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."Do you accuse me of frivolity?"Vhok shook his head vehemently."No, Lord Axithar.I only wish to make you aware of how useful I can be.""You think highly of yourself, cambion.You are dangerous."Vhok felt his breath grow short.He was ruining it.Prove it to him.With every bit of his willpower fighting to keep from turning and fleeing, Vhok gave the balor his full gaze."Make me dangerous to your enemies, Lord," he said.He hated how much pleading there was in the tone of his voice, but he pressed on."Let me serve you in myriad ways.""What exactly is it you want for this magnanimous service?" the balor asked, turning to stroll across the chamber again.The flames writhing upon its body glowed brighter."Tell me quickly.I grow tired of you and your game.""A command," Vhok replied, hoping against hope that he was not pressing his luck too far."Give me a command of my own and let me use it to pursue your enemies.Not just during the attack on the House, but across the multiverse."The balor laughed again."Are you a general?" he asked."You do not look like a general.""Where I once dwelled, I was," Vhok said, trying to hold himself a bit straighter, even though he still knelt."I commanded an army.I could serve you well in this way."The balor continued to pace, circling Vhok.The cambion could feel the fire radiating from the towering demon as he drew close.The fiend leaned his head down so that it was right next to Vhok."We shall see, cambion," Axithar said in a low rumble."For now, tell me what you know."Vhok began reciting anything and everything he could remember about the House of the Triad.He described the lands, the floating islands, and the Court.Lord Axithar listened attentively and asked many questions, and when the cambion did not know an answer, he admitted it.Vhok gave more than just facts, though.He offered his opinions on the weaknesses of the realm's defenses.He described how he might attack the Court, how he would divide his forces, and what he would expect the angels to do in reaction to such an attack.The description became a discussion.Lord Axithar debated details with Vhok, nodded when he liked what the cambion offered in the way of strategy and tactics, grimaced and stomped around the room when he did not.Vhok was careful to remain deferential, but as the hours stretched on and he grew more comfortable that the balor believed him knowledgeable, the half-fiend relaxed, became more assertive with his theories.When he was finished, Vhok's throat was parched, but he was certain he had satisfied Lord Axithar's demands to prove himself worthy."Go," the balor commanded at last.Lord Axithar motioned for the ram-headed demon that had brought Vhok to come forward."Give him guest quarters," the balor instructed."See that he has every comfort.Food, wine, female companionship.Do not leave him wanting for anything." He looked at Vhok then, who was trying very hard not to grin."Rest, prepare.You will have your command."Vhok bowed deeply before Lord Axithar."I am most grateful, my lord.You will reap the rewards of this wise decision."The balor waved him away, and Vhok left the searing throne room, following the ram-headed demon back down the wide hallway.This time, the cambion hardly noticed the tormented beings writhing in the alcoves.Aliisza stood, as her companions did, in the center of the semicircular chamber of the High Council.She wore a simple robe of white cloth.Though she had already been compelled through Garin and Nilsa's divine magic to cooperate, she had been restrained with manacles that she could sense would prevent her from doing any sort of magical travel.They remembered my trick with Kaanyr before, she thought, feeling morose.Beside her, Kael, Pharaun, and Eirwyn stood similarly attired and restrained.The drow appeared in his true form, as he had the night before, in the enchanted garden.Aliisza had blinked when he arrived in such a state and had given him a quizzical look."A bit of divine intervention," he explained with a mock whisper, "the granting of a small request."The only one they were waiting for was Tauran.The chamber felt different to Aliisza.She could sense an undercurrent of chaos mingled with the officious, businesslike manner of those in attendance [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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