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.She wrote a list of things she would need for the powder, copying them carefully from Paul’s angular, neat script.She didn’t know where to find the magical oils necessary to complete the potion but Paul had given her several small bottles, each meticulously labeled as to their contents and properties.Though it was only nine o’clock, the sun was already high and warm, making Anne glad she’d dressed accordingly.She didn’t notice the tall man moving back into the shadows along the side of her building as she walked down the stairs of her stoop and along the sidewalk toward the open-air market several blocks away.But he had noticed her.In fact, he only had eyes for her.~*~“What have I done? What am I doing?” Paul looked down at the blonde head bobbing between his thighs.Her mouth was warm, the lips gliding over his cock as she cupped his balls.Her long nails were poking into his flesh, distracting him.She glanced coyly up at him, drawing her tongue seductively along his shaft in a display clearly designed to arouse him.Then down she went again, moving her head rapidly like a piston, no nuance, no subtlety, but plenty of tongue and practiced moans he knew were also designed to excite him.He should never have succumbed to her charms at the café.It had disarmed him when she’d admitted she wanted him to fuck her.In a moment of self-pity, he’d decided why not? Why not have a fling with this pretty young girl? She would take his mind off Anne, at least for a moment.He’d allowed her to lead him back to the hotel, to her room where she’d stripped for him, doing a sexy dance as she pulled each item from her hard over-tan body, tossing it toward him with a flourish.He knew before they began it was a mistake, but as he watched her undulating, naked and yearning, he let thoughts slide away from his mind.His cock took over, rising to greet the girl as she knelt in front of him, unzipping his pants and taking his semierect member in her hands.She’d pulled him to the unmade bed by his cock, pressing him to sit down against the sheets before kneeling between his thighs.She hardly seemed real—little more than a fantasy and someone else’s fantasy at that.How foolish this was—letting this poor girl seduce him when he knew his heart was a thousand miles away.It was unfair to Stephanie, unfair to himself, unfair to Anne.I’m no better than any mortal man, letting myself be led by my cock instead of my nobler instincts.What an ass I am.For though he’d wanted to pretend it was a relief Anne had sent him away, inside he had to admit at last it had cut him to the quick.He tried to remind himself Anne had simply expressed her honest need to take a breather, to make sense of their tumultuous love affair without the distraction of her lover to confuse her.She hadn’t said it was over—only that she needed time.Stephanie drew up beside him in the large hotel bed.She lay on her back, her breasts defying gravity.She crossed her arms beneath them, her face a pout of angry disappointment.Paul realized he’d lost his erection, so distracted by his musings he’d forgotten to focus on the frenzied attentions of his would-be lover.Leaning up on an elbow, he said gently, “I’m sorry, Stephanie.I must be tired.I’m not used to transatlantic flying like you are.Must be jet lag.”“Yeah whatever.” Old fart.Figures I picked a dud.Probably a closet fag.Paul startled to hear her thoughts, thoughts he hadn’t meant to listen for.He couldn’t help the small smile at her words.If she only knew how old he really was.Poor girl—he couldn’t take offense at her silent rebuke.He knew the sort of woman she was—someone who derived her sense of self-worth almost entirely from her appearance and ability to seduce a man.He’d committed the ultimate sin by failing to be properly impressed by her beauty or properly aroused by her attentions.Gently he moved a tendril of her blonde hair from her cheek.She turned her head away.“Stephanie, look at me.” She turned toward him with a petulant frown as he locked her in his gaze, sending a magical message into her brain.All at once she smiled, the crease of irritation smoothing from between her brows, her expression softening.“I’m so sleepy,” she announced, stretching lavishly as he pulled the covers up over her.“I could sleep the entire day.” She closed her eyes with a dreamy sigh of contentment.She would sleep the entire day and when she awoke, she would not remember Paul Windsor.She would not remember he had been on her shift on the flight.She would not remember seeing him that morning at the café.She would not remember failing to seduce him with her limited charms.She would simply wake, feeling rested and refreshed, ready to enjoy the Paris nightlife without a care in the world.~*~“Anah rrrrathra.Anah hebuk.Woiyek, woiyek, wigafey, Anah rrrrathra.Anah hebuk.Woiyek, woiyek, wigafey.” Anne sat on a bench at the park, focused intently on a pigeon pecking near her feet.She had been trying to immobilize the bird for several minutes, to no avail.She was about to give up, promising herself only one more try when the pigeon for some reason looked up at her.She caught its eye just as she spoke the strange, magical words.The bird stiffened, frozen in place by her spell.“Oh my God,” Anne said aloud.A woman nearby turned to look at her.Anne smiled and ducked her head, waving her hand as if to say, excuse me, please ignore me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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