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.In this scrutiny no part of the shore was overlooked, the bays and points, in particular, being subjected to a closer inquiry than the rest of the wooded boundary.»'Tis as I thought,« said Hurry, laying aside the glass – »The old fellow is drifting about the south end, this fine weather, and has left the castle to defend itself.Well, now we know that he is not up this-a-way, 'twill be but a small matter to paddle down, and hunt him up in his hiding place.«»Does Master Hutter think it necessary to burrow on this lake?« inquired Deerslayer, as he followed his companion into the canoe.»To my eye, it is such a solitude as one might open his whole soul in, and fear no one to disarrange his thoughts, or his worship.«»You forget your friends the Mingos, and all the French savages.Is there a spot on 'arth, Deerslayer, to which them disquiet rogues don't go? Where is the lake, or even the deer lick, that the blackguards don't find out, and having found out, don't, sooner or later, discolour its water with blood.«»I hear no good character of 'em, sartainly, friend Hurry, though I've never been called on, yet, to meet them, or any other mortal, on the warpath.I dare to say that such a lovely spot as this, would not be likely to be overlooked by such plunderers, for, though I've not been in the way of quarrelling with them tribes myself, the Delawares give me such an account of 'em that I've pretty much set 'em down in my own mind, as thorough miscreants.«»You may do that with a safe conscience, or, for that matter, any other savage you may happen to meet.«Here Deerslayer protested, and as they went paddling down the lake, a hot discussion was maintained concerning the respective merits of the pale-faces and the redskins.Hurry had all the prejudices and antipathies of a white hunter, who generally regards the Indian as a sort of natural competitor, and not unfrequently as a natural enemy.As a matter of course, he was loud, clamorous, dogmatical and not very argumentative.Deerslayer, on the other hand, manifested a very different temper, proving by the moderation of his language, the fairness of his views, and the simplicity of his distinctions, that he possessed every disposition to hear reason, a strong, innate desire to do justice, and an ingenuousness that was singularly indisposed to have recourse to sophisms to maintain an argument, or to defend a prejudice.Still he was not altogether free from the influence of the latter feeling.This tyrant of the human mind, which rushes on its prey through a thousand avenues, almost as soon as men begin to think and feel, and which seldom relinquishes its iron sway until they cease to do either, had made some impression on even the just propensities of this individual, who probably offered in these particulars, a fair specimen of what absence from bad example, the want of temptation to go wrong, and native good feeling can render youth.»You will allow, Deerslayer, that a Mingo is more than half devil,« cried Hurry, following up the discussion with an animation that touched closely on ferocity, »though you want to overpersuade me that the Delaware tribe is pretty much made up of angels.Now, I gainsay that proposal consarning white men, even.All white men are not faultless, and therefore all Indians ca'nt be faultless.And so your argument is out at the elbow, in the start.But, this is what I call reason.Here's three colours on 'arth; white, black and red.White is the highest colour, and therefore the best man; black comes next, and is put to live in the neighborhood of the white man, as tolerable and fit to be made use of; and red comes last, which shows that those that made 'em never expected an Indian to be accounted as more than half human.«»God made all three, alike, Hurry –«»Alike! Do you call a nigger like a white man, or me like an Indian?«»You go off at half-cock, and do'n't hear me out.God made us all, white, black and red, and no doubt had his own wise intentions in colouring us differently.Still he made us, in the main, much the same in feelin's; though I'll not deny that he gave each race its gifts.A white man's gifts are christianized, while a red skin's are more for the wilderness.Thus it would be a great offence for a white man to scalp the dead, whereas it's a signal vartue in an Indian.Then, ag'in, a white man cannot amboosh women and children in war, while a red skin may.'Tis cruel work I'll allow, but for them it's lawful work, while for us it would be a grievous sin.«»That depends on your inimy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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