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.Giles, with supreme contempt.Mr.Losberne had been feeling the patient’s pulse during this short dialogue; but he now rose from the chair by the bedside, and remarked, that if the officers had any doubts upon the subject, they would perhaps like to step into the next room, and have Brittles before them.Acting upon this suggestion, they adjourned to a neighbouring apartment, where Mr.Brittles, being called in, involved himself and his respected superior in such a wonderful maze of fresh contradictions and impossibilities, as tended to throw no particular light on anything, but the fact of his own strong mystification; except, indeed, his declarations that he shouldn’t know the real boy, if he were put before him that instant; that he had only taken Oliver to be he, because Mr.Giles had said he was; and that Mr.Giles had, five minutes previously, admitted in the kitchen, that he began to be very much afraid he had been a little too hasty.Among other ingenious surmises, the question was then raised, whether Mr.Giles had really hit anybody; and upon examination of the fellow pistol to that which he had fired, it turned out to have no more destructive loading than gunpowder and brown paper: a discovery which made a considerable impression on everybody but the doctor, who had drawn the ball about ten minutes before.Upon no one, however, did it make a greater impression than on Mr.Giles himself; who, after labouring, for some hours, under the fear of having mortally wounded a fellow-creature, eagerly caught at this new idea, and favoured it to the utmost.Finally, the officers, without troubling themselves very much about Oliver, left the Chertsey constable in the house, and took up their rest for that night in the town; promising to return the next morning.With the next morning, there came a rumour, that two men and a boy were in the cage at Kingston, who had been apprehended over night under suspicious circumstances; and to Kingston Messrs.Blathers and Duff journeyed accordingly.The suspicious circumstances, however, resolving themselves, on investigation, into the one fact, that they had been discovered sleeping under a haystack; which, although a great crime, is only punishable by imprisonment, and is, in the merciful eye of the English law, and its comprehensive love of all the King’s subjects, held to be no satisfactory proof, in the absence of all other evidence, that the sleeper, or sleepers, have committed burglary accompanied with violence, and have therefore rendered themselves liable to the punishment of death; Messrs.Blathers and Duff came back again, as wise as they went.In short, after some more examination, and a great deal more conversation, a neighbouring magistrate was readily induced to take the joint bail of Mrs.Maylie and Mr.Losberne for Oliver’s appearance if he should ever be called upon; and Blathers and Duff, being rewarded with a couple of guineas, returned to town with divided opinions on the subject of their expedition: the latter gentleman on a mature consideration of all the circumstances, inclining to the belief that the burglarious attempt had originated with the Family Pet; and the former being equally disposed to concede the full merit of it to the great Mr.Conkey Chickweed.Meanwhile, Oliver gradually throve and prospered under the united care of Mrs.Maylie, Rose, and the kind-hearted Mr.Losberne.If fervent prayers, gushing from hearts overcharged with gratitude, be heard in heaven — and if they be not, what prayers are! — the blessings which the orphan child called down upon them, sunk into their souls, diffusing peace and happiness.CHAPTER XXXII.Of the happy life Oliver began to lead with his kind friends.Oliver’s ailings were neither slight nor few.In addition to the pain and delay attendant on a broken limb, his exposure to the wet and cold had brought on fever and ague: which hung about him for many weeks, and reduced him sadly.But, at length, he began, by slow degrees, to get better, and to be able to say sometimes, in a few tearful words, how deeply he felt the goodness of the two sweet ladies, and how ardently he hoped that when he grew strong and well again, he could do something to show his gratitude; only something, which would let them see the love and duty with which his breast was full; something, however slight, which would prove to them that their gentle kindness had not been cast away; but that the poor boy whom their charity had rescued from misery, or death, was eager to serve them with his whole heart and soul.‘Poor fellow!’ said Rose, when Oliver had been one day feebly endeavouring to utter the words of thankfulness that rose to his pale lips; ‘you shall have many opportunities of serving us, if you will.We are going into the country, and my aunt intends that you shall accompany us.The quiet place, the pure air, and all the pleasure and beauties of spring, will restore you in a few days.We will employ you in a hundred ways, when you can bear the trouble [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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