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.All men are thought to have one great moment in their careers in the I louse, and for Alec Pimkin it was to be that day.The election of a Speaker in the Commons is a quaint affair.By ancient tradition, no one must appear to want the honor, and it is rare for more than one person to be proposed for the post.During Henry VI's reign three Speakers were beheaded within a year, although in modem times it has been the heavy burden of duties that has often led to an early grave.This tradition of reluctance has carried on through the ages.Alec Pinik-in rose from his seat on the back benches to move "that the Right Honorable Charles Hampton does take the chair of this House as Speaker." Dressed in a dark blue Suit, sporting a red carnation and his favorite pink-spotted bow tie, Alec Pimkin rose to address the House.His speech was serious yet witty, informed yet personal.Pimkin held the House in his grasp for nine minutes and never once let it go."He's done his old friend proud," one member muttered to another across the gangway when Pimkin sat down, and indeed the look on Charles's face left no doubt that he felt the same way, whatever had taken place in the past.After Charles had been seconded, the tradition of dragging the Speaker-elect to the chair was observed.This normally humorous affair, usually greeted with hoots of laughter and cheering, became even more of a farce at the sight of the small, portly Pimkin and his Labour seconder dragging the six-foot-four former Guards412FIRST AMONG EQUALSofficer from the third row of the back benches all the way to the chair.Charles began by expressing his grateful thanks for the high honor the House had bestowed on him.He then surveyed the Commons from his new vantage point.When he rose and stood his full height, every member knew thev had selected the right man for the job.The sharpnes~ of his tongue might have gone, but it had been replaced with an equally firm delivery that left none of his colleagues, however unruly, in any doubt that Mr.Speaker Hampton intended to keep "order" for many years to come.Raymond was distressed when the Conservatives increased their majority in the Speaker's old seat and captured a marginal constituency on the same day.He didn't need the press to point out that were Conservatives and the Social Democratic Party to join forces, Government and Opposition would be equal in number, insuring a premature General Election.Raymond was determined that the Government hold on for at least another four weeks, so that he could deliver his third April budget and give the Party a strong platform on which to light the election.Simon knew that if Raymond Gould had the chance to deliver his third budget speech in April, the Labour Party might be saved at the polls.There was only one solution: to win a "no confidence" motion before the end of March.Simon picked up the phone to call the Social Democratic Party headquarters.Their Leader was all too happy to meet that afternoon.Raymond had accepted an invitation to address a large Labour rally in Cardiff the weekend before the vote of "no confidence." He boarded the train at Pad-413FIRST AMONG EQUALSdington, settled into his compartment and began to check over his speech.As the train pulled into Swindon, a railway official stepped on board and, having discovered where the Chancellor of the Exchequer was seated, asked if he could speak to him privately for a few minutes.Raymond listened carefully to what the man had to say, replaced the speech in his briefcase, got off the train, crossed the platform and returned by the first available train to London.On the journey back he tried to work out all the consequences of the news he had just been told.As soon as he arrived at Paddington, he made his way through the waiting photographers and journalists, answering no questions.A car took him straight to Westminster Hospital.Raymond was shown into a private room to find the Prime Minister sitting upright in bed."Now don't panic," said the Prime Minister before Raymond could speak."I'm in fine shape considering I'm over sixty, and with all the pressure we've been under this last year," "What's wrong with you?" asked Raymond, taking a chair next to the hospital bed."Recurrence of the old trouble, only this time they say it will take major surgery.I'll be out of this place in a month, six weeks at the most, and then I'll live as long as Harold Macmillan, they tell me.Now, to more important matters.As Deputy Leader of the Party, I want you to take over again, which will mean you will have to speak in my place during the 'no confidence' debate on Wednesday.If we lose the vote, I sha,11 resign as Party Leader." Raymond tried to protest.From the moment he had been told the Prime Minister was ill again, he had known the implications.The Prime Minister held up his hand to still Raymond's words and continued, "No party can fight an election with its Leader laid up in bed414FIRST AMONG EQUALSfor six weeks, however well he might be when they release him.The voters have the right to know who is going to lead the Party in Parliament." As the Prime Minister spoke, Raymond remembered Kate's telegram on the day of his election as Deputy Leader."And of course, if we are forced into an election before the Party conference in October, under Standing Order Number 5 (4), the national executive and the Shadow Cabinet would meet and automatically select you to take over as Party Leader." Raymond raised his head."Yes, the importance of that particular standing order had already been pointed out to me," he said without guile.The Prime Minister smiled."Joyce, no doubt." "No, her name was Kate, actually." The Prime Minister briefly looked puzzled, and then continued."I think you must face the fact that you may well be running for Prime Minister in three weeks' time.Of course, if we win the 'no confidence' vote on Wednesday, then it's a different matter altogether, because I'll be back and guiding the ship long before the Easter recess is over.That will give us enough time to call the election after you've delivered your third budget." "I'm unable to express how much we will miss your Leadership," said Raymond simply."As every member of the House will know which lobby they'll be voting in long before the debate begins, my Leadership may turn out to be less important than my single vote.Just be certain your speech is the finest you ever deliver to the House.And don't forget it will be the first occasion on which they've allowed television into the Commons, so make sure Joyce picks out one of those smart shirts you sometimes wear."Raymond spent the final few days before the "no confidence" vote preparing his speech.He canceled all the engagements in his diary except for the Speaker's 415FIRST AMONG EQUALSdinner to celebrate the Queen's sixty-fifth birthday, at which he would be standing in for the Prime Minister [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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