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.You can count it.I’ll wait.Wayne Passow likes things right.’‘From where?’‘From where what?’‘Where does it come from?’ Simberdy said.‘From me, of course.From Wayne Passow.’‘Where did you get it? What’s it doing here?’‘Obvious.It’s waiting for you.You deserve it.’‘Where does it come from?’ Simberdy stuck at it.‘Have I got news for you!’Olive had broken the band on one packet of notes and was counting.‘This is an unknown country for me, Fatman,’ he said.‘What is?’‘Art and that.Something I never wandered into previous.Well, I already told you.’Simberdy felt weak and pulled a chair under himself with his foot.‘But I found what you could refer to as an adviser – a business adviser, relating to art, that sort of matter,’ Passow said.‘Someone who knows this scene perfect, and who’s straight, too.You know what I mean, Fatman?’‘What advice?’ Simberdy replied.‘If you remember, them three paintings you had was not the only ones that happened to go from the museum during the said operation.’‘There was a Monet,’ Simberdy said.‘Of course I remember.Nothing Known, where is it? This is serious, L’Isolement is unique.It must go back to the Hulliborn.And it must be intact.’‘You said it, Fatman!’‘You’ve returned it?’ Momentarily, Simberdy’s voice sang.Perhaps, after all, Olive was right and Passow did have fragments of decency at the centre.‘Yes, it’s serious – seriously valuable.’‘Have you any idea of how seriously valuable seriously valuable is?’‘That’s it, what I mean – this adviser.’‘He told you how much it was worth?’ Simberdy said.‘He did more than that.’This, Simberdy could have guessed.‘Yes?’ Oh, God.‘Are you all right?’ Olive asked.She went to the kitchen and brought him a glass of water.He spilled a lot on the way to his mouth.‘He took it off your hands, did he?’ Simberdy asked.‘You’re the smart one, aren’t you? Yes, he said he’d like to buy it from me.I felt glad.I mean, to be frank, did I know how to market such an item? I could learn, for sure, but just now I’m at the very threshold of this new career.Nothing Known is never too proud to know he needs help on stuff he don’t know.’ He was silent for a moment.‘You think they might be on to you, Fatman?’ he asked.‘This line could be tapped.Have you noticed anything like that? And here I am using my real name more than once, and you using it as well.Too late now, though.It’s done.’‘Which adviser?’ Simberdy replied.‘This is someone London way.Oh, very much London way.They got all sorts of art spots, true class there, and proper experts.This is somebody who really got to grips with art from way back.He’ve heard of them all.You say any painter, all the foreign names, he’ll know it – in his head, just like that, he got it.Michael Angelo, he can tell you everything about him up on church ceilings.The Mona Lisa? He could inform you of the size straight off.If there’s only a certain space on the wall, the measurements become very important, don’t they? Paris – all them galleries – he been there, and paying attention, giving scrutiny, not just a culture stroll.He loves it – art.He knew about Monet, straight off of his own bat.I never told him one thing because he knew it all already.I got a book on art from the library.Monet, in France, painting away there, big beard, well, just like a painter, and into water lilies, he couldn’t get enough.First thing in someone’s garden, he’d ask, “Any water lilies?” and if no, the day was a washout for him.Really great.’Simberdy said: ‘What did this sod pay you, Wayne? What’s this money about?’‘Pay? You know what he paid, Fatman.You can work that out easy enough.’‘Wayne, how the hell would I know? How much?’‘One thing about Wayne Passow, he looks after his friends right.He splits fair with his partners.Wayne Passow is famed for this,’ Wayne Passow said.‘So, you get twenty grand there for two of you.Ten each.And exactly similar for self.’‘He paid you thirty thousand?’‘Beautiful, yes? Surprise? But, like we was saying, this is a very special painting, and he thought the frame pretty good, also: so a bit of a bonus.That Monet, he’s what’s referred to in art circles as “much sought after”, meaning people collect him.He’s called an Impressionist because he sees things – usually lilies – and gets an impression from them, or that’s my impression, anyway.This kind of operation – paintings – is a long way up from nicking televisions and cars.’Simberdy covered the mouthpiece again and half sobbed to Olive: ‘He’s sold L’Isolement for thirty grand.It’s worth how many millions?’‘And he’s ready to help further,’ Nothing Known said.‘I’m real well in with this guy.’‘Of course.It’s why you came back and took the “El Grecos”,’ Simberdy said.‘There’ll be another nice little packet for you soon, Fatman.I reckon I have a duty to do what I can for you and Olive.Again I say it – this is a team.All for one and one for all, like.All right, I’m doing most of the actual work, but that don’t mean special treatment as regards my share.Straight split.Maybe next time it will be up to you, Vincent, and Olive, to do the selling.So, don’t you worry about it at all.Wayne’s going to handle the deal.Wayne got it under control.All right, I heard them three might be phoney.Only might.Worth a try? Obvious.This could be an even nicer package – three times as nice.This adviser, he’ll know about the other painter for sure.Yes, you can bet he’ve heard of old El.OK, it’s not Monet and so not quite so tip-top, but Monet’s not the only big painter in the world.Art spreads itself all ways.This is the great thing re art.No limit.’‘Where is he, Wayne? What’s his name, your fence?’‘London way.’‘Yes, you said.But where, exactly?’‘Art is life to him,’ Passow replied.‘I love to hear him talking about tints and palettes.An eye-opener.’‘What’s his name, Wayne? Look, we’re partners.There shouldn’t be secrets.’‘Although most artists have what’s called an easel to work on, Michael Angelo obviously wouldn’t of been able to use an easel when he was up there painting a chapel’s ceiling,’ Wayne said.ThirteenLegs dangling, wearing her tangerine and blue gear today, Lady Butler-Minton was seated on a roof beam near the gymnasium ceiling, resting before her sauna, when she saw the door from the garden swing slowly open and Neville Falldew, once Palaeontology at the Hulliborn, stand for a second gazing in, then hesitantly enter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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