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.Infants were often brown with a white tuft of hair at the rump, but their hair darkened within the first five years.By the age of twelve, adult males had developed the silver patch along their back and rump; the sign of sexual maturity.With age, gorillas turned gray in much the same way as people.Male gorillas first developed a spot of gray above each ear, and as the years passed more body hair turned gray.Old animals in their late twenties and thirties sometimes turned entirely gray except for their arms, which remained black.But from their teeth Elliot estimated that these males were no more than ten years old.All their pigmentation seemed lighter, eye and skin color as well as hair.Gorilla skin was black, and eyes were dark brown.But here the pigmentation was distinctly gray, and the eyes were light yellow brown.As much as anything it was the eyes that set him thinking.Next Elliot measured the bodies.The crown-heel length was 139.2 and 141.7 centimeters.Male mountain gorillas had been recorded from 147 to 205 centimeters, with an average height of 175 centimeters—five feet eight inches.But these animals stood about four feet six inches tall.They were distinctly small for gorillas.He weighed them: 255 pounds and 347 pounds.Most mountain gorillas weighed between 280 and 450 pounds.Elliot recorded thirty additional skeletal measurements for later analysis by the computer back in San Francisco.Because now he was convinced that he was onto something.With a knife, he dissected the head of the first animal, cutting away the gray skin to reveal the underlying muscle and bone.His interest was the sagittal crest, the bony ridge running along the center of the skull from the forehead to the back of the neck.The sagittal crest was a distinctive feature of gorilla skull architecture not found in other apes or man; it was what gave gorillas a pointy-headed look.Elliot determined that the sagittal crest was poorly developed in these males.In general, the cranial musculature resembled a chimpanzee’s far more than a gorilla’s.Elliot made additional measurements of the molar cusps, the jaw, the simian shelf, and the brain case.By midday, his conclusion was clear: this was at least a new race of gorilla, equal to the mountain and lowland gorilla—and it was possibly a new species of animal entirely.“Something happens to the man who discovers a new species of animal,” wrote Lady Elizabeth Forstmann in 1879.“At once he forgets his family and friends, and all those who were near and dear to him; he forgets colleagues who supported his professional efforts; most cruelly he forgets parents and children; in short, he abandons all who knew him prior to his insensate lust for fame at the hands of the demon called Science.”Lady Forstmann understood, for her husband had just left her after discovering the Norwegian blue-crested grouse in 1878.“In vain,” she observed, “does one ask what it matters that another bird or animal is added to the rich panoply of God’s creations, which already number—by Linnaean reckoning—in the millions.There is no response to such a question, for the discoverer has joined the ranks of the immortals, at least as he imagines it, and he lies beyond thepower of mere people to dissuade him from his course.”Certainly Peter Elliot would have denied that his own behavior resembled that of the dissolute Scottish nobleman.Nevertheless he found he was bored by the prospect of further exploration of Zinj; he had no interest in diamonds, or Amy’s dreams; he wished only to return home with a skeleton of the new ape, which would astonish colleagues around the world.He suddenly remembered he did not own a tuxedo, and he found himself preoccupied with matters of nomenclature; he imagined in the future three species of African apes:Pan troglodytes, the chimpanzee.Gorilla gorilla, the gorilla.Gorilla elliotensis, a new species of gray gorilla.Even if the species category and name were ultimately rejected, he would have accomplished far more than most scientists studying primates could ever hope to achieve.Elliot was dazzled by his own prospects.In retrospect, no one was thinking clearly that morning.When Elliot said he wanted to transmit the recorded breathing sounds to Houston, Ross replied it was a trivial detail that could wait.Elliot did not press her, they both later regretted their decision.And when they heard booming explosions like distant artillery fire that morning, they paid no attention.Ross assumed it was General Muguru’s men fighting the Kigani [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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