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.He had been using time to track down trifles—alibis and pins.Evidence, he had been after.Reasonable proof.But Dick Bartee had used his time to deal with more potent things.Dick had got into Nan's heart and mind—and got there first.Dick had seen to the climate there.Dick had taken the edge off this news.Transformed it.Put it inside the dream.Stupid, stupid, Johnny accused himself.The very idea that Dick was a killer—Dick had taken all the sting out of that.Nan had been soothed and satisfied.And a tenuous collection of wispy facts—Dick's car rumored to have been on the Upper Road, Dick fooling a girl in tlie dark, a man reading a book with his hghts on.Nothing there with any power.God help me, thought Johnny, if I am relying on reason.But he must reach her."Your own living father thinks Dick killed your mother," he said flatly."Your father is alive, Nan.Won't you go to see him?""Of course," she said."Some day."^'Some dayl" Dorothy exploded."What's the matter with you?""But I'm being married tomorrow," Nan said patiently.Johnny said, "You can't be married tomorrow, Nan.Listen to me.Your father has loved you, all the years of your life." ^"I don't remember him," she said."I've never seen him, since I can remember.""—loved you enough, never to see you since you can remember.Sacrificed.""But Dick didn't kill Christy," Nan said earnestly."And 1 didn't know my father was in prison.It's not my fault that I never knew, is it? I don't know^ whether he killed my mother.He says he didn't.I'm—I'm sorry.But I do know that Dick didn't do it and Dick loves me—whatever, wherever my father is.""Your father is sick over you," cried Johnny."In anguish.Nan."Her dark eyes looked into his.They were honest, according to her lights."But he doesn't need to be in such anguish," she explained."Don't you see? I'm sorry he has made himself sick and for what he thinks, but that isn't Dick's or my fault.The whole r©om was listening, except possibly, the old lady who was staring at' Nan and moving her Ups, soundlessly.Finally, Dorothy said, "Nan, don't you care?""I only care for the truth," Naij said, flinging up her head."The truth is," said Johnny calmly, "your father is right."Now Dick put Nan to one side and rose from the chair."Say that once more.""Gladly," said Johimy."McCauley is right.You killed Christy."Dick's muscles prepared to deUver a blow.Bart said, "Just a minute.None of that." He was between them."Why," he demanded of Johnny, "do you say so?""For one thing," said Johnny, "he faked the alibi with Blanche.I can prove that.He wasn't with her at midnight.""So I must have been here, murdering Christy?" said Dick, sounding dangerous."Because you would hke to think so?" Dick loomed.Nan jumped up."Dick, pleasel Johnny, please!" Sheclasped her hands together.^'Johnny, if you will just listen and believe me.No matter what happens, ever—I would never, never marry you."Johnny looked at her.She was so young.If she was just a tinge pleased, he would try to forgive her."I know that," he said solemnly.Dick used both hands to put Nan gently back upon the leather stool.Bart had paid no attention to her."Anything else, that makes you think Dick killed Christy?""The fact that he would have liked to see me blown up this morning," said Johnny.Dick Bartee said, "And been blown up, too? You don't seem to understand what is going on at all, Sims.I'm being married tomorrow.I then, take my bride on our honeymoon.I've got more important things to do than argue with you about an old story, seventeen years behind us." He loomed, big, dangerous, clever."Do you really think we will put ofiF our wedding?" he scoffed."Because you keep insisting that I am some kind of villain? I am one kind of villain in your eyes, Sims.I stole your girl! And that is the bottom and the essence of what ails you.""Oh, Johnny, you mustn't be so wicked!" wailed Nan.She believed it.The old lady stirred."Blanche, go, please get Christy's picture?"Blanche got up, dazed, "Mother, hadn't I better take you away.?""No, no," said the old lady, "not a bit of it.I want the child to see her mother's picture.""Oh yes, please," breathed Nan."Great-grandmother?"Bart had his hand on Johnny's sleeve.He said, "I don't see that you've proved anything, Sims.""There's been enough trouble," Blanche said pathetically.She went out into the hall.Dorothy had her arms crossed, hands on her own shoulders, head bent.Dick Bartee said, "One more word about that kilhng, Sims, and I will throw you out bodily.In fact, I tliink we would all like it very much if you would go."Johnny said rapidly, "Old Mr.Bartee sent Emily five thousand dolliirs, every year, for the baby." He saw Bart'sface react."It was put into a fund by Mr.Copeland.The money you have, Nan, is Bartee money."Nan's eyes went to Dick and she smiled."Listen to me," pleaded Johnny."Dick knew you were an heiress.He needed money to buy into this place.He wants this place.""Of course, he wants to buy in and be Bart's partner.It's all family," Nan said."It's wonderfull"Bart's eyes were narrow."Nan's money came from my father?""That is so," said Johnny."Check it.Ask Copeland.And tell me this.Why would Dick take a letter to San Francisco by hand?""Because I was asked to," said Dick, "and I don't think you heard what I said."Bart moved between them again.Blanche came hurrying back with a small canvas, about a foot square.A painting of a woman's h^ad."This is Christy," she said."Nathaniel Bartee did this." She looked at their faces nervously.Dorothy rose slowly and looked at it from one side.Johnny looked from the other.A young face, laughing.The cheek bones a trifle high.Hair a hght brown, curling away from the fair brow.Eyes a brilhant blue.Dehcate brows.(Johnny swallowed.He liad not questioned the climate of opinion about Natlianiel Bartee apd his painting.But the man had been talented.He had been among PhiUstines.)"Give it to me," commanded the old lady."Now, child, come see your mother.Wasn't she a pretty httle dear?"Nan moved.Johnny said hoarsely, "She was beaten to death where you are standing, Nan."Nan said, with the quick tears of old sparking from her eyes, "Johnny, don't be horrible I Go awayl" She dropped to her knees beside the old lady."She was pretty.""Dick wants the money.Nan," Johnny said loudly.He felt as if he were shouting from a far, far place.She knelt, her back to him.She did not even turn her head.Dick said, "Get out of the way, Bart.""You are not going to hit anyone in my house," Bart said."Sims, I think you'd better go.""It doesn't matter, Johnny," he heard Dorothy say.Helooked at her."They are going to be manied tomorrow," she went on calmly."There is nothing we can do about it."So Johnny turned and walked out of the study and along the red carpet of the hall, Bart was walking close behind him.Bart reached ahead and opened a leaf of the front door."Sorry," Bart said."What about?" said Johnny bitterly."That he gets away with murder?" Their eyes met and Bart's were troubled.Johnny said, "Good-bye.""Good-night." The door closed.Johnny stood on the porch.Had no car.He plunged into the drive, emerged from the trees.The landscape, carpeted with the low gieen, was yet as desolate as the moon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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