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.Panic gripped Priscilla.Then she noticed the small button on the inside of their box, beside the open panel.She punched it, and the panel closed.The space was indeed too small.Priscilla found herself pressed against the wall in front, and Bryan was so close behind her that she could feel his body all the way up and down her back.It seemed hard to breathe, and she wondered about the amount of air there might be in this upright coffin.There was a click as the study door opened, and then a loud, familiar voice, “But surely you don’t keep your objets d’art in here.I would think they would be on display in the drawing room.”Ranleigh? Priscilla glanced back up at Bryan in amazement.What on earth was he doing here? And with Evesham!Bryan raised an eyebrow and shrugged.Outside, Evesham’s silky voice replied, “What? To let the masses see? Oh, no, dear boy, I keep them in here, where only I can look at them.”“But where’s the fun in that?” another voice asked.It sounded very much like Mr.Rutherford’s.“I say, why are you speaking so loudly?” Evesham asked petulantly.“Am I?” Rutherford returned blandly.“Yes.Both of you.”“Oh, sorry.” That was Damon’s voice again.“Guess I’m used to speaking on board ship.Hard to hear on the open sea, you know.”Priscilla had to smother a giggle.It was obvious that the two men were trying to warn them of Evesham’s presence as best they could.She doubted that they suspected that Priscilla and Bryan were in the very same room with them, but no doubt they hoped that their loud talk would reach them wherever they were searching.Outside, in the room, they heard the sounds of Evesham opening the glass display case into which they had gazed earlier.Rutherford and Damon began to exclaim over the miniatures within at great length.Priscilla realized that the Duke and his friend might keep Evesham talking in here for some time.Since it was apparent that Bryan and Priscilla were not in this room, no doubt they would assume that the couple were escaping from some other room.They would want to give them plenty of time in which to do it.She leaned against the wall in front of her, suppressing a sigh.Now that her heart had subsided a little and her nerves were no longer standing on end, she began to think about how close Bryan was to her.His front grazed her back, and she could feel the heat of his muscular body through their clothes.She looked up at Bryan, and in the faint light seeping in through the cracks around the secret door, she found him gazing back at her.Blood flooded her cheeks; she was glad that he could barely see her.She glanced immediately away.But it was too late; the sexual awareness was there, and with every passing second it grew, seeming to feed on the silence and awkwardness.Outside, the three men continued to chat.Priscilla wondered impatiently if they would ever shut up.Bryan touched her hair.Priscilla flinched, barely suppressing a gasp—less of surprise than of pent-up desire.It had been only a few weeks since she had felt his intimate touch, but it seemed as if it had been forever.He smoothed his hand over her hair, then delved into the knot in back, pulling out pin after pin.A shudder ran through Priscilla, and she pressed her lips together to hold back a moan.His hands felt so wonderful in her hair; it turned her knees to butter.She flashed him an admonishing look, trying to appear stern and forbidding, but she knew inside that what she really wanted was to feel his hands all over her.Bryan grinned at her, his eyes alight with deviltry, obviously reading her mind.She dared not speak, and there was not enough room in the hidey-hole to pull away from him.She could only glare at him, but he ignored her, continuing to take down her hair until at last it tumbled freely over her shoulders.Then he combed his fingers through it, fingering the silken locks.Priscilla leaned her forehead weakly against the wall in front of her.His hand went to her face, and his finger traced over her brow and cheeks as if he were a blind man.He ran his forefinger slowly across her mouth, and it was all Priscilla could do not to take it between her lips.His finger trailed down over her chin and onto the soft flesh of her throat, delving beneath the collar of her riding habit.Priscilla’s eyes fluttered closed, and her breath came more quickly.Bryan’s hand moved to the long row of buttons down the front of her jacket, and he began to unfasten them.Her eyes flew open, and she turned her head to glare a warning at him, but he paid no attention to her, just gave her a bland look and continued working on the buttons.She could say nothing, for fear of being heard by Evesham, outside in the room.Bryan’s hand slipped inside the bodice and under her chemise, and further efforts to stop him went right out of her head.Her breast fit perfectly into his hand; Priscilla quivered at the feel of it there.His other hand came up, and took possession of the opposite breast.He bent and began to nuzzle her neck, his hands busy teasing her nipples into hardness.Priscilla went weak at the knees.Her head lolled to the side, giving him freer access to her neck.Taking her nipples between his forefingers and thumbs, he rubbed and tweaked and caressed them into thrusting out.His fingers explored her breasts and delved down beneath her chemise as if he had all the time in the world, as if they were not stuck in a hidden space, perhaps to be discovered at any moment.Now his fingers left her breasts and went to the fastenings of her skirt.Deftly he disconnected the hooks and eyes, then slid his hand beneath her petticoats and undergarments, finding bare skin at last.Priscilla was startled from her haze of desire, and she craned her neck to look up at him.He met her gaze this time, his hot eyes boring into hers, and she felt herself melting all over.This could not be happening, she told herself.He rucked up one side of her skirt and moved his hand up under it, smoothing it over the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.Priscilla jerked convulsively.But there was nowhere to go and nothing she could do.Desire rushed in on her like a freight train.His fingers went between her legs, and she had to clap her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out.He stroked her there, and she labored for breath.His hand came out and around to the back, moving down inside her pantaloons and over her derriere, squeezing the firm flesh there.Then his fingers found her soft inner passage from the back.Her hands came up, elbows resting against the wall.She was so caught up in passion that she could scarcely breathe; it seemed as if every fiber of her being were centered in the heat in her abdomen right now.It was all she could do not to groan or cry out as Bryan’s fingers worked new delights on her tender flesh.He buried his finger deep within her, while with his other hand he continued to caress her breast.He stroked in and out, arousing her, as he nibbled at her neck [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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