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.The movie ended in a blast of fire and fury that killed everyone but the main character, who managed to escape at the last minute with some minor cuts and bruises.Typical action flick ending, and Bran wished real life endings were as predictable.Everyone got up, saying goodnight and heading for their bedrooms.Evan went right along with them.Bran shrugged off the disappointment that he hadn’t asked to stay with him again.Evan had his own bed to sleep in and would probably be a lot more comfortable without Bran draped over him.Bran climbed into the bed that seemed so big and empty without Evan’s little body curled in the middle.He punched his pillow a few times, trying to get comfortable.Though he tossed and turned, sleep evaded him.His body was completely done in with fatigue, but his mind wouldn’t shut down.Tomorrow was his scene with Evan.If he was this affected by him now, how would he be able to walk away after he knew what it felt like to be buried deep inside him? His heart sped in anticipation.There was no way he was ever going to get to sleep.With a resigned sigh, he swung his feet over the edge of the bed and headed downstairs to watch TV until he passed out.When he got downstairs, though, there was a familiar form reclined on the couch, snoring softly.Evan had opted to sleep on the couch again.Kellan and Riley must have been at it.Bran knelt down on the floor next to Evan, carefully brushing the hair back from his forehead.Evan stirred, nuzzling sleepily into Bran’s hand.How could he ever let this man go? The thought hit him like a ton of very unwelcome bricks.It was going to hurt like a bitch when he said good-bye, but the way he felt now was just too good to give up.He stood, gently pulling the still-sleeping Evan into his arms.He barely stirred, except to wrap his arms around Bran’s neck and rest his head against his shoulder.Bran carried him upstairs and carefully deposited him into the bed before crawling in after him.Evan huddled up against him, his chest rising and falling in an even rhythm.Soon, Bran was asleep too, comforted into a peaceful sleep by the man next to him.THE next morning, Bran woke before Evan.They were clinging to one another, limbs tangled together, snug and secure beneath the soft down blankets.Bran pulled him closer, inhaling the now familiar scent.If he was honest with himself, he knew that he had fallen for Evan the moment they met.He had been kidding himself thinking there was any way he could walk away from this trip unscathed.It would tear him apart to say good-bye, but it was really for the best.Evan needed to go to school.He was moving at the end of the shoot.His life was somewhere else.He was too bright, so very young, and had too much potential to waste his life.Bran would only hamper his opportunities for success, and Evan deserved every success there was.He ran his hands up and down Evan’s back, tracing gentle patterns against the soft fabric of his T-shirt.He could feel the warmth of his skin through the thin cotton.Evan opened his eyes slowly.“Morning,” he whispered.“Morning,” Bran replied.“Did you sleep okay?”Evan smiled and rolled onto his back, pushing his hands against the headboard of the bed, stretching out his limbs.“Perfectly.I don’t remember coming in here, though.”“I carried you up.You were still asleep.”Evan’s eyebrows knitted together.“You did?”“Yeah, you were sleeping on the couch again.”“Oh, yeah, Kellan and Riley were having another sleepover and I didn’t want to get in the way.”“You could have just come up here, you know.I wouldn’t have minded.”“Really?”“I would have preferred it.”Evan beamed at him.He pulled himself up on all fours, straddling Evan’s shoulders and hips.“Come on, sleepyhead,” he said as he rolled off the other side.“Today’s a big day.”Evan groaned.“I don’t want to get up.I want to stay right here forever!” he said, as he pulled the covers back up over his head.“You can stay there if you want to, this is where we’re filming.Just thought you might want some breakfast.Help keep your strength up.” Bran waggled his eyebrows.“You’re going to need it!”Evan threw a pillow at him as he disappeared into the bathroom.AFTER he had eaten breakfast, Bran disappeared back into the master bedroom upstairs to set up the equipment.There wasn’t too much to do, since he had taken care of a lot the day before, but there were lights and cameras to position for the best shots.He was filled with nervous energy and was already thinking hard about what would be happening in that bed.Evan came in about halfway through the preparations, freshly showered, hair still damp.Bran wanted to grab him and get started right away.Evan launched into a round of questions that he fired off so quickly Bran barely had time to answer.“You okay, Ev?” he asked, glad the crew hadn’t shown up yet so he could have a minute alone with him before they began.“Yeah.Just nervous, you know? Don’t really know what to expect.First time and all.”“It’s totally natural to be nervous.Just try to relax though, and do what feels good, okay? I’ll be right there with you.I’m not going to let anything bad happen.I promise.”The crew began to pile into the room carrying the extra equipment and extension cords.Evan smiled and moved out of the way, walking to sit on the edge of the bed until he was told where to stand.Bran remembered he had forgotten to grab the empty memory card from the bag downstairs.He left the guys to set up and ran to get it.Once he had located the card, he hurried back to the room.He felt like this was his first time too, but couldn’t wait to get started.He had a reason to pull Evan into his arms, to kiss him and taste him.He couldn’t wipe the goofy grin off his face thinking about it.When he got back to the room, though, his expression immediately fell.Pale and with lowered eyes, Evan sat staring out at an indiscernible spot on the carpet.Bran crossed the room in quick strides and sank to his knees in front of Evan.“Evan,” he said gently, not caring that the others heard him using his real name.“Evan, what’s the matter?” He brushed his hands against the sides of Evan’s face like he had done the other night, hoping he could calm him down.The boy was breathing heavily, showing signs of the beginnings of a panic attack.“Evan, look at me.”Evan slowly lifted his eyes to stare into Bran’s.“Evan, it’s okay.Tell me what’s wrong [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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