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.What do we do now?"Berun rubbed his fingers through his beard."We go into the mountains.Deep into the Khopet-Dag.Sauk might follow us there, but his men won't.Leading so many into the mountains would attract unwelcome attention.He knows that.""And we won't?" asked Lewan."I'll be careful," said Berun."We're going to the yaqubi." "The yaqubi? Why?""Chereth and I lived with them for a couple of seasons." The ghost of a smile flickered over Berun's lips."It's where Ifound and bonded Perch.The yaqubi are good people.You'll be safe there.""Safe?" said Lewan.His heart skipped a beat and started hammering in his chest."You mean.you're leaving me?" "Lewan—""You can't! Please! I—""Lewan!" Berun grabbed Lewan's shoulders and shook him.Lewan closed his mouth with an audible snap.He blinked and stared at Berun, trying to find the words that would convince his master.Berun was the only father he had known since his own father.Lewan clenched his eyes shut and turned away.He could feel a sob building in the back of his throat.I will not cry, he told himself, and he took a deep breath to calm himself."Listen to me, Lewan," said Berun."What Sauk told me.I don't know if any of it is true or not.Chereth, the Old Man.any of it.But I have to know.I have to be sure.If there is even a chance that my master is alive.""I'll come with you.""No.""I'm ready, master.I am! I can help.I—""No, Lewan." Berun did not shout.His voice was low, almost gruff, but there was no room for argument in it."No.Not to Sentinelspire.You don't know that place.It is.""What?""It's.hard to see clearly there." "I don't understand.""I know." Berun offered a smile, but it never touched his eyes, and in the gloom of the forest the expression seemed almost obscene."You must understand, Lewan.Sentinelspire is a realm built on blood.Murder.Despite what the bards may tell you, murder doesn't come easy.At least not to most people.Killing a man is a hard thing.Killing for no good reason save that you're told to do so.that's.damn.Idon't have the words.It's not natural, is what it is.You have to convince a man not only that he can kill, but that he wants to.To do that." Berun shook his head."I don't want you anywhere near that place.""I'm strong, master," said Lewan."You've taught me well.I'm not afraid.""That's what worries me.That's how the Old Man gets to you.""But—""No, Lewan." Berun's voice was hard.Cold."My mind is set as stone.I'm going alone.When I'm done, I'll come for you.""And if you don't come back?" Even Lewan could hear the petulance in his voice.Like a child.A scared little boy.But he didn't care."What then? What about me?"Berun held the silence a moment, looking him eye to eye, then said, "Get some rest.We move at first light."Chapter Twelve16Tarsakh, the Year of Lightning Storms (1374 DR) The foothills of the Khopet-DagMorning dawned no drier.Lewan woke to the sound of the rain roaring outside their shelter.Sitting across from him, his head resting against the remains of a long dead waxleaf shrub, Berun slept, his lips open slightly.Sometime during the night Berun had changed into dry clothes and braided his hair to keep it out of his face.Lewan sat up.His muscles were stiff, and though his injured arm still hurt, the pain was good.Pain was feeling; the numbness was gone.Lewan leaned over and shook Berun."Master, wake up.It's morning."Berun's eyes snapped open.He looked around and groaned."I didn't mean to sleep.""You can't exhaust yourself," said Lewan."Yesterday was hard.""Today will be harder," said Berun."We must go far and fast.The rain will help to hide us.All but the biggest spiders will stay under cover.But it won't make traveling pleasant."Lewan looked outside.Above the trees, the rain still came down in sheets, and millions of tiny waterfalls fell from leaves and branches.Water had begun to seep into Lewan andBerun's shelter, and a tiny river was running down the hill just beyond the pile of leaves near the entrance."Should we not wait out the storm?" asked Lewan."We dare not risk it.Sauk and his band are still too close for my liking.""You said the venom would take a few days to work through their blood.""I also said we shouldn't underestimate Sauk.We need to have leagues behind us come nightfall."+++++They shared a light meal and washed it down with rainwater, then set about securing their packs and tightening their bootlaces.Berun hesitated at the entrance."What's wrong, master?""Help me," said Berun, and he began stringing his bow.It was no easy task in the cramped confines of their shelter.But wedging it between them, Lewan holding one end while Berun secured the string on the other, they managed."The rain will ruin your string," said Lewan."I have a spare," said Berun."But until we're deep in the mountains, I'll feel better with it." Berun looked out at the wet morning gloom."I'd feel a great deal better if I knew where Perch and the tiger had gone.""Still nothing from Perch?"Berun shook his head.Lewan could see the worry on his face."In this weather," said Lewan, "I'm sure he holed up somewhere.""Under normal circumstances," said Berun, "so would a tiger.But.""These are hardly normal circumstances." Lewan tried to force a smile."And that's hardly a normal tiger.So I'll walk with the bow, rain be damned."They left their shelter, huddled in their damp cloaks.Their breath steamed in the cool morning air."Walking will warm us," said Berun."I'll risk a fire tonight to dry our things."Lewan looked around [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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