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.Pool was another story.He could shoot like a hustler, and he proved it by beating all takers and winning all bets.His skill, coordinated movements and rugged good looks riveted Lauren and Kimberly until he went out to swim and started flirting with Audra.Then Quentin, already angry because Audra had defied him by wearing a shockingly revealing bikini, dragged the entire family home, and they were treated to yet another of Audra’s and Quentin’s many arguments.So much for the end-of-year party, Lauren thought.But then she chanced upon an entry recording some of the events of that very day and had to pause long enough to read it.Audra wrote that her father had gotten upset over nothing, that he’d tried to ruin her fun just because she wore a swimsuit he didn’t like and flirted with a boy he considered beneath them.Forget the fact that she’d been making a fool of herself in front of everyone they knew….With a sigh, Lauren thumbed toward the back of the book.This wasn’t getting her anywhere.The details Audra felt were important enough to record were merely highlighting the vast differences between them and making Lauren feel more distant from Audra than ever.Why couldn’t Audra understand how cheap wearing that suit had made her look? Especially combined with the way she’d been brushing up against Harley in the pool?Lauren was ready to give up and tote the journals back to the attic so Brandon wouldn’t find them when she caught sight of Harley’s name again.Almost six months had passed without mention of him, but then he appeared at the beginning of Audra’s senior year.She hadn’t written for most of the summer so it was a long entry, mostly concerned with the boys she’d met at Nana’s in Colorado, where she’d spent the summer.At the bottom of the page she said she’d seen Harley after second period and thought he was totally and completely hot and that she was determined to make him her new conquest.From there, Lauren was riveted because almost every entry was centered on Harley.Audra had started calling him the first week of school and begun arranging meetings with him at the houses of different friends.Soon he was calling her, too.Or rather, he’d let the phone ring once and hang up so Quentin couldn’t answer.Then Audra would slip away and phone him back, and they’d set up their next rendezvous.It was a classic example of forbidden love, except that Lauren got the impression Audra was more interested in spiting her father than in loving anyone.November 9, 1991I slipped out of the house after dinner last night and went to Harley’s.Dad thought I was studying, but I couldn’t read a word, not with him in the house.He makes me sick.What a hypocrite! He’s always handing me all these brochures on the dangers of drinking and smoking, as if he lived a monk’s life when he was in school! Just because my little sister’s the perfect nerd, straight As, long skirts and not a horny bone in her body, he wants me to be the same.Well, they can have each other.I’m not like Lauren.I can get any man I want and make him grateful to have me….Lauren winced at that entry.It was one thing to know what her sister had thought of her and another to see it so baldly stated.But Lauren was more concerned with the underlying problem that had always come between them.Audra was jealous of Lauren’s relationship with their father.It was obvious and, yet, Lauren found Audra’s jealousy ironic considering the fact that Lauren hadn’t possessed the looks or the popularity Audra seemed to prize so highly.December 23, 1991Harley made love to me tonight for the first time.After everything I’ve heard about him, I was pretty surprised it took him so long to get around to it.He wasn’t a virgin or anything.He said the thirty-year-old woman across the street came on to him when he was only fifteen.But he moved very slowly with me.I think he wanted it to mean something, but I’m not sure how I feel about him.He’s certainly different from any other boy I’ve known.And he’s damned good in bed.I can’t get enough of him.If every guy could screw like him, I’d stay on my back all day.Too bad Daddy doesn’t know I’m banging the boy he met at the Scofield picnic….December 28, 1991Harley gave me a motorcycle helmet for Christmas with my name on it.I guess that’s the same as a ring to him.I wasn’t too thrilled with it until Daddy saw it and got really pissed off.Then it was the best present I’ve ever received.I gave Harley five hundred bucks to buy parts for his engine.He acted offended that I’d give him so much money and wouldn’t take it even after I told him he’d be doing me a favor, that I was trying to spend as much of Daddy’s money as possible.He said he didn’t want anything from my father.Isn’t that hilarious? Daddy thinks Harley’s a gold digger, and Harley won’t even accept my Christmas present!January 21, 1992I’m so mad at Harley.I went over there tonight with some of the best crack I’ve had in a long time, stuff I had to go clear across town to get, and he flushed it down the damned toilet! I don’t know why he’s so uptight about me getting high once in a while, but he’s starting to treat me like he’s my dad or something.He even threatened to break up if I didn’t get my shit together.Maybe all guys are alike, little clones of the great Quentin, thinking they know what’s best for everyone else….February 14, 1992I let Harley make love to me today, then told him I’d skipped my birth control pill.Loved the look of panic on his face.I swear I laughed for nearly an hour, but he was a typical jerk and got angry.“That’s not funny,” he said.So I had to tell him I was only joking.The joke’s on him, though.A girl’s got a right to do something exciting on Valentine’s Day.I’m sure Lauren had fun.She went out with Daddy and Mommy again.The three of them go out for Valentine’s every year because Mom and Dad know Lauren will never be able to get a real date….Lauren put a hand to her stomach, which was starting to churn.Her sister’s words were personally painful, but they were disappointing in other ways, too.It seemed that Audra had slept with Harley merely to punish their father.Where were her sister’s emotions in the relationship? Other than the physical pleasure Harley brought her, she didn’t make their intimacy sound very special.On the contrary, she’d obviously felt the need to add greater risk to the situation to make it more stimulating.“Audra,” she whispered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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