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.Concept Exercise Chapter 7 Name:Date: Class:Cisco Exercises - Semester 1 - Networking FundamentalsChapter 7 Layer 2: TechnologiesIntroductionEthernet was developed by Xerox Corporation's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)in the 1970s.Ethernet is the most popular LAN standard today.There aremillions of devices or nodes on Ethernet LANs.The early LANs required verylittle bandwidth to perform the simple network tasks required at thattime-sending/receiving e-mail, transferring data files, and handling printjobs.In 1980, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)released the IEEE 802.3 specification for which Ethernet was the technologicalbasis.Shortly thereafter, Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel Corporation,and Xerox Corporation jointly developed and released an Ethernet specification(Version 2.0) that is substantially compatible with IEEE 802.3.Together,Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 currently maintain the greatest market share of any LANstandard.An Ethernet LAN is used to transport data between network devices,such as computers, printers, and file servers.Ethernet is known as ashared-medium technology; that is, all the devices are connected to the samedelivery media.Delivery media refers to the method of transmitting andreceiving data.For example, a handwritten letter can be sent (transmitted)using one of many delivery methods, such as the U.S.postal service, FederalExpress, or fax.Electronic data can be transmitted via copper cable, thickcoaxial cable, thinnet, wireless data transfer, and so on.Concept QuestionsDemonstrate your knowledge of these concepts by answering the followingquestions in the space provided.Ethernet, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), and Token Ring are widelyused LAN technologies that account for virtually all deployed LANs.LANstandards specify cabling and signaling at the physical and data link layers ofthe OSI reference model.Because they are widely adhered to, this book coversthe Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 LAN standards.Why do you suppose that Ethernettechnology is so heavily used?When it was developed, Ethernet was designed to fill the middle ground betweenlong-distance, low-speed networks and specialized, computer-room networkscarrying data at high speeds for very limited distances.Ethernet iswell-suited to applications in which a local communication medium must carrysporadic, occasionally heavy traffic at high-peak data rates.Why is Ethernetso well suited to this kind of traffic?Today, the term standard Ethernet is used refer to all networks using Ethernet(a shared-medium technology) that generally conform to Ethernet specifications,including IEEE 802.3.In order to use this shared-medium technology, Ethernetuses the carrier sense multiple access collision detection (CSMA/CD) protocolto allow the networking devices to negotiate for the right to transmit.Whatare the major benefits of Ethernet? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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