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.Once she determines that everything is clear, we lock both doors and go upstairs to bring Martin and Dawson inside.“My mother isn't here,” I say, but that's about all I can determine.The wine and the pills suggest that something bad has happened yet there's no body.There's also no signs of blood or of a struggle, no forced entry.Obviously, Mom left of her own accord yet she didn't take the car.I don't know what to make of the situation, so I sit down heavily on the edge of the guest bed and try to take deep, calming breaths.Holly turns on the T.V.and switches to the news before disappearing into the hallway.When she comes back, she has my laptop in hand.“We need to see how bad this thing is,” she says as she sits down next to me.I watch the pretty reporter talk about about a kitten that was rescued from a drain pipe and wonder why the fuck she isn't talking about the hordes of undead monsters sweeping across our city.Watercrest isn't a metropolis or anything like that, but it's no backwoods village either.I watch absently as Holly's eyes scan the computer screen.“There's nothing here,” she says as she shakes her head.“Nothing.” Holly pauses and puts the laptop aside before going for the phone.I realize that none of us have our cellphones and think how useless they really are in a crisis.There was no time to grab one in the heat of things.I thank the universe that my mother likes corded phones from the eighties and watch as Holly calls 911.After a moment, she puts the phone down and nibbles at her lower lip.“Busy signal,” she says before any of us can ask.The woman's actions with the cellphone earlier suddenly make a whole lot more sense.She couldn't get through either.“How could there be all of this … ” Dawson pauses, doesn't know quite how to phrase what he's thinking and curses instead.“Shit going on and nobody knows it? Are we all going fucking crazy?” he asks.Martin is already shaking his head.He stands up and looks around at all of us, eyes scanning ours slowly and carefully.It's a bit overdramatic, but I remind myself that this morning, I saw a zombie-demon with a fire face melt a car and decide that if he wants to put his hands on his hips and pretend he's in a movie, who I am to argue with that?“We're not crazy,” Martin says confidently.“But we do need to get out of here and fast.”“Why?” Holly asks and she sounds exasperated.She gestures at Dawson and he passes the bag of food and weapons to me, so I can pass them to her.She digs around for awhile, comes up with a bag of candy corn and starts to cry silently.Nobody says a thing about it.“You're certain there's nothing?” Martin asks as he moves over to the bed.I stand up and let him have my place.“Not even a single blog post? A profile update? Anything?” Holly shrugs and Martin grabs the laptop.“May I?” I shrug and move onto the balcony.I could care less about a stupid piece of plastic at this point.I look out across the city and hope that I'll spot something interesting, but I can't see anything from here except suburbia.Nothing looks amiss.The old man down the street is even mowing his lawn.“Why does it matter anyway?” Dawson asks as he grabs a dusty silk flower from its vase and twirls it around in his fingers.“Obviously, if people were really dying, it'd be all over the Internet.We wouldn't have to search very hard for it.” He sounds kind of relieved at this, like it's a good thing to be crazy.I guess with the alternative already laid out before me, I'd have to agree with him.I'd rather spend some time in a padded cell than on the run from undead monsters.“No, see,” Martin says as he licks his lips again.“If it isn't here then it means it's definitely happening.I mean like, one hundred percent happening and the government knows about it.”“Oh come the fuck on!” Dawson shouts as he throws the flower.The big, pink petals catch the air and it doesn't go very far, falling to the floor gently in a puff of dust.His violent gesture ruined, Dawson stands up and starts to pace.“Magic, zombies and government conspiracies don't really work for me.”“But Christian mythology does?” Holly asks and she sounds bitter and angry and tired.“Go to hell,” Dawson says as he bends down and pulls several guns from the bag.“I am fucking out of here.This is nuts.”“Wait!” Martin says as he puts the computer aside and stands up.“You should come with us, at least until we get out of town.”“Why?” Dawson growls, already halfway to the door.I can see in his eyes that he's made up his mind not to believe what Martin is about to say.I know now why he and Holly didn't last long.They're both too stubborn to coexist with anyone like-minded.“Having a little bit of news or a lot of news makes sense but no news? Someone's removing or blocking anything to do with what's happening on the west side of town.” Dawson sneers and flips Martin the finger.Without listening to another word, he disappears around the bend in the hallway and soon after, we hear his footsteps pounding down the stairs.“Why would they do that?” I ask as Martin glances over at me.His brown curls are stuck to the sweat on his forehead.“Because,” he says and he licks his lips again.The gesture is already starting to bother me, but I can see that it's a way for him to cope with the stress, so I let it go.“Somebody, I don't know who or what, knows what's happening.They're either going to quarantine us or blow us up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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