too sweet and innocent to dump his dirty past on.Besides, she had her secrets; he might as well have his.Dammit! When did the driver ahead put on the brakes? Ian slammed on his.At the same time, he shot his arm out to keep Chloe from moving forward.With a loud grinding noise, the antilock brakes kicked in, bringing the vehicle to a stop inches from the other car’s bumper.“You okay?”“Fine,” Chloe told him.Perhaps, but he could feel her chest rising and falling against his forearm.He should have paid closer attention.“You’re right about the other drivers being skittish,” she said.“It’s getting rough out there.”Much as he hated to admit it, she was correct.The farther west they drove, the more conditions deteriorated.Seemed like for every mile the wind velocity gained, visibility lost one.Ian didn’t want to say anything, but he’d seen more than one set of lights fishtailing as vehicles swerved on the slippery surface.It served him right for failing to check the regional weather forecast before leaving New York.Stupidly, he’d thought that, it being spring, the frozen weather was behind them.“Regretting your decision to come along?” he asked“For the last time, no.If anything, the storm adds to the adventure.”“Interesting attitude.That why you’re squeezing your seat belt?” He could feel her arm muscles tensing beneath the cloth.Too bad the traffic demanded his attention and he couldn’t enjoy the color he knew bronzed her cheekbones.“All right, so maybe I’m a little nervous.”He gave her leg a reassuring squeeze.“We’ll be fine.”“I know.” The surety in her voice made his heart catch.“Read a few more articles and you might not feel so confident,” he replied.“I’ve read enough.Besides, why would you being a bastard in business affect your ability to drive?”“You’d be surprised.” Knowing more about his sins would erase some of the faith from her voice.Her confidence unnerved him.He’d become far more comfortable with people’s disdain.Give her time.Seriously, how long could he keep her friendship? Even now, while she smiled trustingly in his direction, he was focused on how her leg muscles tensed and released.Every blessed shift made his groin twitch.A better man would lift his hand away.He wouldn’t contemplate sliding it down toward her knee and back along the inside of her thigh, measuring her length by the reach of his fingers.What kind of friend did that?Just then, a gust of wind shook the car.Mother Nature ordering him to keep his hands to himself.Squeezing the leather as tightly as possible, he silently thanked her for the intervention.“On second thought,” he said aloud, “do you still have cell service?”“Barely.The storm’s cutting into my signal, why?”“Dial 511 and see if you can get a traffic update.I’m wondering if there’s more than weather slowing us down.”While Chloe fiddled with her cell phone, he played with the radio tuner.With luck he’d find a local station and get an update on the weather.Learn whether or not they’d be stuck with these conditions all the way to the state university.He’d already ditched any plan of arriving midafternoon.Late afternoon was more likely.Hopefully not much later than that.After all, it was Saturday night.College kids went out on Saturday nights, right? Frat parties and all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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