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.Gabriel like to cross through it some nights on his way home, letting Diego and Luis take the old Corolla back home or out to meet with some chicas down from the canning factory over past Alameda bodega.Sometimes they’d rag him, make him come along, tell him he needed to get laid, get some nice mestiza pussy, take some of the ache of the day away.If they pushed, he’d go.But that night, the night he’d seen Joey, Gabriel had begged off, claimed exhaustion and too much irritation with the day to be around people.Walking back to the sweaty box of a house through the sharp-smelling lanes of the carnation farm, feeling an ache of need and emptiness, he had come upon Joey on his knees, Joey, pulling on Mr.Adamos’s cock the same way he had sucked on the Corona at the bar that night they had shot a few rounds of pool with some of the other workers.That’s where he had seen Joey before, spoken to him a few times.They had run into each other at the bodega and the little low-rent bar the field workers went to after work on Fridays, had a few Coronas.Gabriel’s English was good—much better than Diego’s or Luis’s.His mother had pressed him, over and over, to try and learn before he left Tijuana, to help his brothers out.Gabriel, who could read, which his brothers could not; Gabriel, who wanted out of Tijuana to make some money and make some life that didn’t include days spent breaking his back like his father had done till the day he died.Gabriel had taken his mother’s advice and had gone in search of teachers.He had hung out at a dank little club just in from the border where Anglos came across seeking drugs and sex—foreign pussy and hot cock—and he had learned first some passing English which he shared with his pleased mother and then better English which he stored for later, for when he would cross the border.Gabriel learned a lot from the turistas.He had learned how to let an Americano teach him words and then suck his dick and squeeze his balls and lick his ass for a hundred pesos, maybe more, maybe less.They liked the lessons, these turistas, liked the idea that they were making something out of this boy from Tijuana who they could imagine tending their gardens or cleaning their pools, shirtless, his skin slick with sweat just ready to be licked off by an eager Anglo tongue.At twenty-two, tall and lean with the muscled body of a laborer who split rocks at the quarry all day long, with the deep, glowing bronze tan of a man who stood baking against the harsh white rock from five a.m.until four in the afternoon with barely a siestina at midday, with the sleek black hair that fell across his forehead and the eyes so dark they seemed to have no discernable pupils, Gabriel had learned just how to ply his language-learning trade, had learned that men thought him rough, but beautiful.And he learned what it meant when they said to him that he was a gorgeous animal, a sexy beast, learned that they didn’t really see him like themselves, that he was like something they found along the seaside—a shiny bit of glass, a pretty shell—he was treasure, but treasure that didn’t need to be protected or even coveted.He was something to ooh and ahh over for as long as it took to have a drink, get hard, and get off.No more, no less.Gabriel had learned the language, all right, had learned just how much he liked having his cock licked and sucked by strange white men he’d never see again.Learned how to say in his roughly accented English, Wait, not yet, don’t let me come yet, and he would pull his cock away from the gringo, breathing por favor, and hold it tight for a minute, press his fingers to the head and pretend that it ached not to come, but that he could take it, this strong Mexicano could take it, because he knew that little bit of play, using their words back at them, taking away his big, Latino cock, made them want to shoot right then and there, made them want him more, made them want to pay him more, made them grab for it back and then they would suck him with mucho gusto, make him come that much harder, that much better [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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