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."I don't have to remind you of what will happen if you decide to act on your impulses," Grozier said in a low voice."I'm sure that, should I ask my two accomplices here, they will also tell me why you resisted your urge to spill the truth."Marga drew back, until her head was pressed against the back of the chair, and still she wanted to draw away even more."Please," she said, her voice nearly a whimper."I know what you'll do.I can't help my feelings, but I'm not crossing you, I swear by Tyr's scales.I will not.The thoughts—they just come, and I—" And she did look away, then, turned her head to one side and cried, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth as the fear and pain washed over her.Grozier drew back, seemingly satisfied."You fret too much," he said in a more jovial tone, countering Marga's wretched mood."And you do not see the benefits of our arrangement yet."Marga sniffed and wiped a tear from her cheek, feeling angry again.She turned and looked at her brother with a scowl."What? You mean all the glory and wealth that is Obiron and Quindy's to be had, once you've seized control of House Matrell? Oh, yes let's allow them to live up to their father's and uncle's legacies! Let's teach them that the corrupt path, the path of deceit and theft, will take them far in this world.Yes, I'm overjoyed at such—""Enough!" Grozier shouted, making Marga jump from his vehemence."Like it or not, this is the life before you.You stand at a crossroads, sister.You can choose to live out your days with your children, watching them grow as I guide them to their rightful places as the heirs of this House, or you can.be elsewhere.It changes nothing for me, of course, but I would think you might want to remain living in this world and be a part of the rest of their lives."Marga watched her brother's seething face as he spat the hateful words at her, blinking in terror but unable to react at all.She knew Grozier well enough to know that he was not making an idle threat.If she stood in his way, if she tried to prevent him from gaining his revenge upon the rest of the Matrell family for their part in turning his plans awry, he would kill her and think little of it.It was as simple as that."She knows you do not bluff," one of the creatures said, but in its own voice then, not that of one of her children."She knows you will kill her if she does hot cooperate."Both Marga and Grozier turned to look at the thing, standing behind Grozier in its natural form.It was all gangly arms and legs, except for its head, which was large and round, like an egg.The thing's skin was gray and hairless.It was repulsive to look upon, but what unnerved Marga the most were its eyes.They were large and round, yellow orbs with narrow slits.She would have said they looked like a cat's eyes, but such a description was inaccurate.No, she decided, they were the eyes of an octopus.Cold and dead, they seemed, and they stared straight at her.She knew the creature was reading her mind right then, could sense her loathing of it."Good," Grozier said, stepping back from Marga and turning to face the thing directly."She's a smart girl.Because I would, you know," he said."Yes," the creature replied in a deadpan tone, its voice strangely dissonant and hollow."I know you would."Grozier chuckled."Of course you do." Then he turned away and began to pace."But I didn't just show up to taunt or threaten my lovely sister tonight.No, I have most exciting news." He moved besideBartimus, who had been standing in the shadows at the corner of the room, staying out of the way until needed, as usual.Grozier clapped the mage on the shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie, then spun and continued his pacing."It seems that various members of the Matrell family have gotten themselves into some unfortunate scrapes today.Sadly, the family is being whittled down to nothing, little by little."Marga gasped, unable to contain her sudden dread."Oh, yes," Grozier replied, picking up on the woman's fear."Apparently, the ship that was carrying Lieutenant Vambran Matrell and Quartermaster Kovrim Lazelle sank off the coast of Reth today, and all hands are presumed dead or missing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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