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.She went to the Velarswood-a forest where there's a temple to." She feigned difficulty in articulating the word."Eilistraee." Jeggred growled again and said, "And the weapons master?" "He's made a choice," she replied.Jeggred began to growl with every exhale.He was ready to kill.Danifae could smell it on him."Take the male," she whispered to the draegloth."Just him for now."She pushed Jeggred back away from the crack but held him so he wouldn't leave.Stepping up onto the bottom of the wound in the wall, Danifae drew herself upinto the dimming light.She waved a hand over her head to attract her former mistress's attention.It took an infuriatingly long time, but eventually Halisstra stopped at the edge of the swamp and pointed up at Danifae.Ryld looked up as well, and Halisstra waved in answer.Danifae made exaggerated, wide gestures, an unsubtle form of the drow sign language, sending the message: Only you.Halisstra turned to Ryld, and they conversed.Even from so far away Danifae could tell that Ryld was reluctant to let her go alone.The weapons master might have been a traitor to his city, his goddess, and his race, but he was no fool.Still, Halisstra managed to convince him-or command him-to stay behind.He stood with his arms crossed as Halisstra stepped gingerly into the swamp.Danifae stepped down from the crack in the wall and took the draegloth by the shoulders.Doing her best to withstand the half-demon's foul breath, she said, "Go.Don't let her see you." The draegloth smiled, and a thick, ropy strand of drool dropped from his lower lip.His fangs glimmered in the dim light, and so did his burning red eyes.Danifae thought he was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.Chapter SixteenThe swamplight lynx didn't smell prey.The scent that filled the great cat's nostrils was something different.The lynx had never come across anything like it, but whatever it was, it was a predator-the odor of a meat-eater wasunmistakable.Padding softly, silently through the cold, shallow water, the lynx tipped itshead up and waved its nose from side to side, honing in on the scent.A charge of energy thrilled through the cat.Its flesh tingled, its fur stood on end-a familiar feeling for the lynx, comforting, foretelling of a kill ahead and food.The lynx moved from shadow to shadow, still inside the treeline.It caught sight of the competing predator and recognized the shape of a man.Powerful and cunning hunters in their own right, men never respected another predator's stalking grounds.They ignored the scent markers, the scratches on trees, the most obvious signs.Its eyesight was the least of the cat's senses even in daylight, and the creature could see and smell only that the intruder was a man.It had no way of discerning the man's black skin, pointed ears, crimson eyes, and white hair.The swamplight lynx gathered the Weave energy in its body, bared its fangs, and tightened into a crouch, ready to spring-when another scent all but slammed into its nostrils.Another predator was approaching.It was bigger, and it smelled bad.It smelled like a scavenger.The swamplight lynx relaxed but only a little.It watched the man, occasionally scanning the swamp's edge for the scavenger, and waited.Ryld was surrounded.There were noises everywhere.The place Halisstra had called a "swamp" was even more alive than the rest of the World Above, and the weapons master didn't likeit at all.He could see things moving in the darkness around him.There were insects and spiders, all manner of flying creatures, and snakes.lots ofsnakes.The ground under his feet was spongy.He'd felt similar in some of the bigger fungal colonies in the Underdark, but down there it was at least quiet.The ruined temple rose in black silhouette against the night sky in front of him.He'd watched Halisstra walk toward it through ever deepening water with an increasing certainty that she was walking toward her own demise.Going to meet Danifae was stupid, even if Halisstra had allowed him to come along, and Ryld wasn't sure why he'd let it happen.Could it be that she simply wished it and he was so accustomed to obeying priestesses that he'd obeyed her? The weapons master took a deep breath, set his feet close together, and pressed his hands palm to palm in front of his chest.He steadied his breathing and cleared his mind as best he could, surrounded as he was by the unseen dangers of the swamp.He watched tiny yellow lights flicker in the air-some kind of bioluminescent insects moving slowly, sluggish in the cold night air.Pinpoints of light spattered across the black dome of the sky, not painful to look at and actually helping Ryld's natural darkvision.There was no other light exceptExcept for a faint purple glow shimmering in chaotic waves over Ryld himself.Faerie fire.Ryld drew Splitter and stepped back, opening his stance, then he turned around once three hundred and sixty degrees looking for anything moving toward him-looking for Danifae.It was a dark elf who had picked him out from the dark background using the magical ability she, like all drow, was born with.Who else could it be? She must have already killed Halisstra, Ryld thought.The world exploded in agonizing light, and he could hear something big runningat him.Ryld had been trained to fight when unable to see, and as the foe that blindedhim charged, he fell back on that training.The weapons master surprised himself with how well he'd adapted to the way sound traveled on the surface world.He timed Danifae's charge-and it had to be Danifae-so that when she was no more than three strides from him, he stepped to the side.The echoes were oddly spaced.It almost sounded as if Danifae had four legs.That aside, Ryld had estimated correctly, and he stepped out of the way of the former battle-captive in time to feel her brush past him in a rush of cold air and an unpleasant, uncharacteristic strong musky smell.Still blind, Ryld heard her scuffle to a stop in the ankle-deep, wet moss.She turned quickly and Ryld could feel her ready to come at him again.Ryld heaved Splitter in front of him, again as he was trained to do.The blade never bit into flesh and bone, but the purpose of that attack wasn't so much to kill as it was to fend off.He had been blinded by some sort of conjured light, which meant that his eyesight would return in time.The first rule of fighting blind was keeping yourself alive until you weren't blind anymore.It was exactly what he was supposed to do, but it didn't work [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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