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.It’s just an essay.Write almost an essay every day in here, it won’t be a problem.90 Days, 29 November, SaturdayIt’s been a long day.Where do I begin?Will start with the beginning of the day, when I went to the grocery store, and then tell the whole day from there, I guess.Met Noah at the entrance.He was wearing the coat I gave him, which made him really easy to spot.It was really windy, but he was waiting for me outside, his black hair being tossed around in thick strips of ebony.Really enjoy the intensity of the black.It’s a lot different from the familiar light orange of my own hair.Reprimanded him a little for standing in the cold wind without wearing a toque.“I apologise, I do not have one in my possession.”“What did you wear last winter then?”“I wore my clothing, and made sure to wear sweaters often.”Shook my head, and led him into the store, wrapping my arm around his shoulders.“Well, let’s get in here where it’s warm, ok?”He nodded, and I could feel him lean into me.Loved that feeling, of him wanting to be closer to me.We reluctantly let go upon entering the main area of the store, and I grabbed one of the green shopping baskets.As we walked up and down the aisles, I noticed he was looking around cautiously.“What’s up?” I asked, turning around.“I thought I saw… my father when we first entered.”Swallowed, suddenly feeling intensely scared; he must have been projecting that fear as he spoke.“Are you sure? Would he be angry to see you here?”He nodded, shrinking back against the aisle.“Please just be aware, I will follow behind you.”This information made shopping feel like some impossible secret agent mission.Was tense the entire time, anticipating some huge showdown with his father.Envisioned us standing at either end of the baking aisle, and then someone yelling “Draw!” and us firing from the hip like old cowboys.Think I need to lay off the cartoons for a while.The whole darting from aisle to aisle seemed to work, until I crashed into someone who wasn’t expecting a teenager to come bursting out of the aisle like a super spy.Dropped my basket (thank goodness I hadn’t gotten the eggs yet), and the man dropped his few items.Fell back on the floor, and he stumbled back a few steps, out of sight for a moment.Noah was gone, instantly.Wonder where he went.Maybe the sudden collision scared him off.The man approached me, smiling gently, “Gee, I’m really sorry!” he exclaimed, bending down and offering me a hand up.“Ah, no it was my fault for going so quickly!” I answered hastily, grabbing his hand and standing up.“Wow, an Irishman even! I must be having terrible luck today.” He smiled amiably, and I smiled back, even though that terrible fear still thrummed my heart-strings.We crouched down, and began collecting our items, and I took that moment to really study him.His face was slender and handsome, his hair was caramel brown, and cropped short so that the front stuck up.He was taller than me, and I could tell from the way he composed himself that he must be relatively fit.His suit was crisp and pressed and fit him well.When we stood up with both of our items sorted out, he smiled again.The way his eyes crinkled at the edges reminded me of someone.“Be careful, hey? You could get hurt running into things like that!”“Yeah, the same to yourself…” I answered after a moment.He carried on down the aisle, after clapping me on the shoulder genially.Shook my head, reorganizing the objects in the basket, (The bread had been smooshed by the canned peaches.Darn it.) Then I began wondering where Noah had gotten to.Wandered down a few more aisles, picking a few things off the shelves, always keeping a sharp eye out for him.As I exited the cereal aisle, I saw that man at the checkout.He smiled at me again, and waved, which I returned.It took at least another ten minutes after I was finished finding all my items to find Noah.He was hiding in the frozen food aisle.Seriously hiding.There’s a small alcove between the freezers and the shelf holding the bulk groceries, and he had somehow squeezed himself in there, and was hiding.He even had a box on his head as a disguise.Would have thought it was hilarious if I wasn’t so worried.Looked at him, placing my basket on the ground, and removed the box.He looked up, horrified, and then his expression changed as he saw it was me.“What’s wrong? What are you doing?” I asked, pushing the box onto the nearby shelf.“I apologise.I nearly was caught by my father.I thought it best to find a safe place to hide until I was sure he was gone.”“What- wait, do you mean-?”“That man you crashed into, yes.That was him.I am sorry I ran away and left you with him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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