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.Apparently, the wizard remained concerned about the War Wizards' future after Tanalasta took the throne-this despite Azoun's personal guarantee that their position would be secure no matter who succeeded him."Perhaps it was Princess Tanalasta who commissioned you, Harvestmaster?" Merula continued to look at Dauneth.Azoun forced himself to keep an impassive face and stay silent.The matter fell under the purview of the Lord High Warden, and any interference from the king would be taken either as a sign of favor to the priests, or as a lack of confidence in the crown princess's obedience to duty."I am sorry to say that Princess Tanalasta did not commission us." Owden addressed himself directly to Azoun."You see, Sire, it was something of an emergency.We happened across a free farmer who had seen the blight-bearer-""This tall beggar you have been asking about," said Azoun, happy for any pretext to take control of the conversation."You know, of course, that your inquiries have created a panic.""I apologize, Majesty," Owden said, plucking at his purple cape, "but that is the reason for our disguises.We had hoped the inquiries of a company of Purple Dragons would seem less conspicuous.""And well they might have, if you had acted like a company of soldiers," said Azoun."In pausing to repair every blighted field you happened across, you persuaded everyone you met that I am so concerned about the situation that I have begun commissioning whole companies of priests.""It may come to that yet, Majesty," said Owden."I'm sure you hope it will," said Dauneth, "but I won't have you causing a panic in these lands simply to promote yourselves.The peasants are already burning each others' fields at the first sign of a wilt, and seven men have been murdered for the crime of matching your beggar's description."Owden's face fell at the news, but he kept his gaze fixed on Azoun."I am sorry to have caused this trouble, Majesty, but it changes nothing.We must find this blight-carrier and stop him from wandering about.Until we do that, we must keep restoring the fields he infects and prevent the disease from spreading on its own.""I am sure he'll be found soon," said Azoun."Every company of Purple Dragons north of the High Road is watching for him.Nor do I think there is much chance of the blight spreading on its own-not with the peasants burning their fields at the first sign of a brown leaf.""That will help certainly, but we are much practiced in these matters," said Owden."You must let us continue our search-if not as Purple Dragons, then as humble clerics.""I'm afraid that won't be possible," said Dauneth.Owden finally directed his attention to the High Warden."You're arresting us?"'The Lord High Warden has no choice," said Merula, smirking."Impersonating a royal agent is a high crime, punishable by death.""By death?" This from one of Owden's priests, a young red-haired woman no more than twenty."We were only trying to help!"Merula gave the woman a crocodile's smile."I'm sorry, but unless Princess Tanalasta commissioned you-""She didn't," said Owden.He shot the woman a warning scowl, then rose and stepped toward Dauneth."Do with us what you must, Lord Warden, but I pray you, do not let this dark beggar wander these lands long.The blight may seem a little enough thing now, but that is only because we have contained it."Moving slowly so as not to alarm the guards, the harvestmaster pulled his mace from its carrying loop and presented the handle to Dauneth.Azoun shot Merula a look that left no doubt about how the wizard's mistrust had been received.Merula looked the other way and pretended not to notice, more secure than he should be in Vangerdahast's ability to shield him from royal displeasure.The man's smugness was a better argument than any Tanalasta had made for taking the war wizards down a notch.Dauneth kept his hands on his saddle horn, making no move to accept Owden's mace."Actually, Merula may have overstated matters." The High Warden cast a querying glance at Azoun, who smiled inwardly but kept a stern outer face and nodded curtly."As I recall, those robes were issued to you on command of the royal magician for the purpose of escorting Princess Tanalasta into the Stonelands [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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