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.Key in lock.The bowl of candy Luke had left outside the door the night before still held a few pieces scattered on the bottom over the painted images of witches and ghosts and broomsticks and arched black cats.No one had egged the house.Jesse kicked the door shut behind him, and they both sank to their knees, still face to face, hands wrenching clothes away, cloth tearing, buttons ripping off.Jesse's mouth tasted cold and sweet, like cinnamon ice cream.His tongue found Luke's, met and swirled, his hands on Luke's skin.Face and neck and shoulders and biceps, teasing even after this many months."I knew you wouldn't leave."Jesse growled.Nipped at Luke's jaw."You helped me through.Thinking about you.When I saw that they'd grabbed you?" Deep breath.His hands moved down, and Luke shuddered.He was rock hard in Jesse's grip, hard and aching and wanting it so damn much, wanting Jesse now, hard and long and salty thick in his mouth.They rose, holding on to each other, not letting go, Luke cursing his boots while Jesse laughed as he struggled with his own.Silence, briefly, because their boots reeked of putrescence and blood and something indescribable.Jesse opened the front door and threw out their reeking boots, one at a time, picking them up by the tops between thumb and forefinger, gingerly as if he was holding a mouse by the tail.Luke laughed, though it wasn't funny.It was horrible.But it didn't matter.The front door shut out the world again, and they went together, bumping into walls and doorjambs until they reached their bedroom, shadowy with early morning, curtains drawn, and Jesse laughed at the bed, a hollow sound because his side was taken up by books and notebooks and tablets.Jeans came off, and underwear, and they didn't worry about shirts, just reached and fell to the bed, shaking the comforter and its library off the far side, snuggling down into the depths.Luke's mouth fastened on Jesse's cock, and Jesse tensed, gave himself up to sensation for just a breath before he started to suck, hard, his tongue sliding down the length of him.Jesse took Luke in his mouth again, and sucked and swirled his tongue along the underside.Luke arched, pressed deep into Jesse, and felt Jesse cock his hips, pressing himself deeper into Luke's mouth.Luke brought his hands up, cupping Jesse's balls, hard and full and familiar.His thumb stroked the slick, satiny flesh between balls and asshole, nudging at Jesse's entrance, just pressure from one knuckle.With his other hand, he circled the base of Jesse's cock, stroked his thumb up and down the length, sucking cock and thumb into his mouth at the same time, everything slick and wet and hot.Jesse gasped and tightened his lips around Luke's shaft, going faster for a moment before he lifted off and used his lips, pressed together as if firmly disapproving of something, to run up and down the underside, fast and hard, almost like petting through clothes.Luke jerked, felt himself starting to come before he wanted to, and didn't care.They'd spend the day in bed.The week.He'd call in sick, uninterested, disenfranchised, too happy to go to work.His cock jerked, and Jesse wrapped his mouth around it, drinking Luke down, laughing with delight, his laughter a butterfly kiss against slick skin and hot flesh.They had all day.They had forever.For now, they both hurt, and Luke wondered if Jesse felt as abraded as he did.Or more.They needed to look at the stab wound in Jesse's side, at the place where the thing had run that thick, black talon into Jesse's flesh, and the gash along the back of Luke's neck, which stung.But Jesse was wriggling around him, sliding partway up Luke's body, head nestling now in the hollow made by Luke's hip, and Luke circled into and around Jesse.Jesse's breath was already getting soft.His fingers curled around Luke's.The sun rose higher on All Soul's Day, and they had each other, and they had time.Luke felt the anger bank and the future beckon as he slid into sleep curled into the man he loved.There were things out there, things that existed to tear people apart, that fed on the loss of love and hope and happiness.Jesse had run afoul of them in the spring, and Luke on Halloween night, which had caused the creatures' undoing, at least this time.However they came into the world of humans, they'd be back.Everyone had escaped this time, or everyone left alive.Undoubtedly, there were other men held below other cities.The fight wasn't over—it was actually just beginning.Luke couldn't imagine going back to his real life until he'd made sure they were really safe.But for now, it was enough to be together."Seriously, how is it hard to come up with a porn name? It's not rocket science," Bobby said as he laughed.Matt, sitting on the dusty, old hospital bed, rolled his eyes."It's important for my name to be memorable!" He sighed and moved a hand to rub his eyes before remembering that the make up artist had already had her way with him.She made his skin pale, but used a ridiculous amount of kohl and black eyeshadow around his eyes to achieve a 'haunted look', as she had called it.He itched, but resisted the urge to scratch, unwilling to sit through another hour of makeup."Matt Cumjizz?" laughed the sound guy, whose name Matt couldn't seem to remember, especially since he didn't have any distinctive features whatsoever.The proposition made him snort."That's my man.Nothing sounds as sexy as 'Cumjizz'.""Just putting it out there!" said the guy as he fiddled with his equipment.Matt could only sit there, naked, waiting for the remaining members of the crew they needed for this scene.They couldn't start filming without Pablo, director and set designer in one, to come back from wherever it was he'd gone to.Matt felt a little overwhelmed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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