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.The plant manager will co-operate.' He walked over to the largest of the three wall maps — the map he had marked with pins showing where ships had disappeared without trace all over the world.He stuck in a fresh pin.`What is that for?' Monica asked.`Commander Noble told me another vessel has vanished off the Cape of Good Hope.The Texel, an 8,000- ton Dutch freighter.Blown a long way south off course and then it disappears like a puff of smoke.'`By a gale? I suppose it could happen.'`Then the gale died out as suddenly as it had blown up.' Tweed paused.'And was succeeded by a dense fog.And again no Mayday signal reported by other shipping further north.'`It does sound strange.'`Even stranger when you know the Texel was due to call at Port Elizabeth, three hundred miles or so from its last reported position on its way to Indonesia.When it didn't arrive planes were sent out immediately to search.Not one piece of wreckage was found.No survivors.'After his long walk home to Walpole Street Tweed should have slept like a log.Instead he tossed and turned the whole night long: at the best he slipped into a brief doze.He came wide awake, a vision of Dr Wand in his mind at the moment when Newman's lighter had flared at the Waterloo villa.The satanic expression behind those glinting gold pince-nez.Over a thousand miles off the African coast of Angola — and midway between two shipping lanes — the refuelling operation with the Chinese tanker had been completed.The Mao III was still proceeding on a north-westerly course to sail well clear of the huge bulge of Africa at Dakar.Inside the low-level bridge Captain Welensky checked his chart, then ordered the engine room: 'Full speed ahead!'`You should have checked with me before giving that order,' reprimanded Kim.Welensky turned his large bulk to stare down at the small Chinese.He was beginning to lose patience with what he privately referred to as 'the Chinks'.His tone of voice was gravelly.`I was under the impression that I am skipper of the ship.You want me to slow down? It's still night but soon it will be dawn.We want to be a long way from that tanker when day breaks.'`I do not wish you to slow down,' Kim replied smoothly.'Neither do I wish you to try and read my mind.'Welensky shrugged, turned away.He pressed the button which would emit the signal indicating to the smaller Stealth vessel following in their wake his position.In Welensky's opinion he had done well.He was still on schedule for the ultimate rendezvous, which had to be reached during the hours of darkness.He had now completed roughly two thirds of their long voyage from Cam Ranh Bay, the great anchorage in Vietnam.And without incident — except for that crazy and totally unnecessary encounter with another vessel south of the Cape of Good Hope.Behind the Mao III the smaller Stealth vessel, Yenan, continued to keep pace with the larger ship.Aboard, in the spacious living quarters, fifteen more Danish- speaking passengers, all between the ages of twenty-five and thirty, passed the time watching videos, playing games, or reading.Every man had undergone the very special training carried out at secret camps on the mainland of the People's Republic of China.Some had become highly skilled saboteurs, others spies.But every man had a second skill — in advertising, accountancy, radio, or the television industry.Every man could merge into the European way of life as a normal member of the community.His reward? Money.They were the vanguard of the revolution planned to sweep the world.At Park Crescent the call from Benoit came through in the middle of the night.Monica was still at her desk — trying to disentangle the finances of Moonglow Refugee Aid Trust International.They were complex.A certain amount of funds came in from subscriptions to the cause, but nothing like the money needed to keep up a house in The Boltons, let alone a millionaire's villa at Waterloo.Through certain mainland contacts Monica had obtained confidential information.Which all led back to Liechtenstein, the toy state on the eastern borders of Switzerland.Liechtenstein — which prided itself on its secrecy where bank accounts were concerned.The phone rang.`Benoit here.' Sounded in a hurry.'Is Tweed available?'`He's fast asleep at his Chelsea pad.'`Monica, I must try that some time.Sleep.And you can tell him I said so.Our friend Dr Hyde has been staying in Brussels.'`That's quick work, Chief Inspector.'`Oh, we got lucky.One of my men called at the Hermitage Hotel.Sounds very grand.Over there you'd call it a run-down boarding-house.He stayed there for the past two months.Under the name Dr Hyde.'`Past tense, Chief Inspector?'`I am afraid so.He left a few days ago.No forwarding address.But it was him.The slattern who runs the place identified his photograph after a little gentle persuasion from my man.'`Tweed will be interested.Very.'`Monica, I'm now spreading the net — concentrating on Liêge [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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