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.Without a doubt, she’d been talking about herself as well as about him.So Juliette, of all people, would understand putting a parent first.Unfortunately she wouldn’t appreciate being the one sacrificed for the cause.He thought of his father in ICU—the IV and other tubes poking and prodding him, and the smile on his weary face when Doug had left to hunt down this story—and he knew one thing for sure.He didn’t have a choice.HOW DID HE KNOW? Juliette stood in front of the closet door that doubled as a full-length mirror, taking in the denim jeans, the white, oxford-type shirt with a tank top beneath, and the pair of simple black boots.All perfectly sized, all comfortable and easy.She wondered again how Doug could possibly know how badly she needed these ordinary clothes that symbolized an ordinary life.She hadn’t worn such a basic outfit since college and didn’t have a pair of blue jeans in her wardrobe now.Ever conscious of public scrutiny, especially since she’d begun dating Stuart, she’d never left the house looking less than conservative and dressed up.When the doorbell rang, she ran, intending to greet Doug with a huge hug of thanks.But as she twined her arms around his neck and his hands reached out to grasp her waist, simple gratitude became something more.Something primal and elemental, wild and free.She tilted her head back, intending to just look at him, but the result put their bodies in intimate contact.His firm chest, covered by a denim shirt, pressed against hers, heightening the ache in her sensitive breasts.His belt buckle pushed into her stomach but that pressure was nothing compared to the hard outline of his erection snuggling against her femininity, a place where pressure built and desire found a home.He sucked in a startled breath but didn’t break their physical connection.“To what do I owe such an enthusiastic greeting?” he asked.For a woman already on the edge, his grin was nothing short of devastating.“You anticipated my needs.”“How do you know that when you don’t even know what I’ve got planned for tonight?”“The jeans would have been enough.”He held on to her hand and twirled her out in front of him, letting out a whistle of approval.“Nice fit.”She felt the burn rise to her cheeks.He must have seen it because he stroked her heated skin with one roughened fingertip.“Never heard a catcall before?”“Oh, I’ve heard them.I’ve just never had one directed at me.”His eyes darkened in appreciation.“Then the men in Chicago must be blind.Don’t tell me a beautiful woman like you has never had a serious relationship.”She let out a sigh.Suddenly her recent past and the all’s-well pretense here on the island became too heavy a burden.She wanted to share the truth.With Doug.“I probably came closer to getting married than you did.”His eyes narrowed.His interest was apparent but, by his furrowed eyebrows, so was his concern.“How close?” The words seemed reluctantly drawn from him.As if a part of him wanted to hear while another rebelled against it.“Close enough to be wearing a wedding dress,” she admitted softly.Doug exhaled hard.He hadn’t expected to get so much out of her so soon and hated the deception that caused her to open up to him now.He was using her fantasy and everything he knew she needed from a man to get information to help his cause—and yet there was nothing he’d done for her, nothing he would do, that was faked or phony.She was beautiful inside and out and irresistibly desirable too.He wanted nothing more than for her to believe it as well.Even if she never gave him another piece of information about herself, her life or, damn him, her ex-fiancé, Doug would still be on this island fulfilling Juliette Stanton’s fantasy.He just couldn’t deny the benefits he might reap as a result.“What kind of fool got that close to forever and let you get away?”“The kind that has aspirations higher than he deserves.” She shook her head and those loose curls spread over her shoulders.With a frustrated groan, she lifted the heavy mass of hair and pulled it back into a high ponytail, drawing his attention to her chiseled profile, defined cheekbones and full lips.“So what do you have planned for tonight?”Her change of subject was obvious and Doug knew he had to accept the parameters.After all, she’d trusted him with so much more than he’d imagined possible after just one day.He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red bandanna.“Does this give you a clue?”She eyed the sheath of fabric with curiosity.“Not a one.”“I’m disappointed.Put the clothes together with the bandanna…”She laughed.“Still nothing.”He shook his head.“Looks like you’re going to have to humor me.” He folded the scarf into a rectangular shape.“And trust me.” Walking around her, he came up behind her and blindfolded her with the bandanna.“Now it’s a real surprise.”Her hands reached upward and he playfully slapped them down.“It’s dark,” she complained.“That’s the point.Hold my hand.” Grasping her soft fingers in his, he walked her forward then helped her into the electric car he had waiting.He reached around to fasten her seat belt and caught a hint of her enticing, arousing scent.His body stiffened in response and he prayed for restraint.Then he placed her hands safely on the dashboard to steady her.“You okay?”Her lips turned upward in a smile.“Dying of curiosity, but fine.”“Good.Anticipation’s half the fun.” He swung himself into the seat beside her.“Now hang on.” He put the car in gear and drove them around the back of the resort and headed toward a secluded path, to the place Merrilee’s staff had told him about earlier.“We’re here.” He stopped the cart and shut off the motor.Her nose crinkled upward and he realized she’d caught a whiff of their environment.“Any clue yet?”“It smells like…” Before she could finish, he whipped off the bandanna, freeing her vision.She blinked into the setting sunlight, adjusting to the shift in conditions before focusing on her surroundings [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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