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.If this thing was going to kill him, then he didn't want to die stumbling over his words like a coward."I won't kill you, not yet."Ainsley wasn't sure why he asked, why his lips even formed the words."Not yet?""No, that would ruin the fun." The monster gracefully got to his feet."Souls like yours, they must be cherished.In comparison to you, she's just an appetizer." He kicked at Eleanor's body to emphasize to whom he was referring."But you, I'll take my time with you.Not until the time is right, though; it won't be complete until he sees it, too.Until he suffers.""Complete?" Then the other part of his statement occurred to Ainsley."Who suffers?""The other player of our game of course.Consider this your formal invitation.""Who are you?""You may call me Le Monstre."The Monster."I don't want to take part in this game."He giggled again."It's adorable that you think you have a choice." Ainsley could hear his voice fading."Spend your last days wisely, Ainsley Moore."Ainsley woke suddenly, nearly tripping over his rug in his rush to get to the bathroom and revisit his light dinner.It was just a dream, he tried to tell himself.Just a dream and that monster couldn't hurt him because he wasn't real.But even as his brain tried to rationalize it, his heart knew the truth: the monster was real and he was coming.*~*~*The next day found Ainsley picking dejectedly at the sandwich in front of him.He hadn't been able to sleep after the nightmare, his thoughts plagued with memories of the monster as he'd killed and devoured Eleanor.No matter how much he'd tried, Ainsley hadn't been able to erase the picture of that thing smiling at him.He'd tried studying, but his thoughts wouldn't focus.The terms and facts had all blended together until Ainsley had thrown the book in frustration.Afterward, he'd picked up the book and checked to make sure he hadn't done any damage to it.Feeling appropriately ashamed as he returned it to his bag, Ainsley decided to go out.Fresh air would clear his thoughts.At first, he'd walked around his neighborhood under the illusion of window shopping, but when he'd started seeing monsters out of the corner of his eye, he'd dropped the pretense and wandered into a nearby restaurant.He hadn't been hungry at breakfast, memories of his visit with the toilet still hanging around in his mind, but his stomach made it clear that he needed to try to eat.Ainsley tried ordering a sandwich, figuring it would be light enough to not disrupt his stomach, but it had obviously been a poor decision.The more he stared at it, the more he was reminded of the sandwich from the night before—and that brought back to mind the nightmare.He was morbidly curious if the nightmare had any grounds in reality.if Eleanor had truly been torn open.When he'd identified her, he had only seen her face.Of course, she probably hadn't been torn apart like that; it was just a dream after all.Likely it was a bit of subconscious guilt over the fact that Ainsley felt like there was nothing he could do to help her.Identifying her body didn't seem enough, even when he logically knew that there was nothing more that he could have done.With a sigh, Ainsley pushed the food away and stared up at the ceiling.It had been a dream, nothing more, and he needed to get over it.There were worse things than having a bad dream.Eleanor would be shaking her head at him if she could see him right now, calling him pathetic.She'd never had much patience for self-pity."Hey."Ainsley's eyes flew open, a shriek of surprise nearly leaving his lips before a warm hand clamped down over his mouth to muffle it.He struggled a bit before he managed to identify Morgan through his panic.Morgan was looking increasingly nervous, glancing around the restaurant as if checking to see if anyone was staring.When Ainsley calmed, Morgan tentatively lifted his hand."What the hell?" Ainsley hissed, the minute he could."You would have disrupted the other diners.Rather high strung this morning." Morgan rationalized."May I sit?"Ainsley took a few more calming breaths until he thought he could answer Morgan without cursing."Sure."Morgan sat across from him and laced his hands on the table.He didn't say anything, leaving Ainsley to study him.He hadn't gotten any less handsome in the light of day, although there was a bandage on his chin where, Ainsley could only assume, he'd nicked himself shaving.His tie was yet again tied incorrectly, and his hair was rumpled and brushing against his collar.He was a mess.An attractive mess, but a mess nonetheless.Ainsley's hands twitched to fix the tie, but he told himself that it wasn't his job, instead wrapping his fingers around his mug of tea to give them something to do."So, what are you doing here?" Sometimes the most direct questions were best.Morgan looked at him like he hadn't really noticed him before."You wear glasses."Ainsley's hands went to his glasses automatically, pushing them up his nose.He'd been forced to put them on that morning, since his eyes were too puffy from his lack of sleep."I do."He wasn't sure with what he expected Morgan to reply, but it certainly wasn't, "They're cute."The statement made Ainsley flush."Thank you."After a moment, Morgan asked, "Are you alright?" Ainsley's eyes widened, for how could Morgan possibly know about his dream last night? "You seemed unhappy last night and I was worried."Oh."It's still a bit of a shock.Weird to think that someone I know is dead; that I'll never see her again.""It'll take some time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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